

单词 seeking out
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“ Seeking out information about what has worked, or not in the past could keep you from reinventing the wheel, ” Finkelstein says.
芬克尔斯坦称:“了解曾经奏效或不奏效的方法,都可以帮你避免无用功。” fortunechina

By that same logic, he speculated, if future policies reduce the average amount of salt in food, people might compensate by seeking out saltier foods— or by simply eating still more of everything.
同样的逻辑,他预测说假如以后按新政策减低了食物中食盐的平均含量的话,人们又会寻找更咸的食品来进行补偿——或者仅仅是吃更多的东西来补偿。 yeeyan

Continue seeking out truth regarding your food choices and begin making small adjustments where you can.
我们要不断在日常饮食中寻求真理,并随时作出哪怕微小的调整。 yeeyan

Fans, however, take loyalty to the next level, seeking out specific brands, shopping only certain retailers, and closing their minds to other alternatives, as seen in Figure1.1.
但是,粉丝们进入到下一阶段的品牌忠诚,寻找特定的品牌,只在特定的零售商那购物并且不考虑其他的选择,就像图表1.1所示。 douban

Firms are seeking out less capital-intensive opportunities in areas like equities and advisory work.
投行正在诸如股票和咨询这类领域中寻找较低资本密集型的机会。 ecocn

I don't like it anymore than you do, but I'd like to fight it with informed consumers seeking out clever and more efficient competitors, rather than by government price- fixing.
我和你们一样并不喜欢银行收费行为,但是我愿意和正在寻找着更明智、更有效率的竞争者的那些有见识的消费者一起反对收费行为,而不是靠政府的价格操纵。 yeeyan

Instead, the US researchers said people looking for long-term relationships should select partners who were similar to themselves, rather than seeking out the highest quality partner available.
取而代之的是,美国的研究人员说,寻找长期婚姻关系的人们应该选择与自己性格相近的伴侣而不是寻求最优秀的伴侣。 examw

Meanwhile, now that oil prices have collapsed, cash-rich sovereign wealth funds are focused on supporting their own economies rather than seeking out investments on the other side of the globe.
与此同时,由于油价暴跌,现金充裕的主权财富基金已将重点放在了支持本国经济上,而不是到地球其它角落寻找投资机会。 ebigear

Prof Desai does not recommend seeking out failure in order to learn.
德赛教授不是建议大家,为了从中学到什么而特意去寻找失败。 yeeyan

Since then, I have been actively seeking out Web sites that are usable on the device.
从那以后,我就一直在寻找可以用它来浏览的网站。 ibm

There are ways to ease the demographic strains, such as encouraging more women, foreigners and older people to join the labour force, or seeking out fast- growing markets abroad.
减轻人口压力的方式很多,像鼓励更多的妇女,外国人和老人回到劳动力市场,或者寻求快速增长的海外市场。 ecocn

They hypothesized that individuals with a genetic predisposition toward seeking out new experiences would tend to be more liberal.
他们推测,携带着倾向于寻求新经验的基因的个体将更趋向自由主义。 yeeyan

Through Sunnis in his government, such as the defence minister, he has been seeking out insurgent groups that might parley.
他还通过政府内的逊尼派,比如国防部长,来寻找有可能和谈的叛军组织。 ecocn

Travel businesses are seeking out social- media mavens and bloggers to sing their praises.
旅游企业正寻找社会媒体专家和博客主为他们做宣传。 yeeyan

With unemployment rising, and hours shrinking, many working poor and their children are falling into poverty and seeking out more government help.
随着失业率不断上升,工作小时数日益减少,很多贫困工人和他们子女正滑落至贫困线以下,正在寻求政府更多救助。 iciba

Yet here we are, several months later, and Assange is acting very much like an old- fashioned source, seeking out journalists even as he uploads the raw source documents to the web.
而再来看看数月以后的今天,,阿桑格在向网络上传原始材料之时,就像以前的泄密人一样,寻找新闻记者。 yeeyan

You also need to be pro- active in seeking out courses.
你在寻找课程方面也应该保持积极。 yeeyan

Seeking out stimulation through interesting work, volunteer opportunities or continuing education is beneficial.
要通过有趣的工作来寻找兴奋点,志愿者机会或继续教育都是有益的。 yeeyan




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