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词汇 sediment
释义 sed·i·ment 英ˈsedəmənt美ˈsɛdəməntAHDsĕdʹə-mənt ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁰¹²⁶BNC⁹¹⁷⁹iWeb⁹⁵⁴⁶Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

S U 沉淀物

solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid

matter that has been deposited by some natural process
deposit as a sedimentsettle as sediment来自拉丁语 sedere,坐下,词源同 sit,seat.-ment,名词后缀。引申比喻义沉积物,沉淀物。ternary sediment三相沉积物sediment charge泥沙含量sediment runoff泥沙运载量,输沙量,…binary sediment二相沉积物graded sediment级粒沉积sediment incrustation积垢,锅炉水垢,沉积…bottom sediment底部泥沙,罐底杂质…abyssal sediment深海沉积sediment trap沉淀物捕集器,泥沙捕…sediment load推移质sediment station泥沙观测站marine sediment海相沉积, 海洋沉积…sediment chamber沉积槽,沉降室…sediment bowl沉淀杯suspended sediment悬浮沉积物basic sediment碱性沉积sediment concentration含沙量sediment sampler泥沙采样器,采泥器…organic sediment有机沉积物sediment transport土砂流送
GRE红宝书sedi坐, -ment表结果一坐下去的东西-沉淀物
subside 沉淀,下沉,平息的后半部份
非常记忆se色+di弟+-ment表结果门徒⇒好色的弟弟被门徒丢到河口沉积物上词根记忆se分离+dim模糊的+ent→让模糊的水沉淀,分成两层→沉淀GRE难词记忆sediment→sed=to sit, settle 坐, 沉淀+iment→沉淀sed=sid坐+-ment表结果⇒沉下去的东西→沉淀物sed=sid坐+-ment表结果⇒沉下去的东西⇒沉淀物近义词 dregs渣滓residue残渣grounds木砖deposit放置remains剩余物remainder剩余物
用作名词n.The sediment of the water settled and it was clear.水中的杂质沉淀后,水变清澈了。Psedimentin血沉素Psedimentator沉淀器Psedimentum沉淀沉积物Psedimentationn.沉淀沉积Perythrosedimentation红细胞沉降Psedimentometer沉降天平沉降速度计Psedimentarya.沉渣的沉淀物的由沉淀物所生成的

用作名词He emptied out the water barrel to clear it ofsediment.他把水桶倒空以清掉桶底的沉淀物。
If you are replacing the bottom element, remove the accumulatedsedimenton the bottom of the tank.如果是拆卸下部加热元件,需要清除累积在内胆底部的沉淀物。noun.solid residue from liquid solution
同义词 debris,powder,silt,trash,wastedeposit,dregs,dross,gook,grounds,gunk,lees,matter,precipitate,precipitation,residuum,settling,slag,solids
反义词 possessionswhole
depositnoun accumulation of solid
detritusnoun debris
drossnoun remains
filthnoun dirt, pollution
carrion,contamination,corruption,crud,defilement,dregs,dung,excrement,feces,feculence,filthiness,foul matter,foulness,garbage,grime,impurity,manure,mire,muck,mud,nastiness,ordure,putrefaction,putrescence,putridity,refuse,rottenness,sediment,sewage,silt,sleaze,slime,slop,sludge,slush,smut,trash,uncleanness
refusenoun garbage
debris,dregs,dross,dump,dunghill,dust,hogwash,junk,leavings,litter,muck,offal,rejectamenta,remains,residue,rubbish,scraps,scum,sediment,slop,sweepings,swill,trash,waste,waste matter
shalenoun rock
clay,sediment,slate A team led by Mormile has now turned up dozens more species by analysing DNA extracted from water and sediment in11 of the lakes.
莫尔米莱领导的团队对11个湖泊的水和沉淀物进行了萃取 DNA分析,现在已经发现数十个物种。 yeeyan

Matching sediment patterns in the fragments with those in the hollow niches where the Buddhas once stood offers key clues to the pieces’ original position.
将碎片中的沉积物纹理与佛像原来处于的那个凹位上的纹理进行配对,提供了碎片原来位置的关键线索。 yeeyan

That there are not could be explained by the fact that the accumulation of sediment in most rocks is so slow that the two layers are, in effect, superimposed.
但是事实却不是这样,原因可能是:沉积物在大多数岩石中积累的速度很慢,以至于这两个熔岩层重叠在了一起。 topsage

The floodwatersbuilt up sandbanks and infused the river with sediment.
洪水建立起了沙洲,向河水中注入沉积物。 ecocn

The shale roof— made of the sediment that destroyed the forest so long ago— is cracking and flaking off now that the coal below it has been removed.
页岩层顶部是由远古时候掩埋森林的沉积物构成。由于埋藏其下的煤已经被挖走,所以这些页岩有开裂和剥落现象。 yeeyan

