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词汇 sea turtle
释义 sea turtle ˈsiːtɜːtl ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³²²⁸⁵

any of various large turtles with limbs modified into flippers; widely distributed in warm seas近义词 marine turtle海龟, 海鳖
They caught a large turtle on the shore.他们在海滩上捉到一只大海龟。
Most sea turtles live in warm waters.大多数海龟生活在温水水域。 An estimated70,000 sea turtle eggs are being evacuated from the oil- threatened beaches bordering the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic coast of Florida, beginning in July2010.
从今年7月开始,约有7万枚海龟蛋经过撤离,从饱受油污威胁的墨西哥湾海滩运至佛罗里达州大西洋沿岸。 hjenglish

Enter Allman, who came to Ghana as a Fulbright Scholar to establish the first long-term sea turtle research and conservation program in Ghana.
作为富布赖特学者来到加纳的安特尔·奥尔曼,在加纳建立了第一个长期的海龟研究和保护计划。 yeeyan

There were many interesting topics, including the Evils of Homework, a glance at Hans Christian Anderson's“The Little Mermaid”, the life cycle of the sea turtle, and a glance at ghosts, among others.

“ Bycatch is probably the most important threat to sea turtles,” says Karen Bjorndal, a sea turtle ecologist at the University of Florida, Gainesville, who was not involved in the research.
“附带捕捞可能是海龟面临的最大威胁,”参与研究的佛罗里达大学海龟生态学家凯伦·比约恩达拉说到。 yeeyan

A dead juvenile sea turtle lies marooned in oil in Barataria Bay, La.
一只死掉的幼年海龟孤零零地趴在巴拉塔里亚海湾的浮油里。 yeeyan

All seven species of sea turtle are either endangered or threatened.
海龟的七个物种全部濒危或受到威胁。 yeeyan

Before being fitted with her artificial fin, which her handlers refer to as her “ ninja suit, ” Allison the green sea turtle could only swim around in tight circles because she only had one flipper.
艾莉森的饲养员把她的鳍比作“忍者服”,由于在装上人工鳍之前她只有一只鳍,所以这只绿海龟只能在很有限的范围里游。 yeeyan

Debby Crouse: Moving sea turtle eggs may cause all sorts of other problems, but we believe that under these circumstances, we have little choice.
黛比·克劳斯:转移海龟蛋可能会引发各种各样的新问题,但我们相信,在这种情况下,我们已经别无选择。 hjenglish

EarthSky spoke with Barbara Schroeder, national sea turtle coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.
记者就此采访了芭芭拉·施罗德,国家海洋与大气管理局 NOAA国家海龟保护事业专员。 hxen

Five of the world's seven species of sea turtles come to this remote coast, making it one of Africa's most important sea turtle nesting grounds.
世界上七种海龟中有五种会来到这遥远的海滩,使这海滩成为了非洲最重要的海龟筑巢地。 ngpod

Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water.
一只夏威夷绿海龟在仅有几英尺深的水里游泳。 yeeyan

Officials have also seen a rise in sea turtle deaths:141 during the first few months of this year, which is above normal.
官方也发现了海龟死亡率的增加,今年一月,有141个海龟死亡,要高于一般情况。 yeeyan

Six of the seven known sea turtle species are listed as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species.
已知的海龟物种中的七分之六在国际保护受威胁物种联合会的自然红名单上,被登记为脆弱,濒危,甚至极度濒危物种。 yeeyan

So, better I should focus on a dolphin or sea turtle instead.
如此一来,我最好还是与海豚或海龟一起游吧。 yeeyan

So sometimes to see a sea turtle you just have to work a little harder.
所以,有时为了看到海龟,你要更努力些。 yeeyan

That's sea turtle biologist Debby Crouse of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, one of the organizations evacuating turtle eggs, such as the endangered loggerheads, leatherbacks, and Kemp’s ridley.
今天节目组采访的是美国渔业和野生动物服务局海龟生物学家黛比·克劳斯。 渔业和野生动物服务局参与了抢救墨西哥湾海龟蛋的工作,抢救对象包括红海龟、棱皮龟、兰·坎皮海龟等濒危物种。 hxen

The Sea Turtle English Salon opens every Sunday evening at 7pm for temporary and ticket free. Membership will be registered at the bar counter.

Titled“ Underwater Sadness,” a photograph of a sea turtle caught in a net in the Sea of Cortezsee map won third place in the “ Environment and Conservation” category.
这张照片名为“水底的悲哀”,拍摄的是一只在加利福尼亚湾被海底的一张网陷住的海龟。 它获得了“环境与对话”领域的第三名。 yeeyan




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