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词汇 secede
释义 se·cede 英sɪˈsiːd美sɪˈsidAHDsĭ-sēdʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝TCOCA²⁷⁶⁸⁰BNC³⁶²¹⁷iWeb²⁵⁷²²Economist¹⁶⁷⁵⁰

withdraw from an organization or communion;

After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away

词根词缀: se-分离 + -ced-行走,退让 + -e动词词尾GRE红宝书se分开, cede走-脱离
se- 脱离 + cede 走
se分开+cede走→ 走开,脱离
词根记忆se分开+ cede走⇒走开,脱离词根记忆se+cede走=走开=退出近义词 split分裂withdraw撤回pull out拔出break away消散separate分开的splinter尖碎片disaffiliate分离

用作动词The Republic of Panamasecededfrom Colombia in 1903.巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。verb.pull away;split from
同义词 break withabdicate,apostatize,leave,quit,resign,retire,retract,retreat,separate,withdrawdisaffiliate
反义词 advance,come,continue,hold,join,maintain,remain,staycombine,come in,unite
departverb leave, retreat
abandon,abdicate,absent,beat it,blast off,cut and run,cut out,decamp,desert,disappear,emigrate,escape,evacuate,exit,get away,git,go,go away,go forth,hit the bricks,hit the road,hit the trail,make a break,march out,migrate,move on,move out,part,perish,pull out,quit,remove,retire,sally forth,say goodbye,scram,set forth,shove off,slip away,split,start,start out,take leave,tergiversate,troop,vacate,vanish,withdraw
quitverb stop doing something
abandon,break off,call it a day,call it quits,cease,conclude,cut it out,desist,discontinue,drop,end,get on the wagon,give notice,give over,give up,halt,hang it up,kick over,kick the habit,knock off,leave,leave off,pack in,quit cold,resign,retire,secede,sew up,surcease,suspend,take the cure,terminate,wind up,withdraw,wrap up
rebelverb refuse to obey
be insubordinate,boycott,break with,censure,combat,come out against,criticize,defy,denounce,disobey,dissent,drop out,fight,get out of line,insurrect,make waves,mutiny,oppose,opt out,overthrow,overturn,remonstrate,renounce,resist,revolt,riot,rise up,rock the boat,run amok,secede,strike,take up arms,turn against,upset
rebelsverb refuse to obey
boycotts,breaks with,censures,combats,comes out against,criticizes,defies,denounces,disobeys,dissents,drops out,fights,gets out of line,insurrects,is insubordinate,makes waves,mutinies,opposes,opts out,overthrows,overturns,remonstrates,renounces,resists,revolts,riots,rises up,rocks the boat,runs amok,secedes,strikes,takes up arms,turns against,upsets
resignverb give up responsibility
abandon,abdicate,bail out,bow out,capitulate,cease work,cede,demit,divorce oneself from,drop,drop out,end service,fold,forgo,forsake,give notice,give up the ship,hand in resignation,hand over,hang it up,leave,quit,relinquish,renounce,retire,secede,separate oneself from,sign off,stand aside,stand down,step down,surrender,terminate,throw in the towel,turn over,vacate,waive,walk out,wash hands of,yield
retireverb leave a place or responsibility
absent oneself,decamp,deny oneself,depart,draw back,ebb,exit,fall back,get away,get off,give ground,give up work,give way,go,go away,go to bed,go to one's room,go to sleep,hand over,hit the sack,leave service,make vacant,part,pull back,pull out,recede,regress,relinquish,remove,repeal,rescind,resign,retreat,revoke,run along,rusticate,secede,seclude oneself,separate,sever connections,stop working,surrender,take off,turn in,withdraw,yield As the polls closed in South Sudan’s referendum on whether to secede from the north, preliminary results suggested that the yes vote would exceed90%.
南苏丹关于是否脱离北苏丹的全民公投已结束。初步结果显示支持票会超过90%。 ecocn

The north, reluctant to see the oil- rich south secede, had previously insisted on a majority of two-thirds on a turnout as high as 75% or more.
不愿意看到石油资源丰富的南方分离出去的北方,一直坚持得票数要达到总投票数的三分之二,即75%或者更多。 topsage

What if Texas decided today it wanted to secede from the Union?
如果德克萨斯今天想从美国分裂出去怎么办? yeeyan

