

单词 seduce
释义 se·duce 英sɪˈduːs, -ˈdjuːs美sɪˈdus, -ˈdjusAHDsĭ-d›sʹ, -dy›sʹ ★★☆☆☆高GIT八COCA¹²⁷³⁸BNC²⁴³⁸⁴iWeb¹³⁰⁶⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

vt. 诱奸,勾引

persuade usually sb young and without sexual experience to have sex with one

vt. 诱骗;唆使

cause or persuade sb to do sth wrong by making it seem attractive

induce to have sex;

Harry finally seduced Sally

Did you score last night?

Harry made Sally

lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct;

She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor

seduce, allure, decoy, entice, inveigle, lure, tempt



se-,分开,-duc,拉,引导,词源同 traduce,conduct.即引偏,使偏离,引申诸相关词义。方振宇词汇奥秘se离,去+duce引,引诱去→诱惑,勾引
GRE难词记忆seduce→se音“色”+duce=to lead 引导→用色来引导→引诱非常记忆se色+duce堵厕⇒色狼堵在厕所门口勾引她词根记忆se分开+duc引导+e→引开→勾引,引诱se分离+duc引导+e→引导离开→引诱,诱惑⇒诱奸。词根记忆se分开+ duce引导→ 引开 ⇒勾引词根记忆se离开+duce=引开=勾引近义词 bed床make做lure诱惑lead引导tempt诱惑charm魅力score得分entice诱使on在 … 之上lead on哄骗pervert误用persuade说服dishonor 不名誉
S+ ~+n./pron.He seduced her into an affair that had tragic consequences for both of them.他诱奸了她,这件事对双方都产生了悲剧性的后果。
The promise of huge profits seduced him into parting with his money.高额利润的许诺诱使他把钱出了手。Pseducementn.怂恿诱惑诱惑手段Pseducern.诱惑者骗子玩弄女性的人


seduce是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接“into n./v -ing”结构。

用作及物动词She uses her physical attractiveness toseducean assortment of males.她利用自己极富魅力的肉体引诱各式各样的男性。
The warm weatherseducedme away from my studies.暖和的天气诱使我放下了学习。
He wasseducedinto leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.其他地方更优厚的薪金待遇诱使他离开了公司。
He wasseducedfrom his duty.他受怂恿而怠忽职守。
He's trying toseducehis secretary.他竭力勾引他的秘书。verb.tempt, ensnare
同义词 beguile,betray,deceive,delude,entice,persuadebait,bribe,coax,decoy,draw,entrap,hook,induce,inveigle,invite,lure,mislead,pull,steer,wheedlelead astray,lead on,mousetrap,rope in,string along,sucker
反义词 dissuade,disenchant,disgust,push,reject,release,repel,repulse,turn offverb.entice sexually
同义词 attract,beguile,captivate,charm,temptallure,enamour,entrancecome on to,sweep off one's feet
反义词 offend,repel,repulse,turn offdisenchant
allureverb entice
attract,bait,beguile,bewitch,cajole,captivate,charm,coax,come on,decoy,draw,enchant,entrap,fascinate,hook,inveigle,lead on,lure,magnetize,persuade,pull,suck in,sweep off feet,tempt,turn on,wile,win over
attractverb draw attention
allure,appeal to,bait,beckon,beguile,bewitch,bring,captivate,charm,come on,court,drag,draw,enchant,endear,engage,enthrall,entice,entrance,exert influence,fascinate,freak out,give the come-on,go over big,grab,hook,induce,interest,intrigue,inveigle,invite,kill,knock dead,knock out,lure,magnetize,make a hit with,mousetrap,pull,rope in,score,seduce,send,slay,solicit,spellbind,steer,suck in,sweep off one's feet,tempt,turn on,vamp,wile,wow
attractsverb draw attention
allures,appeals to,baits,beckons,beguiles,bewitches,brings,captivates,charms,comes on,courts,drags,draws,enchants,endears,engages,enthralls,entices,entrances,exerts influence,fascinates,freaks out,gives the come-on,goes over big,grabs,hooks,induces,interests,intrigues,inveigles,invites,kills,knocks dead,knocks out,lures,magnetizes,makes a hit with,mousetraps,pulls,rope in,scores,seduces,sends,slays,solicits,spellbs,steers,sucks in,sweeps off one's feet,tempts,turns on,vamps,wiles,wows
baitverb lure
allure,attract,bedevil,beguile,draw,entice,fascinate,lead on,seduce,tempt
beguileverb charm
amuse,attract,cheer,delight,distract,divert,engross,entertain,entice,knock dead,knock out,lure,occupy,seduce,send,slay,solace,sweep off one's feet,tickle,tickle pink,tickle to death,turn on,vamp,wow
beguilesverb charm
betrays,bluffs,burns,cheats,chisels,cons,deceives,deludes,double-crosses,dupes,entices,exploits,finesses,flimflams,gyps,has,hoodwinks,imposes on,jockeys,juggles,lures,manipulates,misleads,plays,plays for a sucker,rooks,rope in,scams,seduces,shaves,snows,sticks,string along,sucks in,takes,takes in,tricks At times, press your breasts or chest to his back with the intent to seduce or to lie close.
时不时地把自己的胸部压到他的背上,说些下流的话,尽量引诱他,贴近他。 yeeyan

