

单词 seclusion
释义 se·clu·sion 英sɪˈkluːʒən美sɪˈkluʒənAHDsĭ-kl›“zhən ☆☆☆☆☆高ISTCOCA²⁶⁶⁷⁰BNC²²⁷⁴⁹iWeb¹⁹⁰⁶⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of othersthe act of secluding yourself from others来自 seclude,隔离,隐居,-s,过去分词格,-ion,名词后缀。seclusion type隔离型seclusion of the pupil医 瞳孔闭锁虹…
se分开+clus关+ion名词后缀→与他人分开,单独关起来⇒与世隔绝,隐居。词根记忆se分开+clus关闭+ion →离开并关闭起来→隐居se分开+clus=clude关闭+ion⇒隔离近义词 privacy隐居quiet安静的solitude孤独shelter避难所isolation隔离retirement退休privatenessprivate的名词形式…

用作名词The jury arrives at its verdict in theseclusionof the jury room.陪审团在隔离的评议室里作出裁定。
I live very much inseclusionthese days.这些天我过着几乎与世隔绝的生活。
The famous actor now lives inseclusion.那位著名的演员现在过着隐居生活。noun.isolation
同义词 hiding,remoteness,solitudealoneness,aloofness,blockade,concealment,desolation,detachment,privacy,privateness,quarantine,reclusiveness,retirement,retreat,separateness,separation,sequestration,shelter,withdrawalbeleaguerment,reclusion,seclusiveness
反义词 open,public
darknoun ignorance;mystery
darknessnoun ignorance;mystery
huggermuggernoun secrecy
lonelinessnoun isolation
privacynoun solitude, secrecy
aloofness,clandestineness,concealment,confidentiality,isolation,one's space,penetralia,privateness,quiet,retirement,retreat,seclusion,separateness,separation,sequestration,solitude
quarantinenoun isolation
detention,lazaretto,seclusion,segregation,separation,sequestration And the impetuosity of his passion also moved our veiled heart- bride in the seclusion of her corner.
他的情感的恣肆狂热,也打动了我们那颗蒙着面纱的心---即居于幽深角落里的新娘。 yeeyan

Of the28 hospitals that changed their policies to become smoke free, tobacco- related health problems, seclusion and restraint, and use of coercion or threats all declined significantly, they said.
研究人员说,这28家医院采取了禁烟政策以后,因香烟引起的健康问题以及隔离,限制,强迫或者威胁的使用次数,都有显著地下降。 yeeyan

The cloisters still retain something of the quiet and seclusion of former days.
回廊一带依然保留有几分当年的幽静出世之慨。 putclub

The driver dropped off KSM at a house in one of the city's affluent neighborhoods— one where retired Pakistani generals lived in seclusion— and then the spy quickly went to work.
就在该市富人区也是巴基斯坦退役军官的隐居处所的一处住宅门口,司机刚让KSM下车,特工便立即行动。 yeeyan

There’s a lot of planetary action in your solar Twelfth House, and in astrology this house is often connected with seclusion.
你的日座第12宫有很多行星活动,占星学上这个宫位通常与隐居有关。 blog.sina.com.cn

A rat and a rabbit, emerging from a century and a half of peaceful seclusion, have found themselves in the eye of an international storm about their future, and the proper fate of looted artworks.
经过一个半世纪的离群索居之后,一只老鼠和一只兔子发现自己正身处一场涉及它们的未来的国际风暴之中,这是被掠夺艺术品的特有命运。 yeeyan

After living many years in the public eye, she spent her final days in seclusion.She died of colon cancer on 22 November in Richland County, South Carolina, it emerged.She was85.
在公众视线下生活多年后,她度过了她最后的隐居生活,于11月22日因结肠癌死于南卡罗来纳州的里奇兰县,享年85岁。 yeeyan

But for the ultimate in seclusion and no-holds-barred indulgence, consider sailing to a hideaway owned by a celebrity.
但是提到终极的隐蔽和无拘无束的放纵的话,可以考虑远航到名人所拥有的隐匿处。 yeeyan

Functionally they have been separated but the planning is done to eliminate the feeling of seclusion for visitors.
功能上它们被独立开来,但是设计就是要消除游客与世隔绝的感觉。 yeeyan

