

单词 seedpods
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n.植心皮原型seedpod的三单 The inch- long larvae, flavored with garlic and soy sauce, reminded me in texture of delicate, nutty seedpods.
面包虫长约一英寸,用大蒜和酱油调味,口感让我想起松脆的带壳坚果。 yeeyan

Wisp grass seedpods sway in the wind in South Dakota's Badlands National Park.
一束束草心皮在位于南达科他的国家公园荒地里迎风起舞。 yeeyan

An ancient mummified forest, complete with well- preserved logs, leaves, and seedpods, has been discovered deep in the Canadian Arctic, scientists say.
科学家们说,位于加拿大北极地区最边缘处,发现了一大片化石森林,完整保存了大量的木材、树叶以及心皮。 yeeyan

When Barker and colleagues found where the scattered logs were coming from—a slope that had been eroded by a river— they dug in and found many more logs, as well as leaves and seedpods.
巴克尔和同事们弄清楚了,这些散落于地的木头化石来自一片被河流严重侵蚀的斜坡。他们在斜坡上向下挖掘,找到了更多的木头,还有树叶和心皮。 yeeyan




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