

单词 seawater
释义 sea·wa·ter 英ˈsiːˌwɔːtə, -ˌwɒtə美ˈsiˌwɔtɚ, -ˌwɑtɚAHDsēʹwô'tər, -wŏt'ər 常高COCA²²⁴³⁶BNC³⁷⁵⁷³iWeb¹⁶⁵²⁴Economist¹³²⁷²

water containing salts;

the water in the ocean is all saltwater

seawater resource海水资源seawater type海水类型standard seawater标准海水seawater pollution海水污染seawater thermometer海水温度计seawater density海水密度seawater salinity海水盐度seawater distillation海水蒸馏seawater intrusion海水侵袭seawater encroachment海水入侵seawater temperature海水温度seawater exchange海水交换aged seawater老化海水seawater mixing海水混合seawater transparency海水透明度
非常记忆sea海+water水⇒海水可以提炼盐sea海洋-water水⇒n.海水近义词 brine盐水saltwater盐水的

用作名词I like to stand inseawaterand sport in summer.夏天我喜欢站在海水里嬉戏。
Salt is a component ofseawater.盐是海水的一个构成成份。as in.salt water
同义词 brine,briny,saline
salt waternoun water containing salt
brine,briny,saline A cubic kilometer of seawater, go into the ocean and imagine a box.

Among other potential geoengineering solutions is spraying fine droplets of seawater into the air to create low-level clouds that would lower daytime temperatures over the oceans.
另一种可行的地球工程学解决方案是,向空气中喷射精细的海水飞沫,形成低级别云层,它将在白天降低海洋上空的气温。 yeeyan

At the moment, seawater is naturally alkaline— but it is becoming less so all the time.
此刻,海水本是碱性的——但一直以来碱性正变得越来越弱。 ecocn.org

The release of seawater from the rock will raise sea levels over time, but not by much, says Schrag.
施拉格说,随着时间的推移,释放出来的海水会使海平面增高,不过增幅不大。 yeeyan

The sinking brine is so cold that it causes the seawater to freeze around it.
这股高浓度的盐水温度极低,使得围绕在它周围的海水能冻结成冰。 huanqiu




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