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词汇 season
释义 sea·son 英ˈsiːzən美ˈsizənAHDsēʹzən ★★★★★常小初中高研IT牛4COCA⁵¹⁴BNC⁷⁴³iWeb³⁴⁵Economist³³⁷²

C 季节

part of the year distinguished according to its particular type of weather

C 节期,时期

time of the year when sth is easily available or common, or when a certain activity takes place

vt. 使适应; 使适用

cause to be acclimatized, etc.; make suitable for use

vt. 调味

flavour food with salt, pepper, etc.

vt. & vi. 使变干燥

cause to become dry

a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field;

he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company

she always looked forward to the avocado season

one of the natural periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions;

the regular sequence of the seasons

a recurrent time marked by major holidays;

it was the Christmas season

lend flavor to;

Season the chicken breast after roasting it

make fit;

This trip will season even the hardiest traveller

make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate;

she tempered her criticism


❌ This is not the season of peaches.

✔️ This is not the season for peaches.

the season for表示“…上市的季节”,其中介词用for,不用of。


❌ Apples will be in the season soon.

✔️ Apples will be in season soon.

in season表示“上市”, season前不需定冠词the。


❌ Crabs are out of the season now.

✔️ Crabs are out of season now.

out of season表示“不当令”或“落市”,这里season前不可带定冠词the。


❌ He returned to his hometown in the spring season of 1969.

✔️ He returned to his hometown in the spring of 1969.

“春季”只说spring,不说spring season,夏秋冬亦同。


❌ He pays his rent at the end of each season.

✔️ He pays his rent at the end of each quarter.


来自古法语seson,播种季节,播种时间。来自拉丁语satio,播种,过去分词名词格于serere,播种,耕种。来自原始印欧语*se,播种,词源同Saturn, seed, semen。后词义通用化为季节。引申词义添加调科,比喻用法,即在合适的时间的,选好时间的,词义演变比较temper, temporal。 Saturn来自古英语Saetern。来自拉丁语Saturnus,农神,可能来自satus,播种的,过去分词格于serere,播种,词源同sow, seed。后用于指土星。 seed来自古英语sed,种子,籽。来自原始日耳曼语*sediz,种子,籽。来自原始印欧语*se-ti,扩大格于*se,耕种,播种,词源同sow, semen。 semen来自拉丁语semen,精液,精子,种子。来自原始印欧语*se,播种,词源同sow, seed。-men,名词后缀。 temper来自拉丁语temperare,调节,管控,掌握火候,把控时间。来自tempus,时间,词源同temporal。比喻用法,即掌握好时间。来自temper,调和。在中世纪医学理论特指人体内的四种体液的组合或融合,即血液,黏液,胆汁液,黑胆汁,这四种体液的组合决定了人的脾性和性情,因而引申诸相关词义。词义火气缩写自bad temper。更多参照humor词源。 temporal来自拉丁语temporalis,时间的。来自tempus,时间,可能来自原始印欧语temp,展开。来自原始印欧语ten,展开,词源同extend, tension。词义由展开引申为一段时间,季节及诸相关词义。
用作名词 n.
动词+~close a season宣告某季节的结束,过了旺季divide into seasons分成季节end a season结束一个季节enjoy a season愉快地过一个季节expect a season期望一个季节have a season有个季节open a season宣告某季节的开始,进入旺季spend a season度过一个季节start a season开始一个季节形容词+~all seasons四季busy season繁忙的季节close season禁猎期cold season寒冷的季节dead season淡季,闲季dry season旱季dull season淡季high season旺季hot season热季low season淡季musical season音乐季节open season狩猎季节rainy season雨季rush season旺季,忙季social season社交季节the best season最好的季节unfruitful season没有收获的季节wet season湿季名词+~breeding season繁殖期cherry season樱桃花盛开期Christmas season圣诞节前后farming season农作季节fishing season捕鱼季节growing season生长时期holiday season休假〔旅游〕的旺季hunting season狩猎季节mating season动物的交配季节nesting season筑巢产卵期planting season种植季节shooting season狩猎期sowing season播种季节swimming season游泳季节the Spring Festival season春节时令tourist season旅游季节opera season歌剧荟萃期the baseball season棒球赛季the basketball season篮球赛季the football season足球赛季the harvest season收获季节theatre season戏剧会演期~+名词season ticket季票介词+~at a season在一个季节里at all seasons一年四季before season早于季节behind season迟于季节for a season短时期for the season就这个季节来说in season当今,应时,在旺季,在狩猎期word in season及时的劝告in and out of season任何时候,一年到头out of season已过时的through the four seasons一年四季~+介词season for a journey旅行时节season for harvesting收获的季节season for the tourist industry适于旅游的季节season of flowers花开季节用作动词 v.~+名词season birch充分风干后的桦树season oak充分风干后的橡树season wood使木材变干~+副词season deftly熟练地调味season deliciously味道调得很可口season professionally专业性地使变干燥season pungently味道调得很刺鼻season quickly干得很快season richly味道调得很重season skillfully熟练地调味~+介词season for the passage适应航海season to使适应season to cold适应寒冷season with给…加调料,添加…使更有趣〔生动〕season with a few inventions添加虚构情节使之更生动season with salt给…加盐调味
用作名词 season

