

单词 second day
释义 second day短语²⁶⁴⁶¹
A warm afternoon, the second day of spring, but the air in the gorge had become cold and damp.
本来是春天的第二天,一个温暖的下午,但是峡谷里的空气变的又冷又湿。 yeeyan

As the UN security council entered a second day of emergency deliberations, differences have emerged over whether to impose punitive measures in retaliation for the launch.
联合国安理会关于此案件的紧急磋商已经进入第二天,而对于这次发射事件是否要启动惩罚性的措施的分歧也越来越大。 yeeyan

It comes on the second day of a military operation launched by international forces to establish a UN- backed no-fly zone over Libya and prevent further attacks against civilians.
此事发生在国际联合部队为了在利比亚建立联合国支持的禁飞区,防止平民继续遭受攻击而发动的军事行动的第二天。 voanews

Others have expressed optimism that the talks have at least made it into a second day.
另一些人则表示乐观,认为会谈至少已经进入了第二天。 kekenet

Since then, the two parties have gone through a trial, conviction, a mistrial, and now the retrial of Thomas is well under way and just entered its second day.
自从那时起,双方已经经历过过审判,定罪以及审判无效的过程,现在对托马斯的重审正在进行当中,案件审判刚刚进入第二天。 yeeyan

Six days earlier, on just the second day of renewed UN inspections in Iraq, some inspectors had been denied access to Saddam’s Baath Party headquarters.
六天前,即联合国武器核查在伊拉克重新启动的第二天,一些核查人员就被拒绝进入萨达姆的复兴党党总部。 yeeyan

The second day featured a presentation of the platform, and strong speeches by President Carter, Tom Harkin, and Jesse Jackson.
第二天的重头戏是政纲的正式推介和卡特总统、汤姆.哈金和杰西.杰克逊的演讲。 yeeyan

Second day of transect for us and third for the team.
这是我们进行截面调查的第二天,是这个小组的第三天。 worldbank




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