A bath tub can serve as a private sanctuary in which some couples dissect their day, share their dreams, or seduce one another.
一个浴缸可以成为夫妻间体味生活,分享梦想,或者诱惑对方的私密圣地。 yeeyan

A judge she appealed to for help attempted to seduce her.
她寻求帮助的一位法官试图引诱她。 yeeyan

After nearly five years of obstinately rejecting King Henry VIII's advances, Anne Boleyn finally allowed him to seduce her.
经过将近5年对亨利八世的进一步动作顽强抗拒,安博林最终还是让亨利诱奸了自己。 yeeyan

Are you trying to seduce me?

As long as he seduces me and I seduce him, that’s enough for me.
只要他能诱惑我,我也能诱惑他,对我来说就够了。 ecocn

Demons are always going out to the desert to find him, and disguising themselves as young lovely girls or boys, and trying to seduce Anthony.

How do you seduce an open ocean creature like that to spill its secrets?
你会如何诱使这样一种大洋生物透露它的秘密? yeeyan

I had fallen in love with several people, female and male, and waited for them to ask me out or seduce me.
我爱上过几个人,女人和男人,等待他们问出我或者引诱我。 yeeyan

If you're going to seduce someone, set your sights high.
如果你要引诱某人,请把目光放远点。 icxo

In a nifty metaphor of Franco-British relations, Henri makes his first move to seduce Patricia on an official train journey back from a commemoration of the D-day landings.
在一次诺曼底登陆纪念日的官方火车旅行归途上,亨利迈出了引诱帕特丽夏的第一步,这也伶俐地暗喻了法英的关系。 yeeyan

In her autobiography, the dancer Isadora Duncan recalled how Rodin tried to seduce her.
舞蹈家伊萨多拉·邓肯 Isadora Duncan在自传中回忆起罗丹试图勾引她的一幕。 yeeyan

In it, Lindstrom reveals the many ploys companies use to seduce, soothe, tempt and scare us into buying their products.
在书中, Lindstrom揭示了许多耍手段的公司用来引诱、抚慰、诱惑和恐吓我们来买他们的产品。 yeeyan

Later, we ordered in a Chinese meal and she confessed that she'd deliberately come round in order to seduce me.

Nothing can beat striptease dancing if you want to effectively seduce your man.
如果你想要引诱的你的男人,没有什么可以与脱衣舞相匹敌。 yeeyan

She is an agent paid to seduce him.
她是受雇来诱惑他的。 yeeyan

She spent hours imagining how she would seduce him.
她花费很多时间来想象如何勾引他。 yeeyan

The book requires some faith in Mr Ellroy’s project; he does not seduce, he assaults
这本书需要对埃尔罗伊小说的信念;他不会去引诱读者,而是主动出击。 ecocn

These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
我将这些话写给你们,是指着那引诱你们的人说的。 ebigear

They would also seduce any visiting man if possible, to get him to join the tribe.
她们会尽可能地勾引每一个来访的男人,让他们加入部族。 yeeyan

Twain goes on to claim that Miss Lyon, who was nearly three decades his junior, was trying to seduce him.
接着,吐温声称:里昂小姐,在他年轻时期的近三十年时间里一直想勾引他。 yeeyan

When she saw a man, she would turn into a pretty girl, seduce him, cut off his penis, eat it herself and give the rest of his body to her tigers.
当她看到一个男子,就变成一个漂亮女孩,勾引他,咬下他的阴茎,她自己吃掉,然后用剩下的尸体喂她的老虎。 yeeyan




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