

单词 seeded
释义 seed·ed 英'siːdɪd美'siːdɪd 高COCA¹⁸⁹³³BNC³⁷⁹²⁹iWeb²⁵⁵³⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
of the more skilled contestants selectively arranged in the draw for position in a tournament so that they meet each other in later roundshaving the seeds extracted;

seeded raisins

having seeds as specified;



having or supplied with seeds;

a seeded breadfruit

seeded rolls

sprinkled with seed;

a seeded lawn

top-seeded第一棒位置的; 头号…seed种子seeded draw安排种子选手的抽签…seeded surface植草面single seeded单粒种子的seeded slope植草边坡naked seeded裸子的few seeded少种子的seeded gas播种气体shallow soil seeded rice旱稻seeded player种子选手seeded growth籽晶生长seeded strip绿化带
蒋争熟词记忆seed种子;播种-ed…的⇒播过种的;结籽的seed种子;播种-ed…的⇒播过种的;结籽的近义词 sown播反义词 unseeded未播过种的
Theseededplayers all won their matches.这些种子选手已全部获胜。
Theyseededin the field of rape.他们已经在油菜地里播了种。
He wasseedednumber 1.他被定为一号种子选手。as in.planted
同义词 implantedsown
plantedadjective cultivated
implanted,sown Among this year’s believers is Andrea Petkovic, the instinctive, outspoken young German whom the ninth- seeded Li beat,6-2,6-4, on Tuesday in the quarterfinals.
安德莉亚佩特科维奇是今年的信徒之一,这位冲动,真爽的德国女孩在周二的四分之一决赛中被9号种子李娜以6-2,6-4击败。 yeeyan

Before the financial crisis, the most talented managers or at least those with the best track records didn't need to be seeded.
金融危机爆发前,出色的基金经理至少是业绩记录出色的基金经理无需种子投资。 fortunechina

Earth would thus have its first offspring, seeded by spaceship.
地球将首次拥有子嗣,通过宇宙飞船来播撒希望之种。 yeeyan

Finally, the project must be seeded by promoting it to those who are likely to be interested.
最后,必须向那些可能感兴趣的人展示项目,使得项目植根于群众。 ibm

For these tests, they seeded the water with small particles and shone a laser beam from below so as to observe the patterns of flow without disturbing them.
为了这些实验,他们在水中放入微小的颗粒,并用激光从底部向上照射,以观察水流的运动状况。 yeeyan

Greed seeded the financial crisis, which sprang out of control as corporate governance and risk management failed at every level of the system.
贪婪是金融危机的种子,当公司治理和风险管理在制度的每一层面上都丧失作用时,就出现经济失控。 who

Growing lungs by combining a donor lung seeded with a patient's own lung cells could decrease the chance of rejection, and potentially improve the success of lung transplants.
如果能把病人自己的肺部细胞植入到一个供体肺中,使其成长为一个新的肺,就可以达到降低排斥反应的目的,而且很可能提高肺部移植的成功率。 yeeyan

He seeded wheat in the field.
他播种小麦在田中。 iciba

In a2008 experiment, scientists seeded clouds in advance of the Beijing Olympics, successfully ensuring clear skies for the opening ceremony.
在2008年的一次试验中,科学家在奥运会前夕播种云彩,成功地保证了开幕式的天空晴朗。 yeeyan

In scenario two, winter wheat is grown continuously, and the untilled soil is directly seeded each year.
在第二组试验田中,连续不断地种植冬小麦,每年直接在没经过翻耕的土壤上播种。 yeeyan

It is both the single most seeded and leeched file of the group right now.
这份文件时目前种子数最多,也是下载人数最多的单一解密文件。 yeeyan

New evidence that space rocks may have seeded life on Earth.
新证据表明,陨石可能是地球的生命之源。 yeeyan

No. 1 seeded player;

Nor are you condemned to a life plagued by the energy- sapping, happiness- stunting emotions of deep- seeded anger and resentment.
你再也不会被由于深深根植于心的愤恨而受折磨于能量消耗,幸福感萎缩的生活,并且责难着自己。 yeeyan

Once landscaped, it was then seeded with a collection from the cliff tops and in the first few years a scattering of early spider orchids Ophrys sphegodes appeared.
一旦成了景观,就从崖顶采集了种子播撒,头几年就有早花蜘蛛兰分布了。 yeeyan

Sirius claims that it never seeded humans upon earth to ascend.
天狼星声称从未在地球上播种下提升的人类。 iciba

So bees can carry some of the pollen from the seeded watermelons to the unseeded ones.
因为蜜蜂能够帮助把有籽西瓜的花粉授到无籽西瓜的花上。 yeeyan

Soil is disturbed as little as possible and is seeded directly through existing mulch cover.
尽量减少对土壤的干扰并通过现有的覆盖层直接播种。 fao

The first250 schools were' seeded, ' with months of research and solicitation of student content.
首批250所大学是通过数月的调研和向学生征稿“筛选”出来的。 ebigear

They seeded45 such pools in the summer of2002, and let nature take its course.
研究团队在2002年夏天造了45个池塘,接着就让这些池塘顺其自然地发展。 yeeyan

Victims were snared when they visited websites seeded with booby-trapped adverts and links.
当受害者访问被植入病毒的广告和链接的网站时,就会跳进陷阱。 yeeyan

You'll need a live database properly seeded with lookup data to test the GUI and a properly working GUI to test the data access logic.
您将需要一个具有正确查找数据的活动数据库来测试 GUI,和一个运行正常的 GUI来测试数据访问逻辑。 ibm




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