

单词 secret
释义 se·cret 英ˈsiːkrɪt美ˈsikrɪtAHDsēʹkrĭt ★★★★☆常初中高四六研T牛4COCA²²⁹²BNC³²⁸⁵iWeb²³⁷⁶Economist¹⁷⁴⁸


that other people are prevented from knowing about

S 秘密,机密

sth kept hidden or known only to a few people

something that should remain hidden from others especially information that is not to be passed on;

the combination to the safe was a secret

he tried to keep his drinking a secret

information known only to a special group;

the secret of Cajun cooking

something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained;

how it got out is a mystery

it remains one of nature's secrets

not open or public; kept private or not revealed;

a secret formula

secret ingredients

secret talks

conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;

clandestine intelligence operations

cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines

hole-and-corner intrigue

secret missions

a secret agent

secret sales of arms

surreptitious mobilization of troops

an undercover investigation

underground resistance

not openly made known;

a secret marriage

a secret bride

communicated covertly;

their secret signal was a wink

secret messages

not expressed;

secret or private thoughts

designed to elude detection;

a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole

a secret passage

the secret compartment in the desk

hidden from general view or use;

a privy place to rest and think

a secluded romantic spot

a secret garden

of information given in confidence or in secret;

this arrangement must be kept confidential

their secret communications

indulging only covertly;

a secret alcoholic

having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;

mysterious symbols

the mystical style of Blake

occult lore

the secret learning of the ancients

the next to highest level of official classification for documents

❌ Please keep our marriage in secret as far as possible.

✔️ Please keep our marriage secret as far as possible.

✔️ Our marriage was kept in secret as far as possible.

“对某事保守秘密”用keep sth secret的结构, secret在此是形容词,作宾语补足语。in secret秘密地,暗地里一般只能作状语,可以用sth to be done in secret的形式。


❌ This is to be kept a secret to the others.

✔️ This is to be kept a secret from the others.

secret如用作名词,可用keep sth a secret from或keep a/the secret from的结构表示“对…保守秘密”。

in secret, in the secret

这两个短语在意思上和用法上都不同:前者作“秘密地”或“偷偷地”解,作状语,相当于secretly; 后者则作“知道秘密”解,多用作表语。

来自拉丁语 secretus,分开的,隐藏的,过去分词格于 secernere,分开,隐藏,来自 se-,分开, cernere,分开,词源同 crisis,discern,critical.后形容词过名词使用,引申诸相关词义。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词secret agent特务,间谍secret alarm暗自惊慌secret code密码secret diplomacy秘密外交secret document秘密文件secret door暗门secret enemy隐藏的敌人secret harbour偏僻的海港secret joint暗榫接合secret marriage秘密婚姻secret meeting秘密会议secret negotiation秘密谈判secret parts阴部secret passage暗道secret rejoicing暗自高兴secret treaty秘密条约secret valley幽谷副词+~strictly secret绝对机密的用作名词 n.动词+~break a secret打破秘密disclose a secret揭露秘密discover a secret发现秘密explore a secret探索秘密expose a secret揭露秘密figure out the secret发现〔找出〕奥秘give away a secret泄露秘密guard a secret保守秘密keep a secret保守秘密know a secret知晓秘密lay bare secret揭露秘密let out the secret泄露秘密offer a secret提供秘密pass on the secret传授秘诀possess this secret掌握这一秘密pry a secret探出秘密preserve a secret保守秘密retain a secret保守秘密reveal a secret泄露秘密search out a secret探出秘密sell a secret出卖秘密spy out a secret探出秘密steal a secret窃取机密talk a secret谈论秘密的事tell a secret告诉秘密uncover a secret公开一个秘密unlock a secret揭露秘密yield a secret泄露秘密形容词+~dark secret十分秘密dead secret绝对秘密individual secret个人秘密inside secrets内部秘密open secret公开的秘密technical secret工业秘密top secret绝密ugly secret见不得人的内情valuable secrets珍贵的机密vital secret极重要的秘密well-kept secret保守得十分严密的秘密名词+~atomic bomb secret原子弹秘密state secret国家机密trade secret商业秘密介词+~in secret秘密地,私下里meet in secret秘密会见~+介词secret between you and me只有你我知道的秘密secret for the cure of disease治病的秘诀secret of correct book-keeping正确记账的秘诀secret of health养身秘诀secret of Nature大自然的奥秘secret of success成功秘诀secret of the universe宇宙秘密
用作名词n.in secret

