释义 |
Seasprite 基本例句 海妖是美国研制的一种多用途直升机 On the whole, I feel the wo`rld is a better place if the U.S. has rocket fuel , defense electronics , an`dSeaspritenaval helicopters , than if we don't.总的来说,我觉得如果美国有考顿公司生产的火箭燃料、利顿公司的电子防御系统和卡曼公司的海军用海怪直升机,这个世界会比我们没有这些武器更好一些。 Initially, the people of the image is not too bad when Muse was also attributable to theSeasprite, Muse as a goddess, the Secretary for Arts, in addition born Li Zhi, so extraordinary temperament.最初,在人们对海妖的影像不是太坏的时候,缪斯也曾被归于海妖,因为缪斯作为女神,专司文艺,在加上天生丽质,所以气质非凡。 |