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词汇 seeks
释义 seek·s 英siːk美siːk COCA⁶³⁶³BNC⁴⁶⁵³Economist³⁸³⁵
vt. & vi. 寻找; 探寻

make a search for; look for

vt. 请求,征求; 求教

ask for, go to request

vt. & vi. 企图,试图

try to find or get sth; make an attempt

the movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk
try to get or reach;

seek a position

seek an education

seek happiness

try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of;

The police are searching for clues

They are searching for the missing man in the entire county

make an effort or attempt;

He tried to shake off his fears

The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps

The police attempted to stop the thief

He sought to improve himself

She always seeks to do good in the world

go to or towards;

a liquid seeks its own level

inquire for;

seek directions from a local


❌ He seeks making peace.

✔️ He seeks to make peace.


seek, seek for

这两个词组的区别是:当表示“寻找”时, seek for含有“更加坚持达到目标的意味”。

seek for, seek out


seek for强调找的动作; seek out强调找出的结果。例如:

Eby is seeking for his pencil in the drawer.伊比正在抽屉里找他的铅笔。
They sought him out among the crowd.他们在人群中找到了他。seek after, seek for


Who are you seeking for〔after〕?你在找谁?


seek after比seek for语气更强,且更多用于表示“追求”“探索”等义, seek for则更多用于“寻找具体物品”。例如:

We are earnestly seeking after the truth.我们热切地追求真理。
He determined to seek for building more suited to their needs.他决心另找一座更适合他们需要的房子。seek, explore, hunt, search

这四个词都有“寻找”“搜索”的意思。其区别在于:第一, hunt和search都是指搜寻具体的人或某一具体事物,而seek则指对崇高目的或抽象事物的追求或向往; explore指对未知事物或新生事物的探索、观察与研究。第二, hunt含有急切的意味,也常指无结果地寻找,而另外三词没有此种意味。例如:

A police patrol was organized to search for him.警察巡逻队被组织起来去寻找他。
We must explore all the possibilities.我们必须探讨所有的可能性。
We are earnestly seeking after the truth.我们在认真地寻找真理。
I've hunted high and low for my socks.我到处在找我的短袜。search,seek,comb





用作动词 v.
~+名词seek advice请教seek comfort追求安逸seek happiness追求幸福seek help求助seek information搜集情报seek truth追求真理seek wealth追求财富~+副词seek aimlessly无目的地寻找seek assiduously努力追求seek constantly经常寻求seek contentiously有争议地追求seek desperately绝望地寻找seek eagerly急切的追寻seek faithfully忠实地追寻seek habitually习惯地寻找seek idly无聊地寻求seek industriously勤劳地追寻seek instinctively本能地寻找seek obstinately固执地追求seek patiently耐心地寻找seek persistently坚持寻找seek tirelessly不知疲倦地追求seek unavailingly徒劳地寻找seek all around四处寻找seek out寻出,搜出,想获得seek out a shady spot找到一个阴凉地方seek through搜遍~+介词seek after寻求seek after the truth追求真理seek for寻求seek for employment求职seek from从…寻求seek advice from lawyer请教律师seek information from various sources从各种来源搜集情报seek truth from facts实事求是
seek after v.+prep.

寻求,追求… try to gain (sth that one desires such as a quality as by inner enquiry)

seek after sthHe is seeking after wealth and power.他在追求财富和权力。
His company is greatly sought after.他的公司深受人们的欢迎。
These books are eagerly sought after.这些书很多人都迫切想要。
The works of this playwright are much sought after.这位剧作家的作品深受欢迎。
The girl is sought after by my friend.那个姑娘被我的朋友爱上了。
seek for v.+prep.

