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释义 BAER 英beə美bɛr
医脑干听觉诱发反应=brain-stem auditory evoked response
Catherine Fox, one of the friends who was present when Baer died, was deeply affected.
贝尔的一位朋友凯瑟琳•福克斯也在去世的当场。 yeeyan

If the experience of Baer’s friends is a guide, the Internet will play a role.
贝尔的朋友们的做法为解决此类问题指点了一条新路:因特网会起到作用。 yeeyan

Instead, Baer developed terminal brain cancer when she was52.
哪里知道她在52岁时患上了晚期脑癌。 yeeyan

Neal Baer is the Executive Producer of the NBC hit series Law& Order: Special Victims Unit and one of the original writers on ER.
尼尔•拜尔是 NBC大热电视剧《法律与秩序:特殊受害人》的执行制片人,并且是《仁心仁术》最初的编剧之一。 yeeyan

Several of Baer’s friends were there when she died.
贝尔去世时她的许多朋友都在身边。 yeeyan

The late Klaus Baer Univ. of Chicago felt it his duty to take aside all first year students and let them know there are no jobs in Egyptology, so quit now.
已故的克劳斯.拜尔教授芝加哥大学曾感到自己有责任告诉所有一年级学生埃及学完全没有就业机会,还是及早放弃。 yeeyan

While Josh Baer, a private dealer, suggested, “ It’s an easy piece by a great artist. Everybody’s got a book shelf.”
同时,私人交易商 Josh Baer指出:“这是一位伟大艺术家的一件简单作品,而每个人得到了一个书架。” ecocn

A new Baer office in Jakarta will be followed by others in Cairo and Istanbul.
Baer银行在雅加达新设了一个办事处,随后还将在开罗和伊斯坦布尔开设其他的办事处。 ecocn

During the presidential election campaign, Ms von Baer answered every message to @enavonbaer herself, but now her staff respond, or pass questions on to other ministries.
在总统大选过程中, Baer亲自回复了每一条信息,但是现在则是由她手下的人代回,或者把问题交给其他的大臣。 ecocn

He oversaw the nighttime caregivers and consulted with the hospice workers who assisted with medical issues and helped him prepare for Baer’s death.
他提前安排了夜晚护理者,向临终安护的护工咨询。 护工们在医疗问题和贝尔去世的准备事宜上都给了他帮助。 yeeyan

He lost his life against the infamous Max Baer, portrayed as a vicious killer in the movie Cinderella Man.
他与名声狼藉的马克斯·狈尔他在电影“铁拳男人”中被塑造成一名邪恶杀手对决时输掉了性命。 yeeyan

Julius Baer, another medium- sized bank, sold its institutional stockbroking arm in2003 and is now spinning off GAM, its volatile hedge- fund operation.
朱利巴尔是一家中等规模的银行,于2003年出售了由来已久的股票证券部门,如今正在抛售对冲基金业务。 ecocn

Marjorie Baer used to joke about her retirement plans.
玛乔丽•贝尔曾经拿她的退休计划开玩笑。 yeeyan

One morning, a year after Baer’s diagnosis, Henrich checked in before work and found Baer on the floor.
贝尔确诊一年后的一天早上,亨里希上班前去查看时发现贝尔躺在地板。 yeeyan

Rudolf Elmer was fired by Baer in2002, and now says he wants to expose tax evasion.
鲁道夫在2002年被宝盛银行解雇,现在他声称想揭发一系列逃税事件。 ecocn

That said, traditional wealth managers, such as Bank Julius Baer, are more highly valued see chart.
这说明传统的财富管理公司,如宝盛银行,市值还要更高如表。 ecocn

That seemed natural: Henrich, then58, and Baer both worked in publishing and lived in the same duplex.
这看来很自然:当时58岁的亨里希和贝尔都工作在出版社,也住在同一个公寓楼。 yeeyan

They said that Campbell knocked down Baer in the 2nd round, and this, enraged Baer bringing Campbell to an end.
有人说,第2回合坎贝尔击倒了狈尔,而这,激怒了狈尔,使他干掉了坎贝尔。 yeeyan

Baer gave up the struggle in2005 and sold its American operation—to UBS.
于是 Baer银行于2005年放弃了在这一方面的努力,并将其在美国的业务卖给了瑞银集团。 ecocn

Baer was charged with manslaughter but later was acquitted of all charges.
狈尔被控过失杀人,但后来所有指控被撤销了。 yeeyan




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