

单词 securitization
释义 securitization 英sɪ'kjʊrətaɪz美sɪ'kjʊrətaɪz 高COCA⁷⁰⁶⁷⁹iWeb²⁷²⁷³
And securitization—the packaging of many loans into a single complex financial product— led investors to neglect the quality of the actual loans that were being made.
而且,证券化——将多笔贷款组合,形成单一的复合式金融产品——让投资者们忽略了他们实际贷款的质量。 yeeyan

The debt- securitization markets finance corporate loans, home mortgages, student loans and more.
债券证券化市场为公司、住房、学生贷款和其它融资。 yeeyan

After all, the case for unfettered global securitization of loans and light-touch regulation has taken a hit.
毕竟,不受限制的全球贷款证券化和轻描淡写的监管已经经受了打击。 iciba

As thirsty financial institutions conserved their caches, the securitization model of tiered cash flows, subordinated losses, and credit enhancements shrunk back, leaving loan originators low and dry.
由于饥渴的金融机构囤积居奇,分级现金流的证券化模型、次级损失和信用增级出现收缩,使贷款发放者陷于低位和枯竭。 worldbank

Complicating the Fed’s plan, banks— the other source of credit next to the securitization markets— continue to rein in lending, according to data from the Federal Reserve.
根据美联储的数据,银行---仅次于证券化市场的其它信用来源---仍旧在控制着贷款规模,这使得美联储计划的可能结果变得复杂。 yeeyan

Depending on the type of loan, certain securitization markets have fallen40 to100 percent.
据贷款类型的不同,一些证券化市场已经萎缩了40%到100%。 yeeyan

For years, U.S. bankers and lawyers urged China, unsuccessfully, to allow securitization, but they have curbed such pleas in recent months after seeing the global financial crisis unfold.
多少年以来,美国银行家一直未能成功促使中国同意进行资产证券化,但在金融危机越演越烈的最近几个月里面他们成功了。 yeeyan

He plans to hold a hearing on securitization next month to find out why consumers and businesses are still having so much trouble getting loans.
他计划下个月举行一次证券化听证会,找出为什么消费者和企业仍旧有那么多的麻烦获得贷款。 yeeyan

In fact, the lack of a securitization market could help midsize banks.
事实上,证券化市场的缺乏可能会有益于中型银行。 ebigear

It is very likely that Asian financial regulators will now be extremely cautious in approving any new forms of securitization and structured financial products.
亚洲金融监管机构现在很可能将更为谨慎批准任何新形式的证券化和结构性金融产品。 yeeyan

Many investors have lost trust in securitization after losing huge sums on packages of subprime mortgages that had high default rates.
在高违约率的次级抵押贷款中遭受巨大损失后,许多投资者开始对债权证券化失去信心。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the programs the government has started have not changed securitization practices that many investors say were a cause of the financial crisis.
同时,政府发起的计划并没有改变证券化规则,而这却是许多投资者所认为的金融危机的原因。 yeeyan

That question is hard to answer as long as the government is dominating certain securitization markets.
只要政府仍旧在一些特定的证券化市场扮演主角,这个问题很难回答。 yeeyan

The first public securitization of CRA loans started in 1997 by Bear Stearns.
1997年贝尔斯登公司第一个把CRA贷款公开证券化。 yeeyan

Third, many securitization markets remain impaired, reducing an important source of funding for bank loans.
第三,许多证券化市场仍然受损,减少了银行贷款的重要资金来源。 yeeyan

Until more of the securitization market revives, or some new form of financing takes its place, a wide range of loans needed to secure a lasting economic recovery will remain elusive, experts said.
在更多的证券化市场恢复前,或一些新的融资方式开始运作前,各种形式的贷款仍旧遥不可及,而这贷款能使经济复苏得以持续。 yeeyan




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