寻求,探求 try to find

seek for sthFor over 100 years, men have sought for gold in the hills.一百多年以来人们一直在山中寻找黄金。
He was seeking among his untidy papers for the right one.他在乱七八糟的文件堆中找他想要的那一件。
He is seeking for employment.他在找工作。
Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.找一位有经验的科学家来担当此职。
Many people spend years seeking for peace of mind, often with little success.很多人年复一年地寻求心灵的平静,却很难如愿以偿。
They are seeking for a solution to the problem.他们在寻求解决这一问题的办法。seek sth for sthOther people seek the mountains for renewal of their inner lives.另一些人到深山中去,以重新开始自己的精神生活。
seek from v.+prep.

从…中寻找〔找到〕 look for sth from

seek sth from sthWhen the snowstorm grew worse, we had to seek shelter from the cold in a hut that we found.暴风雪越来越大,我们只得到一间我们找到的棚子里去避寒。
What advantages are you seeking from this change of job?你想从变动工作中得到什么好处?
You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见。
seek into v.+prep.

仔细检查 check up or examine sth carefully

seek into sthThe police have no right to seek into the lives of ordinary citizens without just cause.没有正当理由警察无权过问普通公民的生活。
seek out v.+adv.

找出 look for and find

seek sb/sth ⇔ outHe sought out his friend in the crowd.他在人群中找到他的朋友。
The tourists sought out a shady spot where they sat down and rested.旅游者找到一块阴凉的地方坐下休息。近义词 combhuntsearchexplorerummagefeel forlook forferret out反义词 hide藏
S+~+AWe sought long and hard but found no answer.我们作了长期的艰苦探索,但没有找到答案。
Nothing seek, nothing find.无所求则无所获。
The reason is not far to seek.原因并不难去寻找。
An efficient leader is yet to seek.有能力的领导还没有找到。
The explanation is not far to seek.这种解释不难理解。
S+~+ n./pron.The police are still seeking the men involved in last week's robbery.警察仍在寻找跟上星期的抢劫案有牵连的那些人。
They seek neither fame nor fortune.他们既不追名,也不逐利。
Some people seek wealth and fame.有些人追求财富和名誉。
People are eager to seek peace.人民渴望寻求和平。
They moved to New York to seek jobs.他们迁到纽约去找工作。
He went to seek his lawyer's advice.他去请教律师。
She sought the opinion of several experts.她征求了几位专家的意见。
The risin and tannin that can be extracted from it are sought by the chemical industry.从中提取的松香和鞣酸是化学工业上很需要的。S+~+to- vWe've never sought to hide our views.我们从来不想隐瞒自己的观点。
We are seeking to achieve better results in the end of term examination.我们正设法把期终考试考好。
These men are seeking to destroy the government.这伙人正试图搞垮政府。
The company is seeking to improve its profitability.这家公司正设法增加赢利。
Power stations are seeking to reduce their use of oil.各发电站正试图降低燃油消耗。
They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world.他们正设法达到世界最先进的技术水平。



seek用于be to结构时,尽管主语是seek的逻辑宾语,句子也要用主动结构。


用作及物动词Tortured by fear, he decided toseekthe aid of a psychiatrist.他终日恐惧不安,决定寻求心理医生的帮助。
Many single people areseekingthat special someone.许多单身人士都在追求他们的唯一。
Some nations willseekthe change of their energy supply sources to reduce emissions, or for other reasons.为了减少碳排量,或是出于其他原因,一些国家试图改变他们的能源供应来源。用作不及物动词Youseekall day and you find it, and then you realize that it is worthless.你终日寻寻觅觅,找到了,之后却发现那根本不值得寻找。verb.look for
同义词 explore,follow,investigate,pursuechase,comb,delve,dragnet,fan,fish,hunt,inquire,mouse,nose,prowl,quest,ransack,root,scout,scratchbe after,beat the bushes,bird-dog,bob for,cast about,delve for,dig for,ferret out,fish for,go after,gun for,leave no stone unturned,look about,look around,look high and low,run after,search for,search out,sniff out,track down
反义词 ignore,shunanswer,find,neglect,replyverb.try, attempt
同义词 pursue,undertake,offeressay,assay,aim,struggle,endeavor,striveaspire to,have a go at
反义词 be idleanswer,neglect,findforgetreplylazeverb.ask, inquire
同义词 request,solicitentreat,query,invite,petition,begfind out
反义词 neglect,findanswerreply Does Mr. McCain have the judgment and temperament to deal with that part of the job he seeks?
麦凯恩先生具备处理他正在寻求得到的工作的足够的判断力和特质么? yeeyan

