

单词 secularist
释义 sec·u·lar·ist 英'sɛkjəlɚrɪst美'sɛkjəlɚrɪst 高COCA³⁰⁶³⁹BNC⁴¹¹¹²iWeb³¹⁰⁰⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

an advocate of secularism; someone who believes that religion should be excluded from government and educationsecular-ist…的人⇒n.世俗论者⁷⁵;教育与宗教分离主义者²⁵ His Islamic- rooted party is viewed with deep suspicion by Turkey's secularist army.
土耳其世俗的军方对埃尔多安有浓厚伊斯兰背景的政党疑虑重重。 putclub

Mr Allawi is a moderate but, unlike Mr Chalabi, he is no secularist.
阿拉维是温和的,但是与卡拉比不同,他不是一个世俗主义者。 ecocn

On April29th a prosecutor quashed a claim from a secularist group that the two ladies had committed a crime by attending public ceremonies in scarves.
4月29日,一个世俗团体表示,这两位女士戴头巾出席公众活动已构成犯罪,该团体就此提起诉讼,但检察官却拒绝受理。 ecocn

Professor Richard Dawkins, Britain's best- known evolutionary biologist and a leading secularist, called the findings“a national disgrace”.
英国一流科学家,最终名的进化生物学家理查德·达文肯斯称这种现状为“国家耻辱”。 yeeyan

The Islamists in the Brotherhood do not support the military as much as they want to undermine the revolutionary groups, liberals, and secularist parties that they oppose.
毕竟,穆兄会对军方的支持程度,尚不及其致力反对和削弱革命团体、自由人士以及世俗主义者的意愿坚定。 yeeyan

The AK government has thus won most of its battles with the secularist establishment and the army.
如此,正义与发展党政府在与世俗派的权势集团和军队的斗争中大多赢得了胜利。 ecocn

This was not enough to reconcile the secularist opposition or the army to Mr Erdogan’s government.
但要使世俗主义的反对派或军队与埃尔多安领导的政府达成和解仅这些还不够。 ecocn

But Obama seems happy to act as a European- style secularist, vacation in Martha's Vineyard and send his daughters to one of America's most exclusive private schools.
但奥巴马看起来对自己欧洲风格的现世主义者作派感到高兴,他在玛莎葡萄园度假,将女儿送到美国最顶级的私立学校上学。 yeeyan

Egypt’s Mubarak, Tunisia’s Ben Ali, and Syria’s Assad built brutal and deeply illiberal police states with strong secularist support.
埃及的穆巴拉克,突尼斯的本阿里,以及叙利亚的阿萨德都凭借强势的世俗主义支持建立起粗暴的同时也是极度不自由的警察国家。 ecocn

In some secularist accounts, he notes, religion is presented as an odd, temporary delusion into which mankind was unfortunate enough to fall for a brief moment.
他指出,某些世俗主义的叙述中,宗教只是以某种人类不幸短暂堕入的片刻错觉而出现。 ecocn

The move came after Turkey's entire military command resigned Friday amid escalating tensions between the secularist military and Islamic- rooted government.
在此之前,土耳其军方高层官员星期五集体辞职,当时,世俗的军方与伊斯兰教根基很深的政府之间的紧张关系正在加剧。 voanews

Their populist cultural complaints might sound typical of the bluster that seems to happen naturally wherever Islamist parties collide with a secularist state.
其民粹主义文化的抱怨是一个伊斯兰政党和世俗国家发生碰撞发出的典型咆哮。 ecocn

To the AK’s opponents, what really mattered was to safeguard the secularist tradition of Ataturk from Islamic fundamentalism.
对于正义与发展党的对手们来说,他们真正关心的是如何击退伊斯兰原教旨主义的进逼,捍卫凯末尔开创的世俗主义传统。 ecocn




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