An ultra- Orthodox party that is an important coalition partner and holds the health ministry threatened to secede unless this was done.
极端东正教政党是重要的联盟伙伴,掌管着卫生部,并且威胁说如不照办,就退出联盟。 ecocn

But the deal had come under increasing strain in the past few years, not least over the exact terms of its most important provision, the referendum in the south on whether it wants to secede.
但是现在这个和平协议处于危险边缘,并不是因为在重要规定上的苛刻要求,而是在于南方要求脱离苏丹的公民投票。 ecocn

Conflict erupted in 1988 as the territory’s Armenians sought to secede from Azerbaijan.
1988年因亚美尼亚人提出将该地区脱离阿塞拜疆而爆发冲突。 ecocn

Even if the south could secede without war, he said, it still would not get any of the things it demanded.
即使南方脱离联邦而没有发生战争,他说,南方的脱离仍然无法得到它所需要的任何东西。 yeeyan

For several days, it seemed that all these states would secede and join the southern confederacy.
几天来,似乎所有这些州都将脱离联邦加入到南方邦联中去。 yeeyan

He did not want the state to secede. Nor did he want it to remain neutral.
总统不希望肯塔基州脱离联邦,也不希望它保持中立。 yeeyan

IF PHONE calls do not lie, Scotland could secede from the rest of Britain without causing much inconvenience.
如果电话号码不会说谎,那么即使苏格兰从英国分离出去也不会引发过多的不快。 ecocn

In principle, sub- national states should sometimes be able to secede, but South Ossetia and Abkhazia clearly do not qualify.
原则上来说,地方州府有时可以独立出来,但是南奥塞梯和阿柏克兹亚显然不合格。 ecocn

In short, the decision to secede from the British Empire was accompanied by a truly revolutionary agenda for the infant American republic.
简而言之,伴随着脱离大英帝国的决定而来的,是为襁褓中的美利坚合众国准备的一份货真价实的革命日程表。 yeeyan

In January, as part of an accord that ended a separate civil war between north and south Sudan in 2005, the southerners will vote on whether their region should secede as a newly independent country.
在一月份,作为2005年停止苏丹南北间分裂内战的协议规定的一部分,南方人将就南部是否脱离出去,成为一个独立的国家进行投票表决。 ecocn

It was just across the Potomac River from Washington. Virginia's decision to secede cost the Union a military commander of great ability.
维吉尼亚州脱离联邦的决定使合众国损失了一位卓越的军事指挥人才,他就是罗作特.E.李。 yeeyan

Like Florida, South Carolina is used to causing trouble: it was the first state to secede from the Union in 1860.
与佛罗里达州一样,南卡罗莱纳州过去也常常制造麻烦:1860年,该州首先宣布脱离当时的联邦政府。 ecocn

Neither South Ossetia nor Abkhazia, the report says, had the right to secede from Georgia and Russia’s recognition of their independence was illegal.
报告指出,南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹都没有权利脱离格鲁吉亚,俄罗斯承认它们独立是非法的。 ecocn

She has links to the wacky Alaska Independence Party, which wants to secede from the Union.
她与古怪的阿拉斯加独立党派联系密切,而后者现在想退出联盟。 ecocn

The first state to secede after the start of the Civil War was Virginia. It was an important state because of its location.
内战暴发后第一个脱离联邦的是维吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚州,该州在美国的地理位置上十分重要。 yeeyan

The government will never allow the state to secede, let alone to join Pakistan.
印度政府绝不会允许克什米尔脱离联邦政府,更不会允许它加入巴基斯坦国。 ecocn

The south is to vote on whether to secede from the north in a2011 referendum.
南方将在2010年举行公投,决定是否要脱离北方。 ebigear

The south may try to secede.
南部可能会试图分裂出去。 ecocn

The SPLM will then direct its focus on the referendum of2011, in the hope that the south will secede and it will emerge as ruler of a new country rising from the ashes of half a century of turmoil.
苏丹人民解放运动将把注意力转向2011年的公投,寄希望于南方能够独立,并能够在动荡了半个多世纪的国家的废墟上建立起一座新的国家。 ecocn

The group first began rising to prominence in April, when the governor of Texas threatened to secede from the union in protest against government spending.
现代茶叶党第一次引起世人关注是在四月份,当时德克萨斯州州长威胁脱离合众国以抗议联邦政府的挥霍无度。 yeeyan




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