

单词 seeder
释义 seed·er 英ˈsiːdə美ˈsidɚAHDsēʹdər COCA²⁴⁰³⁸⁹iWeb⁴⁶³⁷⁹
a person who seeds cloudsa mechanical device that sows grass seed or grain evenly over the grounda kitchen utensil that removes seeds from fruitroller seeder播种和镇压机组…colter seeder带开沟器的播种机…whirlwind seeder旋风式撒播机…plot seeder苗圃与试验地播种机…band seeder带播机wheelbarrow seeder手推车式播种机…airplane seeder飞机播种器beet seeder甜菜条播机peanut seeder花生播种机seeder gang播种机单组belt seeder带式排种器播种机,带…broadcast seeder撒播机,散播机,撒种…suction seeder吸入式排种器播种机…furrow seeder沟播机power seeder动力输出轴驱动播种机…sod seeder草皮地播种机…pneumatic seeder气吸式播种机…stubble seeder茬地播种机
蒋争熟词记忆seed种子;播种-er表示人或物⇒播种者;播种机seed种子;播种-er表示人或物⇒播种者;播种机近义词 cloud seeder人工造雨者

用作名词The main products are wheatseeder, Fu Lung, tractor trailers, such as fighting.主要产品有小麦播种机,扶垄器,拖拉机拖斗等。
This paper reported the automatic monitoring equipment of working speed ofseeder.本文报道其中的播种机工作速度自动检测装置。 The plug precision seeder is the key device of factory establishment and gardening production.
穴盘精量播种机是工厂化设施园艺生产的关键设备。 cnki

The air seeder is seeding machinery using the airflow to discharge the seed into seed ditch.
气力播种机是利用气流排出种子并输送到种沟的播种机械。 cnki

The airplane seeder is a seeding mechanism hung outside the airplane.
农用飞机播种机是飞机外挂机具。 cnki

The monitor system of precision seeder based on CAN- bus is proposed.
提出了一种基于 CAN总线的精密播种机监控系统。 dictall

The precise drought-resistant maize seeder rolling on the ridge could weaken hydrosphere convection loss, prevent drought, raise humidity and keep humidity.
垄上抗旱玉米精密播种机具有减弱水气对流损失、抵御干旱、提墒、保湿的作用。 cnki

The quality of seeds is the basic assurance of the bumper harvest and the capability of plot seeder is also the assurance of cultivating new brand of seeds.
种子的质量是保证粮食丰产丰收的根本,小区播种机的性能又是新品种培育的保证。 dictall

The slide rate of driving wheel of the tractor and the shift of land wheel of the seeder are closely related to the quality of seeding.
拖拉机驱动轮滑转率和播种机地轮滑移率是与播种质量密切相关的内容。 cnki

The theory of seed suction performance of vibrational air suction tray seeder was analyzed in order to promote the exploitations and applications of precision seeders.
为了促进精量播种机的开发与应用,该文对振动气吸式穴盘播种机的吸种性能进行了理论分析。 dictall

This is a full- shatter straw corn no-tillage seeder. introduce the design principle and theory of the mostly parts, analyse the result of the experimentation, summarize the point of the machine.
本机是一台秸秆全粉碎玉米免耕播种机,本文介绍了该机主要工作部件的设计原则和理论,并对试验结果进行了分析,总结了作业性能。 cnki

A new corn zero tillage seeder with deep loosening and fertilization function, which can be used to seed corn in wheat corn plantation area, was developed.
研制了一种小型适用于小麦玉米两茬平作区的具有深松、播种、施肥功能的玉米免耕播种机,获国家实用新型专利。 cnki

A type of ridge culture furrow irrigation of wheat seeder was designed in order to extend the technique of ridge culture wheat. It plants4 rows wheat on the ridge.
为了更好的推广小麦垄作技术,设计了一种畦作沟灌的小麦起垄播种机,垄上种植四行小麦。 fabiao

A seeder, cutting drying machines and their components.
有播种机,割晒机及其配件。 tietai.net

Basically, seeder is nearly all the same in nature.
基本上,性在自然界里都是一样的。 famousnudelady

Break crop device is the key to no-tillage seeder working parts, directly affecting the quality of sowing machine.
破茬装置是茬地免耕播种机的关键工作部件,直接影响着播种机的播种质量。 cnak

Development and application of precision seeder monitoring system is important to guarantee high- quality seeding.
精密播种机监测系统的开发与应用是实现高质量精密播种的重要保障。 cnki

Hence, this paper analyzes the existing problems and defects for2BQ pneumatic precision seeder, and introduces 7 items of improving measures.
为此,分析了2BQ系列气吸式精密播种机在使用中存在的问题和不足之处,并提出了具体改进措施。 dictall

In order to improve seed- sucking performance of air- sucking seeder, seeds should do slung-up movement on the pan on the condition of excitation.
为提高气吸式播种机的吸种性能,在激振的条件下使种子在种子盘内产生抛掷运动。 cnki

In this article, using the whole- flow-field general design theory, the air-shock type fixed- wing airplane seeder was explained aft an example.
本文以定翼飞机气击式播种机为例,讨论了飞机全流场总体设计的问题。 cnki

In stimulate module test of no-tillage seeder, its transfer functions were obtained.
在播种机的模态激振测试中,估计了它的传递函数。 fabiao

It is imperative to develop and produce the no-till seeder for the Conservation tillage technology in accordance with the promotion requirements.
根据保护性耕作技术的推广要求,研制和生产新型免耕播种机势在必行。 dictall

Through vibration frequency spectrum analysis of no-tillage seeder in field, its vibration characteristics were obtained.
通过对播种机的田间振动频谱分析,得到了它的的振动特征。 fabiao

To further enhance the country's air- suction seeder performance, the paper on the air- suction Precision planter for a large number of pilot studies.
为进一步提高我国气吸式播种机性能,本文对气吸式精量播种机进行了大量的试验研究。 fabiao

Tractor mounted modified rotary- seeder to open six rows for onion transplanting and apply fertilizer to the rows.
拖拉机牵引的改良旋转播种机同时播种六行,可以在每行施肥。 www.chinamaize.com.cn

When I was looking through the1895 Montgomery Ward Catalogue discovering that every corn husker and seeder turned out to be still being made new, I was truly surprised.
当我翻看蒙哥马利·沃德1895事记时,我发现每台玉米去苞叶机和播种机还在生产,我很惊讶。 yeeyan




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