

单词 select group
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A select group of people were used for this experiment.
一支精心挑选出来的队伍来做这个实验。 koolearn

A select group of companies and researchers have been given the task of designing and building the Space Solar Power System SSPS.
一些经过精挑细选的企业和研究人员承担起了设计和建造空间太阳能系统 SSPS的任务。 yeeyan

After all, they were not awarding the Best Author on the Planet prize, but an award for which a select group of people were eligible.
毕竟,他们不是要颁奖给这颗星球上最好的作家,而只是给一群合乎资格的候选人颁发一个奖项而已。 ecocn

Deming was one of a select group of thought leaders who have shaped modern management over the last century.
Deming是上世纪对现代管理学形成有重大影响的思想领袖之一。 infoq

Getting involved in a sport or club allows you to become part of a select group or team.
参加一项体育活动或俱乐部球队会让你成为某个团队的一份子。 whoiswhochina

Lord Voldemort used this select group of wizards and witches, employing them as his elite force. They often wore black hoods to cover their faces.
伏地魔利用了这些巫师和女巫们,雇佣他们成为他的精英部队。这些人经常带着黑色斗篷帽遮住脸部。 mofunenglish

Only a select group of CIA officers knew he had been whisked to a secret prison for interrogation in Afghanistan.
只有一小撮中情局高官知道他被关到阿富汗的一座秘密监狱接受审讯。 yeeyan

Warren Buffett is known for sharing his knowledge, and Meg Whitman spoke to a select group of recent female Harvard graduates in January.
沃伦.巴菲特是出了名的愿意与人分享他的成功的人,在一月份,梅格.惠特曼就对即将毕业的哈佛女生们发表演说。 yeeyan




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