中听 pleasant to the ear; agreeable to the hearerIt's none too many for a word in season.话不投机半句多。

out of season

花等落令,凋谢; 淡季 (flowers etc. not in season)

season to v.+prep.

使适应 cause to be acclimatized, etc.

season sb to sthHe was seasoned to the hard life.他过惯了艰苦的生活。
The young people from the South have been seasoned to the severe cold of the North.南方来的青年人已经适应了北方的严寒。
season with v.+prep.

添加…使更有趣〔生动〕 make (sth more lively by adding sthI think she has been seasoning her story with a few inventions.)我认为她的故事里添加了一些虚构的情节。

小学英语速记联想记忆:season季节变换,不需要reason理由非常记忆sea大海+son儿子⇒这个季节大海卷走了他儿子近义词 term学期time时间spike长钉spell拼写flavor风味orient东方temper脾气spice调味品flavour味道mollify安慰pepper胡椒粉occasion场合ripen使成熟period一段时间harden使变硬acclimate使习惯于新环境…
用作名词n.Spring is my favourite season.春天是我最喜欢的季节。
There are four seasons in a year.一年中有四季。
It's a little too warm for the season.就季节来说,天气暖和了一点。
Plants grow fast in the warmest season.植物在最暖和的季节生长很快。
Between seasons, they dug medicinal roots, hunted and picked mushrooms.农闲的季节里,他们就挖药材、打猎或采蘑菇。
The spring-sowing season has set in.春播季节到来了。
The rainy season is coming.雨季就要来临。
The reservoir can even out the flow of the river by controlling floods during rainy seasons and releasing water in dry periods.水库通过雨季蓄洪和在旱季泄洪来调节河流的流量。
The enemy is going to deliver an attack during the dry season.敌人准备在旱季发动攻势。
The female turtle, every breeding season, has to forsake the open ocean.每到繁殖季节,雌海龟就得离开大海。
The football season begins next week.足球赛季下周开始。
With only one good pitcher this season,I'm afraid we have all our eggs in one basket.在这个赛季里,我们队里只有一名好投手,胜败如何,全在他一人手里了。
After Christmas is the quiet season for business.圣诞节后是商业的淡季。
It is always advisable to book early when you want a hotel room during the tourist season.要想在旅游旺季住旅馆,早点登记总是明智的。
The couple came to spend the season in Paris.那对夫妇在巴黎度过了一段时间。
This is the season for sleeveless dresses.现在是穿无袖连衣裙的时候了。
They employ day-labourers during the busy season.他们忙时要雇短工。
The young people had so much fun during the holiday season.假期里年轻人玩得很开心。
The store was dressing its display windows for the Christmas season.这家商店正在装饰其圣诞节期间的陈列橱窗。用作动词v.
S+~+ATimber seasons quickly in the wind.木材在风里干得很快。
S+~+ n./pron.The carpenter taught us how to season wood.这位木匠教我们怎样对木材进行干燥处理。
The timber has been seasoned well.这木材现在已干燥了。
Make sure the timber is well seasoned.务必把木材好好风干。
The actor was seasoned by years of performing.这位演员因多年舞台表演而变得成熟了。Pcoseasonal合季节的Ppairing-seasonn.交配期Pseasoneda.经验丰富的老练的Pseasoningn.调味品作料佐料锻练Poff-seasonn.淡季a.淡季的过季节的Pseasonala.季节的依照季节的周期性的Pseasonablea.适合于季节的合于时宜的应时的Pseasonern.使用调味品的人调味品季节性雇佣的捕鱼人Punseasonablea.不合时令的不合季节的季候不顺的不合时宜的不适时的Punseasoneda.未熟透的未干透的未成熟的无经验的没有调味的未加作料的


