

单词 bagging
释义 bag·ging 英ˈbægɪŋ美ˈbægɪŋAHDbăgʹĭng COCA⁴⁰³¹⁷BNC⁵⁶³⁷⁵iWeb⁵⁰¹¹¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

coarse fabric used for bags or sacksbrown-bag自带上餐馆; 自带上…bag袋bagging scale装袋秤bagging apparatus装袋装置bagging equipment装袋设备mill bagging脱滚现象bagging point装袋装置bagging machine打包机bagging auger装袋螺旋推运器…bagging spout装袋出料管bagging station装袋站bagging hopper装袋料斗bagging attachment装袋装置brown bagging餐馆或俱乐部之聚饮[…bagging off装袋bagging scales装袋秤
bagg,-ing动名词⇒n.医放于人面部需通过挤压来帮助呼吸的气囊;制袋材料动词bag的现在分词形式.n.装袋;袋布;制袋材料⁶⁷;袋料;装包;打包;套袋;装填;打包布_null.动词bag的现在分词形式近义词 sacking麻袋布
Ahead of Rio’s bagging of the 2016 Olympic games last autumn, rivals muttered about its criminal violence.
去年秋天,里约热内卢争取2016年奥运会的主办城市,竞争对手私下抱怨里约热内卢的犯罪暴力。 ecocn

And so, he got hired to come to the UK, and got the job at Victoria University after bagging a Nobel in chemistry.

Unexpected item in bagging area. Please try again.
装袋区出现不明物体,请再试一次。 hjenglish

After your tea bagging session, put them back in the freezer for the next run.
茶叶袋敷完后再把它放回冰箱给下次用。 yeeyan

Create the habit of brown bagging it to work, or watching DVDs instead of going to the movies, or whatever change will lead to saving money for you.
要做的是建立自备午餐的习惯,租DVD回来而不是去电影院看电影,或者建立其他一切可以给你省钱的习惯。 yeeyan

Each year the country's grouse moors are invaded by a tweed-clad army of“ guns” intent on bagging a brace or two of birds on the opening day of the shooting season.
每年此时,英国栖满松鸡的沼泽地都会遭到“斜纹呢子军”的围剿,每杆枪的主人都希望能在开猎的第一天装上一两只松鸡回去。 ecocn

Earth- bagging is the main focus this week.
本周主要工作是垒土建房。 yeeyan

Perhaps I should write a headhunter’s guide to bagging the man of your dreams.
也许我该写一本教你将梦想老公收入囊中的猎头指南。 blog.sina.com.cn

She is one shopper who takes responsibility in bagging her own goods.
她是一名承担责任把食品装进袋子的顾客。 hxen

Since then, what used to such a natural and free part of bagging shopping has required additional charge.
此后,那些过去习惯于这种自然免费的袋装购物也要求进行额外收费。 hxen

Sometimes it means even more when people know what they are being thanked for e.g. Thanks so much John for bagging up my groceries.
有时这更加意味着别人知道为什么被人感谢.非常感谢 John为我包装杂货. yeeyan

Unfortunately, bagging a higher valuation is not always as easy as listing on a different exchange.
但不幸的是,怀揣过高的估价并非与在异地股市上市一样简单。 ecocn

We all know that brown- bagging is an instant money- saver, but many of us still fall prey to eating out far more often than we can afford to.
我们都知道自带便当是一个有效的省钱方法。但我们中的很多人仍然挥霍的在外面吃,超出了自己的预算。 yeeyan

We all know the benefits of brown bagging your lunch.
我们都知道自带午餐的好处。 yeeyan

You’re already forgoing restaurant takeout and brown- bagging it.
如果你想放弃从餐厅带外卖或带便当。 yeeyan




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