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词汇 Seiji
释义 Seiji
By declaring his candidacy, Seiji Maehara, a49-year-old former foreign minister, instantly became the front-runner within the ruling Democratic Party of JapanDPJ to replace Mr Kan.
前任日本外相,49岁的前原诚司,已经表明他的参选意愿,而他也迅速成为执政党民主党内的最有可能替代菅的候选人。 ecocn

The Finance minister and Industry minister are the front runners in the leadership race, but former foreign minister, Seiji Maehara, has reemerged as another potential candidate.
财务大臣和工业部长是在党魁竞争中处于领先地位,但是日本前外交部长前原诚司作为另一名潜在候选人再度出现。 hxen

Transport minister Seiji Maehara said he was against frequent leadership change even though Hatoyama should take responsibility for his recent political bungling by staying on to do a better job.
通商大臣前原诚司表示,即使鸠山由纪夫应该为最近的政治漏子承担责任也不该频繁更换领导人,还是该留下来把工作做到更好。 yeeyan

“ If we can find proof, our country will take appropriate measures,” said Japan’s foreign minister, Seiji Maehara.
日本外交部的前原诚司表示“如果我们得到相关证据会采取合适的措施应对。” yeeyan

Seiji Kameda, an arranger and producer who has worked with Sheena since she was17, says, “ She always wanted to be a musical pioneer.”
亀田诚治,一位从椎名17岁起便和她合作的编曲和制作人说,“她一直想要成为一个音乐上的拓荒者。” yeeyan

Seiji Okawa is a banker from Osaka. He is discussing correspondent bank relationships with George Danforth, a banker from Chicago.
小川正治是来自大阪的银行家,他正和来自芝加哥的银行家乔治·丹福思讨论入来行之间关系问题。 putclub

Seiji Uchida,48, who lost the ability to walk in a car accident27 years ago, said he has long dreamed of visiting the picturesque abbey of Mont Saint- Michel, set on a rocky islet in Normandy.
今年48岁的小泽征内田,27年前在一场车祸中丧失了行走能力。他一直梦想有一天能够登上诺曼底的岩石小岛,去参观一下圣米歇尔山那如画般生动别致的大修道院。 yeeyan

Although the restructuring plan is expected to take3 years, Land, Transport, and Tourism Minister Seiji Maehara says the government will act swiftly, without disrupting service to passengers.
虽然改组计划预期耗时三年,土地,运输和旅游部长前原诚司说政府会快速行动,同时不中断对乘客的服务。 hjenglish

China's reaction was, in the words of Seiji Maehara, Japan's foreign minister, “ fairly hysterical”.

In Washington just days after the new government took office, Mr Noda’s policy chief, Seiji Maehara, called for a review of Japan’s ban on exporting arms technology.
在华盛顿,新政府掌权仅仅几天后,野田的政调会长,前原诚司要求审核对日本禁止武器技术出口法规。 ecocn

Japan's Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara demanded the remaining Japanese being held be released quickly.
日本外务大臣前原诚司要求中方尽快释放被押日本公民。 yeeyan

Once a time, Seiji Qzawa, the famous Japanese conductor, was moved to tears by the erhu solo.
有一次,日本音乐家小泽征尔先生指挥乐团演奏后感动得跪在地上,流下了眼泪。 chinese

Other possible contenders, like Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Seiji Maehara, the transportation minister, have declared their support for Mr. Kan.
其他可能的竞争人选,如外相冈田克也和国土交通大臣前原诚司都表示支持菅直人。 yeeyan

Separately, Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara warned that any such visit would“ hurt the feelings of the Japanese people”.
日本外交大臣前原诚司在不同场合也告诫俄罗斯,这样的访问“伤害了日本人民的感情”。 yeeyan

Seiji Maehara, a former party leader, says that to insist on UN backing is to give Russia and China a veto over Japanese foreign policy.
前任党魁前原诚司表示,若坚持要获得联合国的支持才行动,则就是把日本外交政策的否决权交给了俄国和中国。 ecocn

Seiji Maehara, Japan’s foreign minister, resigned after just six months in office after admitting he had accepted$3,000 in donations from a Korean resident of Japan.
日本外相前原诚司在承认接受一名日籍韩国人3000美元的政治献金后辞职,仅仅在任6个月。 ecocn

Seiji Maehara, the new foreign minister in Mr Kan’s government, is on the party’s realist wing.
菅直人政府的新外相前原诚司是属于党内的现实主义派。 yeeyan




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