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词汇 Sebastiano
释义 Sebastiano
According to various sources Lazio is close to sign two Parma players, Jorge Bolano andSebastianoSiviglia.根据来自多方面的消息,拉齐奥已经很接近签下来自帕尔玛的两名球员,博拉诺和西维利亚。
Former Atalanta playerSebastianoSiviglia talked about the match: I spent 3 years in Bergamo and know the atmosphere.前亚特兰大球员塞巴斯蒂安.;西维利亚在赛前对比赛谈了自己的看法:“我在贝尔加莫度过了3年时间,我熟悉那里的气氛。
Lazio defenderSebastianoSiviglia has hailed the impact made by young striker Mauro Zarate.拉齐奥的中后卫塞巴斯蒂安.;西维利亚为年轻射手毛罗
TeammateSebastianoSiviglia also hopes to be available for the Champions League fixture, as he is recovering from a knee injury.他的队友西维利亚希望他能赶上冠军杯资格赛,目前他正在恢复中。
SebastianoSiviglia's season is over after the Lazio man was punished with a two-match ban following his dismissal against Inter.因为在对国米的比赛中的不冷静行为,西维利亚受到了停赛两场的处罚,这样他的这个赛季已经提前结束了!
Lazio are without Mobido Diakhite, Fabio Firmani, Stefano Mauri andSebastianoSiviglia, while Guglielmo Stendardo and Emilson Cribari grit their teeth to play.拉齐奥阵中;迪亚基特;菲尔马尼;毛里和西维将无法上场;斯汤和克里巴里将在比赛中武装到牙齿.




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