In move toward transparency, Bank opens vault of data, seeks collaboration on development research.
为增强透明度,世行公开数据库,寻求发展研究领域合作。 worldbank

An area of the teenager's brain that is fairly well- developed early on, though, is the nucleus accumbens, or the area of the brain that seeks pleasure and reward.
然而,青少年大脑中倒是有一个区域在早期就发育得相当成熟,这个区域就是伏隔核,大脑中寻求快感和奖励的区域。 yeeyan

Because I want to give her real, logical advice that will enable her to find what she so desperately seeks.
我想给她一些实际的、合乎情理的建议,让她能够发现她一直拼命寻找的是什么。 yeeyan

Business architecture seeks to provide a way of decreasing this lag by providing a linkage between business and IT.
业务体系结构在寻找通过提供业务和 IT之间的联系来减少此延迟的方法。 ibm

But the Lord seeks a reunion with those who seek Him in repentance.
但是上帝寻求与那些在悔改中寻求祂的人们和好。 yeeyan

Each of us seeks our own path to bliss.
我们每个人都在寻求自己的幸福之路。 ebigear

In all its programming, the Institute seeks to empower women and social entrepreneurs as proven agents of change in society.
在其所有的项目中,该协会寻求以女性和社会企业家作为社会变革的原动力。 yeeyan

Indeed, she seeks evidence for the claim and acknowledges it when she finds none.
确实,她只为那声言寻找证据,如果没有,她也会承认。 yeeyan

It also seeks faster and more efficient ways to design and build prototype machines.

One risk is that the group, if it seeks consensus, will produce an anodyne statement that adds little or nothing to the existing efforts to respond to the global slump.
其中一个风险就是,如果集团寻求全体一致,那么就会产生一个对现在经济危机作用很小甚至没有作用的平淡乏味的联合声明。 ecocn

So this is a massive problem, and we need to address it by making sure that every person who seeks testing and treatment for HIV is screened for TB and receives TB prevention or treatment as needed.
因此,这是一个巨大的问题,我们需要通过确保每一位寻求艾滋病毒测试和治疗的人都能够接受结核病筛查,并获得所需的结核病预防或治疗药物来应对这一问题。 who

Still, she seeks the approval of others in everything she does.
尽管如此,她也寻求其他人认可她所作的所有事。 yeeyan

Strategically, China seeks a continental“ back door” in case of any maritime blockade.
战略上,中国寻求一个陆地上的“后门”,以防止海运被封锁。 yeeyan

The charge was strongly denied by WWF, which argues that it seeks a“ constructive dialogue” with industries.
这项指控被 WWF强烈否认, WWF辩称它寻求与工业的一段“建设性的对话”。 yeeyan

This seeks, among other things, to create a parts list of biological components such as DNA cassettes that could be ordered from catalogues in the way that electronic components can be.
该领域寻求的目的之一,就是提供一个生物组分比如 DNA片段的“零件”库,这样就可以像订购电子元件一样从目录中订购生物“零件”。 ecocn

Ultimately, all that the United States seeks is a level playing field for its companies, where the cost and quality of their products determines whether or not they win business.
说到底,美国寻求的只是为美国的公司找到一个公平竞争的场地,让其产品的成本与质量决定它们是否能赢得商机。 putclub

We have established that consciousness is aware and seeks knowledge and that thus the conscious mind must question.
我们已经证实意识就是感知和寻求知识,因此有意识的大脑一定会提问。 yeeyan

You are but a fragment of your giant self, a mouth that seeks bread, and a blind hand that holds the cup for a thirsty mouth.
你不过是你的大我的一个碎片,一张寻求面包的嘴,一只盲目的、为一张干渴的嘴举着水杯的手。 ebigear




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