He concluded ruefully that it was“ arrogant and rash” to profess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion.
他懊悔地总结道,宣称自己信奉不能修行到的美德是非常“自傲和轻率的”。最终,他选择隐居,不理世事。 ecocn

He denounced materialism and moral emptiness, and lived in increasing seclusion in a remote corner of New England.
他公开指责物质主义和道德空虚,而且渐渐地将自己隐遁于新英格兰的一个偏远的角落里。 ecocn

He took them up into a loft which could only be reached by a ladder from the harness- room, and there kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence.
他把他们带到阁楼里,那间阁楼只有通过农具室的梯子才能上去。处在这样世隔绝的状态下,庄园里其他动物很快就忘记了他们的存在。 yeeyan

He was recently divorced, and three years into the seclusion that would span the last45 years of his life.
当时,他刚刚离婚不久,后半生45年的隐居生涯也才刚刚过去了三年。 yeeyan

Her return prompts the grandfather to descend to the village for the first time in years, marking an end to his seclusion.
海蒂的回来使得爷爷这么多年来第一次到村子里去,这给他的隐居画了句号。 yeeyan

Keeping the hospital's seclusion and restraint rates low is one such reason. Creating a therapeutic alliance is another.
一方面是因为医院要保持较低的强制性治疗率,另一方面是因为要创建治疗联盟。 yeeyan

Man is overcome by a profound depression while nodding through his voluptuously lazy hours of seclusion, because in this way he is deprived of full commerce with life.
假如人在幽闭中浑浑噩噩地过着逸乐懒散的日子,他会在深沉的沮丧中煎熬,因为这样他就会完全丧失一切社交生活。 yeeyan

Mimicking the grander seclusion of their British masters, they lived apart in purpose- built railway towns, disdaining their Indian colleagues.
他们模拟英国统治者的宏伟隔离措施,单独住在铺设特别设计铁路干线的城镇里,鄙视那些印第安同事。 ecocn

Mr. Lextrait, who now lives in Thailand with his wife, Jayne, an American he met in Hawaii after leaving Palmyra, said he returned from seclusion to find the world a changed place.
莱克斯彻先生现在与他的妻子简妮一起生活在泰国,简妮是一个美国人,在离开帕米利亚后,他在夏威夷碰到了她。他说他从隐居的世界里回来之后一切都已面目全非。 yeeyan

Not Crompton, an unambitious man who regretted only that public interest would not leave him to his seclusion, so that he might “ earn undisturbed the fruits of his ingenuity and perseverance.”
不是 Crompton,而是一个没有野心的人,仅仅因为公共利益没有让他隐居而懊悔不已,却让他获得了精巧和毅力的成果。 yeeyan

Reachable only by ferry, this quiet, contained and child- friendly island is the perfect getaway for people who love golf, sailboats, and seclusion.
这座宁静宽容、令孩子喜爱的岛是热爱高尔夫球、帆船和隐居者最完美的隐居地,只能乘渡船到达。 yeeyan

She spent a week in seclusion before the big day, emerging from the Truman home only a handful of times, including once to partake in a small press conference.
婚礼前她隐居了一个星期,很少出现在杜鲁门家里,包括参加了一次小型记者会议。 yeeyan

She was angry with herself afterwards, thinking that he, unaware of her grave reasons for liking this seclusion, might have mistaken her meaning.
她后来又对自己生起气来,心想,他不知道她喜欢这儿的隐居生活的严肃理由,有可能把她的意思误解了。 hjenglish

Six Senses Ninh Van Bay retreat offers58 villas with a choice of jungle seclusion, hilltop views, beachside or water- edge settings.
Six Senses Ninh Bay酒店提供58个别墅,包括丛林隐居、山顶眺望、海滩或者水边等等各种环境。 kekenet

We are now in rural seclusion.
我们目前过着乡村隐居生活。 kekenet

When Hubbard went into seclusion, in 1980, Miscavige was one of the few people who maintained close contact with him.
1980年哈伯德隐居的时候,密斯凯维吉是少数留下来和他近距离接触的人之一。 yeeyan




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