偷偷地,暗地里 without others knowing

in the secret

知道内情 among those who know the secret

let in on a secret

让某人知道秘密 let sb know the secret

let sb in on a secretThey talked in a suppressed voice as he were letting her in on a secret.他们谈话时声音压得很低,好像他在告诉她一个秘密似的。
If I were you,I wouldn't let her in on the secret.如果我是你的话,我不会叫她知道这个秘密。钱博士se分开+cret分离→已经和其他东西分开的,单独隐藏的事物⇒秘密的,秘密
非常记忆se色〖拼音〗+cr超人〖拼音〗+et外星人〖熟词〗⇒色狼发现了超人和外星人的秘密se分开+cret分离→已经和其他东西分开的,单独隐藏的事物⇒秘密的,秘密。词根记忆se分开+cret区别=分开来放=秘密的小学英语速记分音节记忆:se-cret近义词 deeptipscloseunseencovertmysteryconcealedunderhandundercoverunpublishedconfidential
classifiedn. confidence反义词 overtpublicadj. open
~+ n.He was tortured by the secret police, but they could not break his spirit.他遭到秘密警察的拷打,但他们并不能摧毁他的精神。
They were forced to publish the secret news.他们被迫公开秘闻。
You can't fool me,I know about your secret plan!你骗不了我,我知道你的秘密计划!
He kept his money stored away in a secret place, lest his nephew should lay his hands on it.他把钱藏在一个隐秘处,提防他侄儿拿到。
That is my secret cottage in the country.那是我在郊野的秘密住所。
The kind medicine is based on a secret formula.这种药是根据一种秘方制成的。
He's a devious, secret person and I don't trust him.他是一个狡猾诡秘的人,我不信任他。
We discovered a secret passage behind the wall.我们在墙后发现了秘密通道。
John is a secret admirer of Helen, though he has never spoken to her.约翰暗自爱慕海伦,尽管他从未对她说过。
I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV.我从不声张我是电视剧迷。
S+be+~The plan is secret.这计划是秘密的。
These plans must be kept secret from enemy.这些计划一定要对敌人保密。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is rather secret about his private affairs.他对自己的私事有点守口如瓶。
S+V+O+~He kept his illness secret from his wife.他不把自己的病告诉给他的妻子。用作名词n.She spilled the secret.她泄露了机密。
They told me not to reveal the secret.他们要我不要泄露机密。
He was on his honour not to tell the secret.他以名誉担保不把这个秘密告诉别人。
Guard the secret with your life, tell it to no one!用生命保守住这秘密,别告诉任何人。
I couldn't resist telling him the secret.我忍不住要把秘密告诉他。
His reputation had decided me to confide a secret to him.他的声誉使我决定向他吐露一桩秘密。
The wedding date is a big secret.举行婚礼的日期是一大秘密。
He made no secret of his dislike for me.他并不讳言他不喜欢我。
What's your secret for this wonderful pastry?你做的酥馅饼真好,有什么诀窍?
The secret to more effective writing is simple:talk to your reader.把文章写得更有效果的诀窍很简单,那就是同读者谈话。
The scientists are searching after the secret of life on earth.科学家们正在探索地球上生命的奥秘。~+of v -ingWhat's the secret of baking perfect bread?烤出上好面包的秘诀是什么?






