

单词 seek refuge
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American interest rates have fallen in recent days, as investors apparently seek refuge in Treasury bonds.
由于投资者购买国债避险,近日美国利率已明显下跌。 yeeyan

Or should we seek refuge against high oil prices, geopolitical shocks in the Middle East, and continued nuclear uncertainties in Japan, the world's third largest economy?
还是为高油价、中东地缘政治的冲击和日本这个世界第三大经济体核事故的持续不确定而寻求安全? xddhy

Repeated aftershocks complicated efforts and prompted thousands to seek refuge outside in makeshift tents scattered across the region.
反复的余震不仅使营救工作更加困难,也导致数千人不得不在各处的临时帐篷中避难。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sad to say, these facts make little or no impression on the flesh- eaters who seek refuge in the plant- killing argument.
说来很遗憾,这些事实对那些以杀植物论点为挡箭牌的吃肉的人不起什么作用。 yeeyan




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