

单词 second trial
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And that may explain why opinion polls reveal more public sympathy for Mr Khodorkovsky in his second trial than in his first.
这也许就能解释为什么民意测验显示相对第一审,更多的民众对霍多尔科夫斯基的第二审表示出更多的同情。 ecocn

It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal.
不服气的高某在二审期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做 DNA鉴定。 blog.sina.com.cn

Although a second trial is ongoing, it was widely assumed that Iraq’s new government— and its American ally— wanted to see Mr Hussein executed sooner rather than later.
尽管二审正在进行,但是普遍猜测认为伊拉克新政府——以及他们的美国盟友——都渴望早点把萨达姆送上绞刑台。 ecocn

At home, the best test of Russia’s direction in 2010 may be the outcome of the second trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a jailed former tycoon.
就国内而言,关于俄罗斯2010年走向的最好验证,可能是对米哈伊尔.霍尔多夫斯基 Mikhail Khodorkovsky的二审结果,这位曾经的大亨如今身陷囹圄。 ecocn

But at a second trial, which concluded in June2009, Ms Thomas-Rasset was found guilty again.
但是,2009年6月二审结束, Thomas Rasset女士再次罪名成立。 ecocn

He pleaded not guilty in his second trial on charges of embezzlement.
关于对其盗用资产的指控他在二审中声称自己无罪。 ecocn

In a lawsuit he filed last December against the local government in the hope of revoking the punishment, Yang lost his second trial.
在去年12月他提起的一场希望撤销处罚的对当地政.府的官司,杨在二审时输了。 yeeyan

This is the second trial of Mr Khodorkovsky— and the first under the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev.
这是对霍多尔科夫斯基的第二审——也是米特里•梅德韦杰夫执政后的第一审。 ecocn




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