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Second Empire 基本英英例句 法兰西第二帝国1852-1870; n.;法兰西第二帝国1852~1870
Noun: the imperial government of Napoleon III in France from 1852-1870The tricolour remained the national flag under the Second Republic andSecond Empire.最初,红色在旗杆的一侧,蓝色在外侧。 In France, theSecond Empiregets enthuses over cameos, rose-crowned hearts, lockets, double bezel rings.法国的第二帝国对刻有浮雕的宝石、玫瑰冠的心形宝石、吊坠、双面嵌宝石的戒指等情有独钟。 Henri Rochefort, a supporter of the extreme left under the FrenchSecond Empire, was many times arrested and imprisoned.亨利.罗什福尔是法兰西第二帝国治下极左派人士,曾多次被捕及入狱。 For her part, Corday was generally reviled for murdering Marat, although during theSecond Empireshe was seen as a heroine of France.在第二帝国时期,他被视为革命怪物。 The most common styles are Renaissance Revival, Italianate and FrenchSecond Empire, though there are Greek Revival, Egyptian Revival, Gothic Revival, and Queen Anne style houses.广场往东就是大马路,沿街的住宅,小店。属于“南端”地区了。东南角是一个卖画画颜料,纸笔,框架等的小店,东西很全。沿街的住宅很有特色。 |