The underground sediment of the Ganges Delta contains arsenic.
恒河三角洲的地下沉积物中含有砷。 yeeyan

As Mr Liu and his team explored the rocks they came across more than 70 markings that looked like tracks— slight impressions in the sediment with tiny ridges sticking up along the sides.
在刘和他的团队对那里的岩石进行勘察的过程中,他们发现了70多个类似足迹的斑点——在沉淀物中的一些浅痕,其周边有轻微的突起。 ecocn

As scientists pull more sediment cores from the Arctic, Polyak and his collaborators want to understand more details of the past ice extent and to push this knowledge further back in time.
随着科学家从北极运来更多的沉淀物岩心,波里亚克及其合作者想了解更多过去冰范围的详细信息,并将此类信息在时间上进一步向后追溯。 yeeyan

As we excavate blocks of fine- grained sediment— primarily shale— looking for clues to the past, the pivotal role played by that ancient time period is always on our mind.
随着我们发掘大量的纹理细密的沉积物——主要是页岩——来寻找有关过去的线索,那一时期所起的关键作用也浮现在我们的脑海中。 yeeyan

Because living creatures metabolize only certain types of carbon, the sediment record becomes a proxy for large-scale patterns in the carbon cycle.
因为生物只利用一些特定种类的碳进行新城代谢,所以沉淀物记录能代表碳循环中种类繁多的碳种类。 yeeyan

Eventually, however, the continued flow washed most of the sediment out of the canyon.
可是最终,持续不断的水流将多数沉积物冲出了峡谷。 ecocn

His team analysed mud samples from Lough Monreagh in Ireland and discovered layers of white sediment made up of calcite crystals from algae.
他的团队分析了爱尔兰洛蒙雷阿湖泥浆样本,发现了由海藻中方解石晶体构成的白色沉淀物涡旋层。 yeeyan

However, I did find some really cool places where there had been soft sediment deformation, probably from the rocks landing in marshy areas next to the river.
然而,我确实发现了一些真正酷的地方,那儿曾经有一些柔软的沉淀物异形,可能从岩石飘落在紧邻河流的沼泽区域。 yeeyan

If that marker is present in the sediment, then that location was likely covered in ice at the time.
如果在沉积物发现此类标记,那么该位置就有可能当时被冰所覆盖。 yeeyan

In this image, however, a wide expanse of water spreads into Manchhar Lake image upper left, and sediment colors the lake water pale green.
然而在图中,一条宽阔的湖水延伸到曼查尔湖图中左上方,沉积物将湖水染成浅绿色。 yeeyan

Indeed, a stream of pale brown sediment was snaking away from the volcano to the west on January11, suggesting that erosion was already underway.
事实上,1月11日一股淡棕色的沉淀物正从火山处随波浪向西流去,这表明,泥火山已经受到侵蚀。 yeeyan

It is an actual three-dimensional structure, backfilled with sediment.
这是一个真实的三维结构,回填与沉积物。 yeeyan

Megill and colleagues hope the bot can be used to study marine life near the shore, where a propeller would kick up too much sediment or get tangled in weeds.
梅吉尔和他的同事希望能利用这种机器来研究海岸边的海洋生物,因为在这里,螺旋桨会激起较多沉积物,而且会跟水草缠绕在一起。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, sediment continues to pour down from the mountainside because of poorly planned road excavations.
然而因为公路挖掘规划拙劣,泥沙继续从山上倾泻而下。 ecocn

Ocean plants buried in sediment can help reveal Earth’s temperature thousands of years ago.
沉淀物下被埋的海洋植物能帮助揭示数千年前地球的温度变化。 hjenglish

Scientists believe water activity affected this plateau after the formation of the nearby canyons. Although the source of water and sediment remains uncertain.
科学家相信,在附近峡谷形成之前这片高原受到过水的影响,虽然水源和泥沙的问题仍不明朗。 yeeyan

' The surprise was so great that I asked my colleague Philippe Steemans to process the same sediment sample,' she said.
她说:“太令人难以置信了,所以我请我的同事菲利普·斯迪曼斯研究这些沉淀物样品。” yeeyan

The actions of glaciers and rivers scrape away fine sediment, which is carried away by water and wind.
山体细粒沉淀物在冰川与河流活动的作用下被冲刷下来,接着被风吹走或水流带走。 yeeyan

This process of longshore transport is responsible for moving sediment up and down coastlines.
在沿岸运输的过程中,沉淀物在海岸线上下移动。 kle100

When snorkeling, do not touch the coral or stir up sediment, as these actions can damage the reef's fragile ecosystem.
潜泳的时候,不要碰珊瑚礁或者搅动沉淀物,因为这样做或许会破坏珊瑚脆弱的生态系统。 yeeyan




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