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bad karma短语⁵⁰⁴⁸¹ 基本例句 苦命 Natural and man-made disasters originate in the collective karma. To banish them, we must first purge our bad karma. 天灾人祸是共业所感召,要消除灾难,必先消除自己的罪业。360doc On the one hand, that way you can earn merit for your parents. On the other hand, you can reduce your own bad karma. 这样一方面你可以为父母赢得福报,另一方面,也可以消减你自己的罪业。 for68 The latest injury to Andrew Bynum probably has more to do with bad karma than inherently bad knees, medical experts said Tuesday. 相对于膝盖的脆弱而言,拜纳姆最近的膝盖受伤更应该归罪于坏运气!医学专家在星期二说道。 www.kobechina.com.cn And until he does'right' by Cleveland and Ohio, James and the town where he plays will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma. 如果你詹姆斯不能报答克利夫兰和整个俄亥俄州,这个魔咒将会伴随你一生。 yeeyan I know you mean well. But you are a bad karma. 我知道你是好心,可你真是个扫把星。 www.smth.edu.cn Is this a case of bad karma? 难道这不是报应吗? blog.sina.com.cn Stone's comment that the Wenchuan earthquake was a result of “ bad karma” had caused much dismay. 汶川地震是一种“报应”,斯通的这个言论引起许多恐慌。 ourtra To banish them, we must first purge our bad karma. 要消除灾难,必先消除自己的罪业; blog.sina.com.cn |