用作名词Our plan must remain asecret.我们的计划必须保密。
Hissecretdied with him, for he never told anyone.他的秘密至死也不为人知,因为他从未告诉过别人。
What newsecretsof the universe will the new telescope reveal?新的望远镜将会给我们展示宇宙的哪些新奥秘呢?
What's thesecretof baking perfect bread?烤出好面包的秘诀是什么?用作形容词We discovered asecretpassage behind the wall.我们在墙后发现了一个秘密通道。
The congressman denied that the report was being keptsecret.该国会议员否认这是一份机密报告。adj.hidden, unrevealed
同义词 classified,covert,furtive,hush-hush,mysterious,obscure,private,secluded,undercover,underground,undisclosed,unknown,unpublishedbackdoor,close,closet,dark,deep,mystic,occult,unseenabstruse,ambiguous,arcane,camouflaged,cloak-and-dagger,clouded,conspiratorial,covered,cryptic,disguised,enigmatical,esoteric,mystical,on the Q.T.,out-of-the-way,recondite,reticent,retired,shrouded,strange,under wraps,unenlightened,unfrequented,unintelligible,veiled
反义词 aboveboard,apparent,honest,known,obvious,open,public,revealed,sociable,unconcealed,light,visibleclear,defined,explicit,forthright,legal,legitimateadj.underhand, clandestine
同义词 classified,confidential,covert,furtive,hush-hush,restricted,secretive,surreptitiousbackdoor,backstairs,close,inside,sneakcamouflaged,cryptic,discreet,disguised,dissembled,dissimulated,in ambush,incognito,sly,sneaky,stealthy,sub-rosa,top-secret,unacknowledged,under false pretense,underhanded,under-the-table
反义词 aboveboard,forthright,honest,known,open,publicclear,defined,explicit,legal,legitimate,revealed,unconcealednoun.something kept hidden, unrevealed
同义词 code,confidential information,key,mysterycipher,confidence,enigma,formula,occult,oracle,password,puzzle,unknownclassified information,magic number,privileged information,skeleton in cupboard
反义词 known,public knowledge,revelation
anonymousadjective unknown, usually by choice
Jane/John Doe,Xbeardingincognito,innominate,nameless,pseudo,pseudonymous,such and such,unacknowledged,unattested,unavowed,unclaimed,uncredited,undesignated,undisclosed,unidentified,unnamed,unsigned,unspecified,what's his/her name,whatchamacallit,whatsis,you know who
classifiedadjective top-secret
cloak-and-daggeradjective full of secrecy
cloakedadjective disguised
covertadjective clandestine, underhanded
buried,camouflaged,cloaked,concealed,disguised,dissembled,furtive,hidden,hush-hush,incog,incognito,masked,obscured,on the Q.T.,private,privy,secret,shrouded,stealthy,sub-rosa,surreptitious,ulterior,under wraps,under-the-table,undercover,underhand,unsuspected,veiled
deepadjective abstract, complicated in meaning
Delphic,abstruse,acute,arcane,complex,concealed,difficult,discerning,esoteric,hard to understand,heavy,hermetic,hidden,incisive,intricate,learned,mysterious,obscure,occult,orphic,penetrating,profound,recondite,sagacious,secret,serious,sibylline,wise The secret is to record everything I eat— regardless of what it is— right down to the last cookie, and start anew the next day or next moment.
秘密就是记录下我所吃的任何东西----无论它是什么---一直到最后一块饼干,下一天或下一个时刻重新开始记录。 yeeyan

What is your secret?
你的秘诀是什么? hxen

“ Since then I have avoided secret meetings of any kind,” he said.
“从那以后,我就尽量避免各种形式的秘密聚会,”他说。 yeeyan

And now that you know what not to do, let me tell you a secret about happiness.
现在既然你知道要做什么,那就让我告诉你有关快乐的一个秘密。 yeeyan

Another the secret of life.

He will not tell anyone, the secret will die with him.

Henceforth will I remember this secret and it will change my life.
从今往后,我要记住这个秘密。它将改变我的生活。 eol

Her secret?
她的秘密? yeeyan

His secret?
他的秘诀? yeeyan

I believe that Newton could hold a problem in his mind for hours and days and weeks until it surrendered to him its secret.
我相信,牛顿能够在他的头脑中抓住一个问题数小时,数天,甚至数周,直到它向他放弃它的秘密。 yeeyan

I have a secret for that.
为此我保有一个秘密。 yeeyan

I know one secret weapon they have; their God is all powerful, Hedestroyed us once, and he might again.
我知道他们拥有的秘密武器:他们的信仰非常强大,可以一次又一次地毁灭我们。 yeeyan

It is our secret.
那是我们的秘密。 putclub

Neither of them knows the secret.
他们俩谁都不知道这个秘密。 ebigear

She babbled the secret out to her boyfriend.

She confided to me the secret.
她向我吐露了那个秘密。 kekenet

She hoped that they would keep her secret.
她希望姑奶奶们能保守她的秘密。 blog.sina.com.cn

She swore me not to tell anybody about my secret.

So what is the secret?
那么秘诀又是什么呢? yeeyan

The secret is to change your environment so it works for you rather than against you.
这个秘密便是改变你的环境,而不是使之与你违背冲突。 cri

They have secret channels of information.
他们有秘密的情报来源。 edu.sina.com.cn

We drew out the secret from him.

What is the secret of their success?
这个家族成功的秘诀是什么呢? baidu

You look for secret?
你在寻找秘密? yeeyan




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