

单词 sectarianism
释义 sec·tar·i·an·ism 英sek'teəriənɪzəm美sek'teriənɪzəm ☆☆☆☆☆高GSCOCA⁶¹⁸⁴²BNC³⁴⁹⁷⁹iWeb³²⁷⁷³Economist¹⁶⁷⁵²

a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination;

he condemned religious sectarianism

sectarian,教派的,-ism,主义,思想。sectarian-不|无-ism学|术|症|法⇒n.宗派主义近义词 denominationalism宗派主义

用作名词As Iraq's agony has made clear,sectarianismis a dangerous genie.正如伊拉克的苦难已经揭示出的,宗派主义是一个危险的精灵。
With Marxism in words transformed into Marxism in real life, there will be no moresectarianism.把口头上的马克思主义变成为实际生活里的马克思主义,就不会有宗派主义了。as in.bigotry
同义词 bias,discrimination,fanaticism,injustice,racism,sexism,unfairnessdogmatism,narrow-mindedness,partiality,provincialism,racialismJim Crowism
反义词 fairness,impartialitybroad-mindedness,open-mindedness,toleranceas in.heresy
同义词 blasphemy,fallacyagnosticism,apostasy,atheism,defection,disbelief,dissent,dissidence,divergence,error,heterodoxy,iconoclasm,impiety,infidelity,nonconformism,nonconformity,paganism,revisionism,schism,secularism,sinmisbelief
反义词 agreement,belief,harmonyorthodoxyas in.racism
同义词 apartheid,bias,bigotry,discrimination,segregation,unfairnessilliberality,partiality,racialismone-sidedness
反义词 fairness,tolerance
bigotrynoun intolerance, prejudice
Jim Crowism,bias,discrimination,dogmatism,fanaticism,injustice,narrow-mindedness,partiality,provincialism,racialism,racism,sexism,unfairness
heresynoun unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
racismnoun prejudice against an ethnic group
apartheid,bias,bigotry,discrimination,illiberality,one-sidedness,partiality,racialism,sectarianism,segregation,unfairness In fact--so now what is the cause of this radical sectarianism?

The philosophy may not be perfectly coherent, but the mood music is clear—absolute opposition to sectarianism, to any emphasis on religious difference rather than commonality.
所涵盖的哲学理念或许不那么十分清晰,但其背后之意却再清楚不过了,即完全反对宗派主义、反对任意强调宗教分歧而非共性的观念。 ecocn

“ Sectarianism, and ethnic and factional infighting continue to simmer. And many Iraqis' views and positions are colored by efforts to outflank, outmaneuver and constrain rival factions,” he said.
卡兹曼说:“宗派之间的暴力、种族和派系之间的内部斗争还在继续着,很多伊拉克人的立场和观点都受到如何钳制和战胜敌对派系这种情结的直接影响。” ebigear

As Iraq's agony has made clear, sectarianism is a dangerous genie.
正如伊拉克的苦难已经揭示出的,宗派主义是一个危险的精灵。 ecocn.org

But despite rising fears of sectarianism, especially among the Alawites, the chants of“ Syrians are one” and evidence of mixed protests suggest that Syria's uprising is not about religion divisions.
然而尽管对宗教主义的担忧与日俱增——尤其是在阿拉维派当中,“叙利亚人是个整体”的口号和明显是各宗教混杂的抗议者表明叙利亚的抗争并未涉及到宗教分岐。 ecocn

But Tommy Makem tried always to separate his love of country from the horrors of sectarianism.
不过汤米-麦克姆一直尽力想把他对故土的爱从宗派主义中独立开来。 topsage

Commerce, and the cash it generates, are part of the reason that Mr Cameron cares about sectarianism.
商业机会及其产生的现金,构成了卡梅伦对于宗派主义关注的部分原因。 ecocn

In a campaign that has already been stirred by sectarianism, Ms. Mubark has joined the Iraq Unity Alliance, a secular, cross- sectarian coalition.
竞选活动已经是派系林立,在此情况下,穆巴克女士加入了世俗的跨党派联盟——伊拉克统一联盟。 yeeyan

It was, in fact, the most important liberal experiment in modern Arab history because it showed that even tribes with flags can, possibly, transition through sectarianism into a modern democracy.
事实上,这也是阿拉伯现代史上最重要的自由实验,表明即使悬挂旗子的部落也可能从教派主义过渡到现代民主国家。 yeeyan

Qaddafi's inability to replace the old tribal sectarianism with loyalty to the state made him into an arbitrary dictator of loyalties.
卡扎菲无法用对政府效忠来取代过去的部落派别主义意味着他只是一个专断的独裁者,妄图霸占忠诚。 ecocn

There was special concern about the need to respect the rights of minorities to overcome sectarianism, Hague said.
人们还需要通过特别关注尊重少数民族的权利来克服宗派主义, Hague表示。 yeeyan

This, in fact, represents a tendency towards narrow sectarianism, an extremely dangerous tendency which could lead to absolute isolation from the masses.
这实际上是一种狭隘的宗派主义倾向,也是一种最脱离群众的危险倾向。 hotdic

What do I mean by sectarianism?

Will it undermine our Party's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism, bureaucracy and sectarianism?
我们自己来批评自己的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,这会不会使我们的党丧失威信呢? jukuu

Sectarianism lingers on in Northern Ireland, bits of Scotland and some English cities like Liverpool.
宗派主义一直存在于北爱尔兰、苏格兰的部分地区和如利物浦等英格兰城市里。 ecocn

Sectarianism was so foreign to him that when he met rank prejudice, he often burst out laughing.
宗派主义意识与他毫不相干,每当遇到讨厌的偏见时,他经常突然笑出声来。 ecocn

Sectarianism has not been a big part of the protests.
宗派主义者并是反对派中的多数。 ecocn




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