

单词 Segovia
释义 Se·go·vi·a 英sɪˈgəʊviːə, seˈgɔːvjɑː美sɪˈgoviə, sɛˈgɔvjɑAHDsĭ-gōʹvē-ə, sĕ-gôʹvyä 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
塞哥维亚²⁰西班牙城市;塞哥维亚省首府⁴⁰; n²⁰.;塞哥维亚²⁰西班牙中部一城市;塞哥维亚省首府

Spanish guitarist who made classical guitar a concert instrument 1893-1987Segovia: Book Now - Pay on Check Out!在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.
How hasSegoviainfluenced your teaching style?塞戈维亚影响你的教学风格了吗?
EMMA: What'sSegovialike? Is it famous for anything?埃玛:塞哥维亚有什么特色吗?比如有什么著名之处?
RAUL: Well, at the moment I'm living in Madrid but my home town isSegovia.劳尔:噢,现在我住在马德里,但老家是塞哥维亚。
“Daddy of them all? They are not even my illegitimate children” - AndresSegoviaon George Harrison's comment.翻译:“他们所有人的父亲?他们甚至不是我的私生子…”-A.塞戈维亚
The RH in theSegoviaarchive is higher than most archivists would consider safe.档案馆从大楼建筑物获取热量,所以不能被称为真正的被动式控制。 Cat Born in Segovia, Spain.
一只出身在西班牙塞戈维亚的小猫。 yeeyan

How has Segovia influenced your teaching style?
塞戈维亚影响你的教学风格了吗? guitarera.com

Maria Segovia is the sister of one of the trapped miners.
玛利亚•塞戈维亚是一名被困矿工的妹妹。 hjenglish

The elements that made Segovia the greatest guitarist in the world were his great technique, his passion, his beautiful sound, and his ability to communicate all of that to the public.
塞戈维亚之所以成为全世界最伟大的吉他家,主要因素包括他伟大的技巧、他的热情、他优美的音色,以及他能够把这些东西与公众交流的能力。 guitarera.com

To be honest, I feel it has become necessary for me to become open about what my reservations with Segovia were.
坦诚说来,我觉得自己很有必要把我对塞戈维亚的保留意见公开出来。 guitarchina

When the lessons are over, he plays for me his Flamenco melodies and songs of Segovia.
课后,他为我演奏弗拉曼柯舞曲和塞高维亚乐曲。 blog.sina.com.cn

As Segovia traveled the world, he and the guitar became more and more popular.
塞戈维亚世界巡演的同时,他和吉他也变得越来越流行。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even now, whereas small provincial cities like Valladolid and Segovia are connected to a new line, it will still take several years to link up with France’s network.
即便是现在,小型省会城市如瓦利阿多里德和塞戈维亚间也有高速铁路连接,仍要在几年的等待之后新干线才会和法国铁路网驳接。 ecocn

His rousing success in New York led to offers for more appearances in America and Europe, and a trip to the Orient in 1929. Segovia and the classical guitar had arrived.
他在纽约取得的成功使他得到更多在美洲和欧洲演出的邀请,在1929年,塞戈维亚把古典吉他带到了东方。 blog.sina.com.cn

I moved to Segovia in Spain, my dad's home town.
我搬去了我父亲的家乡,西班牙的 Segovia。 yeeyan

I was so impressed with Segovia's playing that I started classical, loved it, and stayed with it.
我被塞戈维亚的演奏深深打动了,于是便开始学习古典吉他,热爱古典吉他并一直坚持下来。 guitarchina

Over the coming years, Segovia would perfect his technique and push luthiers to experiment with new woods and designs that could increase the natural amplification of the guitar.
随后的几年中,塞戈维亚的技艺日臻纯熟,鼓励弦乐器工匠去对吉他进行木材和设计方面的设计改进试验,这样放大了吉他自然音量。 blog.sina.com.cn

These students, along with the many others, carry on Segovia's tradition, while at the same time expanding the classical guitar's presence, repertoire, and musical boundaries.
这些学生,以及其他学生,继承了塞戈维亚的传统,同时扩展丰富了吉他的表演、保留曲目和音乐界线。 blog.sina.com.cn

Under the Segovia's Roman water bridge, to enjoy the granite piled up by the twenty thousand, composed of a long row of arches of water Bridge, spectacular beauty.
站在塞哥维亚的古罗马水道桥底下,欣赏那由两万颗花岗岩堆起,一长排孔洞组成的水道桥,极为壮观美丽。 wowviewer

Victor Segovia spent a year recovering after a rock slammed into his back.
维克多塞戈维亚被石块击中背部,花了一年才痊愈。 yeeyan

Segovia gave his first concert in Spain at the age of sixteen, with his professional debut at the age of twenty in Madrid.
塞戈维亚在16岁时在西班牙举行了他第一场音乐会,20岁时在马德里进行第一次专业性的登场演出。 blog.sina.com.cn

Segovia had organized, or was involved in organizing, a guitar competition in Switzerland and asked me to compete in it.
塞戈维亚在瑞士组织了或者说是参与组织了一场吉他比赛,要求我参加。 guitarchina

Segovia A medieval city where is the home of Snow White's Castle( Alcazar.
塞哥维亚浓厚中世纪味道的城区,白雪公主的城堡 Alcazar。 wowviewer

Segovia was so taken with their performance at their New York debut that he wrote to Mario Castelnuovo- Tedesco asking him to consider writing for two guitars.
塞戈维亚被他们在纽约首次登场的表演深深打动了,他马上给马里奥·卡斯特罗夫·特德斯科写信,要求他考虑一下写两把吉他的作品。 guitarchina

Segovia had many students throughout his career.
在塞戈维亚的艺术生涯中有许多学生。 blog.sina.com.cn

Segovia not only taught students himself, he indirectly taught and influenced thousands and thousands of guitarists worldwide. He is truly the father of the classical guitar.
塞戈维亚不仅亲自教学,他同时间接影响了世界成千上万的吉他手。他被誉为吉他之父当之无愧。 blog.sina.com.cn

Segovia's quest to elevate the guitar to a prominent position in the music world, began at the early age of four.
在塞戈维亚年仅四岁的时候,他就开始探索着想把吉他提高到世界音乐的领先地位。 blog.sina.com.cn

Segovia's quest lead him to America in 1928 for his first concert in New York.
1928年,塞戈维亚的探索使他能够在美国纽约举行他第一场音乐会。 blog.sina.com.cn




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