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词汇 sebelius
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And, as Sebelius noted, “ Typically parents do not keep their children home if their classmates come down with the flu.”
正如 Sebelius注意到的“即使孩子同班同学感染了流感,典型父母不也会让孩子留在家里。” yeeyan

Kathleen Sebelius is the secretary of health and human services.
凯瑟琳· 西贝利厄斯是卫生与公众服务部部长。 unsv

Ms. Sebelius also said it is likely that just one dose of the vaccine will be needed to protect adults against the virus, based on preliminary study results of some of the vaccines released last week.
赛贝林斯还指出,根据上周对推出疫苗的初步研究结果,或许一支疫苗就足以保护成年人免受甲流侵袭。 iciba

On May10th Kathleen Sebelius, the health secretary, sent a letter to congressional leaders trumpeting the various concessions she has won.
5月10日,卫生部部长 Kathleen Sebelius给国会的领导写了一封信,鼓吹她已经赢得了许多让步。 ecocn

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Sebelius was the top choice.
本周三,纽约时报称,西贝柳斯是该职位的首选。 yeeyan

“ It is really the dorm environment that presents some challenges, ” Sebelius said.
Sebelius说:“这确实是对集团宿舍环境提出了一些挑战。” yeeyan

“ We will have enough vaccine available for everyone,” Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Secretary, said in an address to Congress today, the AP reports.
美联社报道卫生和公共服务部部长 Kathleen Sebelius今天在国会发言说“我们每个人都将有足够疫苗供应”。 yeeyan

But in an election year in which white working- class men could be the key swing vote, an Obama- Sebelius ticket would probably be too much of a good thing.
但恰逢今年的关键选票握在白种工人阶级手里,奥巴马-西贝利厄斯组合很可能会好过了头。 ecocn

But Kathleen Sebelius, the administration’s health secretary, denied this after the summit.
但当局的健康秘书凯瑟琳西贝利厄斯在会后否认了这一点。 yeeyan

Clinton and Sebelius said in a joint statement Friday that the study was “ clearly unethical” and apologized to all those who had been affected by it.
星期五,克林顿和西贝利厄斯发表联合声明,那个研究“显然是不道德的”,并向所有被感染的人致歉。 yeeyan

Even Mrs Sebelius’s new proposed rules cite the need for more proposed rules, points out Edmund Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.
另外一家保守党智囊团“美国传统基金会”的黑索麦尔指出,即使是瑟比列斯提出的新规定也要求制定更多规定。 ecocn

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said separate guidelines would be issued soon for preschools, day-care centers and colleges and universities.
美国卫生和公共服务部部长 Kathleen Sebelius说:对幼儿园、日托中心和高等院校的单独指导方针即将发布。 yeeyan

Kathleen Sebelius, the health secretary, says that“ fighting obesity is at the heart” of health reform.
卫生局局长凯瑟琳-西贝利厄斯认为,医疗改革的核心就是“战胜肥胖”。 ecocn

Meanwhile, late Tuesday, the Senate confirmed Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services, the last member of President Obama's cabinet to be approved by the Senate.
在另一方面,参议院星期二批准了奥巴马总统最后一项重要内阁部长的提名,确认堪萨斯州州长西贝利厄斯为卫生与公共事务部长。 tingroom

Mr Moran is all but certain to win. Mr Brownback looks sure to claim the governor’s office, ousting Ms Sebelius’s Democratic replacement.
莫兰几乎稳操胜券,而布朗巴克看起来是肯定要求政府办公室否决西贝利厄斯提出的民主党上台。 ecocn

Mr Obama nominated Kathleen Sebelius as health secretary, his second choice following the withdrawal of Tom Daschle.
奥巴马提名凯瑟琳•西贝利厄斯为卫生与公众服务部部长人选,这是在他放弃汤姆•达施勒后的第二个选择。 ecocn

Mrs Sebelius, the Democratic governor of Kansas, a solidly Republican state, will be involved in pushing health-care reform through Congress.
民主党人凯瑟琳•西贝利厄斯女士现任堪萨斯州州长,而堪萨斯州是共和党的传统势力范围。 凯瑟琳将负责说服国会,推动医保体系改革。 ecocn

Mrs Sebelius and Mr Obama say exchanges will encourage competition, creating markets where individuals and small businesses can choose health plans that suit them best.
瑟比列斯和奥巴马表示,医保交易所会促进竞争,建立医保市场,从而使个人和小企业能够选择适合自身的最佳医保计划。 ecocn

Mrs Sebelius emphasised that the new rules would give states flexibility.
瑟比列斯强调,新规定在各州执行时会有一定灵活性。 ecocn

The first condition was met in April when the Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency, which Ms. Sebelius renewed for a second time on Oct.20.
第一个前提条件是由卫生部宣布出现公共卫生紧急状态,这一点已经在四月里得到实现,而且西贝柳斯部长在10月20日再次延长了这一紧急状态。 yeeyan

Sebelius is expected to be in Washington from Saturday through Tuesday for a meeting of the National Governors' Association, according to the Times.
时代周刊报道,本周星期六至下星期二,西贝柳斯会参加在华盛顿举行的一个由全国州长协会举办的会议。 yeeyan

Sebelius, a moderate Democrat from a mostly Republican state and an Obama ally, has often been mentioned as a possibility for his Cabinet.
西贝柳斯虽然来自一个共和党员占大多数的州,但其本身则是一位走温和派路线的民主党员。 她支持奥巴马,外界认为她有可能会成为奥巴马的内阁成员之一。 yeeyan

Sebelius said the vaccine doses will be distributed immediately to designated locations across the country once they are available.
西贝利厄斯说疫苗一可用就会立即发派至全国各指定地点。 yeeyan




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