

单词 secretariat
释义 sec·re·tar·i·at 英ˌsekrɪˈteəriːɪt美ˌsɛkrɪˈtɛriɪtAHDsĕk'rĭ-târʹē-ĭt ★☆☆☆☆高四八COCA³⁹³⁸⁹BNC¹¹²⁴⁴iWeb¹⁶¹³¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

an administrative unit responsible for maintaining records and other secretarial duties; especially for international organizationsthoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1973来自法语 secretariat,秘书处,对应英语 secretary.钱博士secretari=secretary,秘书+at动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示职责和相关机构→秘书的职责和机构⇒秘书处,书记处
secretari=secretary,秘书+at动词的过去分词后缀,在此构成名词,表示职责和相关机构→秘书的职责和机构⇒秘书处,书记处。近义词 secretariate秘书处秘书…

用作名词For further information, please contact oursecretariat.如果需要更多的信息,请与我们的秘书处联系。
The Secretariat shall report its findings to the Committee.秘书处应将审议结果报告委员会。
He has worked at the Secretariat of the United Nations for forty years.他在联合国秘书处工作了40年。
After the congress, thesecretariatmoved from Shanghai to Beijing.代表大会召开之后,书记处由上海迁到了北京。
This Secretariat has done a remarkable job ever since its establishment.书记处成立以来,工作很有成效。 A report on a visit to Uppsala by representatives of the secretariat and subgroup was presented.
会议期间提交了秘书处代表和工作小组访问乌普萨拉监测中心的报告。 who

The database on available resources maintained by the Secretariat in accordance with the decisions of the COP is a tool for Parties to assist them in implementing the Convention.
秘书处根据缔约方会议决定维持的关于可得资金的数据库是缔约方提供援助,以实施《公约》的一个工具。 who

A Ministry of Health Secretariat linking universities, national and international partners was established to oversee revision and implementation of the FETP.
建立了一个联系各大院校、国家和国家合作伙伴的卫生部秘书处,以监督 FETP的修改和实施。 who

An attempt by rich white countries to gain even more influence over a secretariat already dominated by the North.
白人富国的企图在联合国秘书处取得了更大的影响力,秘书处也已由北方主导。 ecocn

At present, the Chinese side has launched prepare work and stayed in communication and coordination with the Secretariat of the UNFCCC over specific arrangements.
目前中方已启动具体筹备工作并正在就会议的相关组织安排与公约秘书处进行沟通和协调。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Days later another member of the secretariat was killed by his own bodyguard.
数天后,秘书处的另一成员被其保卫人员杀害。 ecocn

For information on obtaining copies of the resources listed without a URL, please contact the FCTC Secretariat.
如欲获取所列无 URL地址的资料副本,请与《烟草控制框架公约》秘书处联系。 who

He took the microphone to announce that a deal the Copenhagen accord was done, and secretariat personnel frantically distributed the text.
他拿起话筒宣布协议哥本哈根协定完成了,秘书处全体人员则慌乱地分发着文本。 yeeyan

He was sent to the U. N. secretariat on secondment from the Government of France.

He will no longer appoint its intelligence and security committee, which will get its own secretariat and a new investigator.
首相布朗也不再任命议会情报与安全委员会官员,国家安全委员将拥有自己的秘书处和新的调查人员。 ecocn

His reward was that the euro zone will have two summits a year and its own secretariat.
他的提议是欧元区将会有一年两次的峰会和属于自己的秘书处。 ecocn

In 1969 he was head of Defense Secretariat8 DS8, and one of his responsibilities was to answer public questions about UFOs.
1969年,他是英国第八防务秘书处秘书长 DS8,他的部分职责就是向公众回答关于 UFO事件的问题。 yeeyan

In response, the Convention Secretariat organizes joint needs assessment exercises with interested governments and international partners in order to promote the implementation of the treaty.
作为反应,公约秘书处与有关政府和国际伙伴联合组织了需求评估活动以便促进条约的实施。 who

Initially developed in2000 as a common framework for UN- Business collaboration, the Guidelines apply to the UN Secretariat as well as separately administered organs, Funds and Programmes.
该指南最初在2000年被开发作为联合国商业合作的共同框架,用于联合国秘书处以及分开管理的机构、基金和项目。 un

Representatives of CICA member states and observer states and CICA Secretariat officials were present at the meeting.
亚信论坛成员国、观察员国代表、亚信论坛秘书处官员等与会。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

So-called flash- kidnappings— where victims are taken to ATMs to withdraw cash— are also common, the security secretariat says.
而所谓的飞速绑架——即把受害人带到自动柜员机上提取现金——也很普遍的事,安全秘书处说。 yeeyan

Speakers should hand a hard copy of their statements to the Secretariat of the hearing before they speak, to facilitate interpretation into other languages and for future reference.
发言者应在发言之前向听证会秘书处递交一份其发言的硬拷贝,以方便其它文种的同声传译和作为今后的参考。 who

The COP also requested the Convention Secretariat to develop and continuously update a database on available resources.
缔约方会议还请公约秘书处发展和不断更新关于可得资金的数据库。 who

The three sides also agreed to establish a cooperation secretariat in the ROK this year to further strengthen their cooperation mechanism.
三国还同意今年在韩国建立中日韩合作秘书处,三国合作机制化建设进一步加强。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

They said that the launching of the Secretariat is a milestone in the development of the organization. It is a symbol that the SCO has entered into a new stage of all-round development.
他们表示,秘书处的成立是上海合作组织发展历程中的一个里程碑,标志着该组织已从初创阶段进入全面发展的新阶段。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

WHO is the Secretariat for the International Coordinating Group for Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision ICG.
世卫组织担当黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组的秘书处。 who




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