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词汇 secularists
释义 secularists ˈsekjʊlərɪsts COCA⁴⁰³²⁸BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist¹²⁷³⁵
n.现世主义secularism的名词复数;世俗主义;宗教与教育分离论;secularist的名词复数;宗教与教育分离论者原型secularist的复数 Ali Salabi, a cleric often seen on the popular pan- Arab Al Jazeera television channel, says the council's executive committee is made up of “ extreme secularists”.
阿里·萨拉比是泛阿拉伯地区半岛电视台常常路面的牧师,声称目前国会的执行委员会是由一帮“极端政教分离论者”组成的。 renren

And inevitably the partnership between secularists and Muslims faces hard moments.
不可避免地,世俗主义者与穆斯林的合作注定面临挑战。 topsage

Being by nature conservative, xenophobic and more disciplined than Egypt’s fissiparous secularists, Islamist groups may seem natural partners in keeping order.
伊斯兰集团比埃及众多的非宗教主义者还要保守,惧怕外国,纪律严明,应该能够成为埃及社会秩序的维护者。 ecocn

Religious people were a third more likely than secularists to say they’re optimistic about the future.
说自己对未来乐观的信教者比不信教者多三分之一。 yeeyan

The lesson of the past decade is that the secularists have cried wolf too often—and as a result have lost most of their battles with AK.
世俗主义派从过去十年吸取的教训是,高喊“狼来了”的次数太多,结果同正义与发展党的斗争,多半失利。 ecocn

Although the subject of much controversy among secularists and skeptics, as of the late1990s and early 2000s, Indian universities have begun to create courses and curricula in the discipline.
尽管受到很多世俗论者和怀疑论者的争辩影响,可是在九十年代末和二十一世纪初,印度综合大学还是开设了相关的课程和训练。 douban

And there are other secularists who said, religion and state should be completely separated.

And in the Palestinian territories it fortifies Hamas, which finds religious objections to peace with Israel, at the expense of the more accommodating secularists of Fatah.
并且在巴勒斯坦地区,这还增强了哈马斯力量,他用牺牲更加包容的世俗主义者法塔赫,找到了用宗教反对与以色列的和平的方式。 ecocn

And some secularists share the view of the late American writer Michael Crichton that environmentalism is a religion, with its own creed and its own versions of paradise and hell.
还有一些非宗教的教育论者对美国近来作家迈克尔•克莱顿 Michael Crichton的观点表示认同,后者认为环保主义也是一种宗教信仰,含有独立的信条及对天堂和地狱也有自己的说法。 ecocn

Despite rising calls for change, bitter quarrels— between Islamists and secularists, conservatives and leftists— have dissipated the energies of Egypt’s opposition.
尽管要求变革的呼声越来越大,但伊斯兰主义者与世俗主义者,保守派人士与左翼人士之间的激烈争吵却已耗散了埃及反对派的能量。 ecocn

FOR Turkey’s hard-line secularists it spelled a humiliating end to Ataturk’s republic.
对于土耳其的强硬世俗派来说,这是阿塔图克共和国的屈辱终结。 ecocn

For secularists in the broad sense of people, including believers, who oppose the idea of faith having privileged access to power, all this is alarming.
对于无神论者从人的广泛观点来看,无神论者也包括那些反对宗教信仰能够赋予信徒特权的宗教信仰者来说,这些都是值得警惕的迹象。 ecocn

In fact, the last50 years have seen an unchallenged assault on English Christianity by aggressive secularists and not a word of protest has come from the Palace.
实际上,过去50年里,我们所见证的由激进的世俗主义对英国基督教的非挑战性袭击,没有一句来自王宫。 fatisia

Mr Gul was fiercely opposed by secularists and the army, because his wife wears the Muslim headscarf, banned in public buildings.
古尔先生之所以受到非宗教人士及军方的强烈反对,是由于他的妻子戴着头巾,这在公共建筑物中是不允许的。 ecocn

One of the first changes decreed by the Islamists of Hamas after their victory over the secularists of Fatah in the2006 Palestinian elections was that policemen were allowed to grow beards.
伊斯兰抵抗运动者在2006年巴勒斯坦大选中战胜了法塔赫世俗论者后颁布的第一个变更法令是允许警察留须。 yeeyan

Some secularists fear that the new regime is empowering the Brotherhood in exchange for help in calming the streets.
一些现世主义者担心新政权为换取帮助街头重归平静才授权兄弟会的。 ecocn

Sparring between secularists and Islamists, left and right, has marred the emerging debates over the new constitutions that both countries hope to draft by next year.
世俗主义者与伊斯兰主义者以及左派与右派间争执不休,阻碍了对新宪法的讨论,而两国都希望明年能出台新宪法。 ecocn

Surely the future belonged to the cynical secularists such as Bierce rather than the tongue-speaking preacher like Seymour?
未来一定属于比尔斯这样的愤世嫉俗的世俗论者,而不是象西摩这样的说灵语的传教士么? ecocn

Tensions persist between regions, between Islamists and secularists, and between those demanding a purge of former officials and those counselling pragmatic accommodation.
在各地区之间、伊斯兰主义者和非教派人士之间,以及持清除前政府官员政见者和从实际出发的调停人士之间,紧张气氛硝烟弥漫。 ecocn

The Euro- secularists are usually blind to the other big influence of religion on American foreign policy.
那究竟在外交政策的制订中,宗教扮演了什么角色?欧洲的世俗论者说对了一件大事─宗教团体左右了对以色列的政策。 ecocn

Yet he seemed willing to lash out at everyone else as well — democrats, secularists, capitalists, liberals and consumers.
但似乎他又惯于对每一位穷追猛打——无论对民主派,凡夫俗子,资本家,自由主义者还是消费者。 blogbus




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