

单词 secure from
释义 secure from短语³⁶²¹⁹
Did he really sleep last night? Out in the open somewhere secure from collisions?
他昨晚真的睡觉了吗?在一个露天的没有人住的地方睡过觉了吗? jukuu

The powers that had ruled them so mercilessly had also kept the city secure from the dangers of the wild Underdark.
那些过去以残酷手段管制他们的统治家族,也让城市免受野蛮混乱的幽暗地域威胁。 tianseyiwan

Backup files are an exact and complete record and are secure from alterations, erasures, or loss and damage.
备份的文件是正确与完成的记录,不能变更,擦除,丢失与损坏。 botest.blog.bokee.net

Benghazi and other rebel towns in the far east of the country, such as Tobruk, are now relatively secure from any attempt by the regime to recapture them— a huge change from only a few days ago.
班加西和如托布鲁克这样一些位于利比亚最东端由反政府武装控制的城镇目前已无被政府军重新夺回之忧,对比几天前这是多么巨大的变化。 ecocn

Huang likes his new home, but with the climate getting hotter and drier, he cannot be complacent that it is secure from the sands.
黄粹昆喜欢他的新家,但是随着气候越来越炎热干燥,他不知道新家能不能抵御风沙。 yeeyan

Most constructions are secure from earthquakes in Japan.
日本的大部分建筑物是抗震的。 zjielts.com

They stayed in a castle secure from attack.
他们呆在一座受不到攻击的城堡里。 emuch.net




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