season的基本意思是“季节”,即一年中有某个特点的时期,可指每年以气候为标志的“时节,时令”; 每年以活动为标志的季节; 体育比赛的“赛季”; 某些农业季节; 种植季节; 动物的交配季节; 渔猎季节; 节日,尤指圣诞节节期等。也可指社交繁忙时期、系列专题音乐会、戏剧会演时期等。




season既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“使适应”解时,常与介词to连用; 与with连用表示“给…加调料”,用于文章、诗歌等,表示“添加…使更有趣〔生动〕”。

用作名词Winter is the coldestseasonin a year.冬季是一年中最冷的季节。
He will captain the basketball team nextseason.他将在下个赛季担任该篮球队的队长。
Holiday prices are lower out ofseason.在度假淡季,度假费用较低。
The last three years have been a goodseasonfor the company.过去三年一直是公司的兴旺时期。用作动词You canseasonthe soup with salt and pepper.你可以用盐和胡椒来调汤的味道。
Heseasonedhis conversation with jokes and anecdotes.他偶开玩笑,且运用典故,这使交谈妙趣横生。
He began toseasonthe arid climate in the Middle East.他开始适应了中东的干热气候。noun.time of year governed by annual equinoxes
同义词 fall,period,summer,time,winterautumn,division,interval,juncture,occasion,opportunity,spell,spring,term,whileverb.flavor food
同义词 color,enliven,lace,leaven,pep,pepper,salt,spiceverb.acclimatize, prepare
同义词 qualifyacclimate,accustom,anneal,discipline,fit,habituate,harden,inure,mature,school,steel,temper,toughen,trainclimatize
acclimateverb make or become adjusted, adapted
acclimatize,accommodate,acculture,accustom,climatize,conform,get used to,habituate,harden,toughen
acclimatizeverb harden
accustomverb make or become used to
accustomsverb get used to
basteverb moisten during cooking
brush with liquid,drip,grease,lard,season
bastingverb moisten during cooking
battering,beating,berating,blistering,clobbering,clubbing,drubbing,lambasting,lashing,mauling,pelting,reviling,scolding,trouncing,walloping,whipping,whomping How do you feel about the season finale?
你对第二季结局的感觉怎样? tingvoa

The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.

What is the color of the season?
这一季的流行色是什么? ebigear

While I know many of you are not Christian, for those of us who celebrate Christmas this season is really about celebrating Christ, as well as all that he stands for.
我知道你们中的很多人都不是基督教徒,因为我们庆祝这一季节的圣诞节作为庆祝基督教的时候,也是因为这就是它所代表的。 yeeyan

All of these realities have been in front of the Lakers this season.
所有的这些,一直是这个赛季摆在湖人面前的现实。 yeeyan

Autumn is a lively season for the wool market.

But if we go into the quarter- finals, we’ll play every three days until the end of the season.
但是如果我们进了四分之一决赛,那我们这赛季剩下的日子就得每隔三天踢一次比赛。 yeeyan

But we are at the start of the season.
但我们现在是在赛季开始的阶段。 goalhi

But we can start the Champions League, at an important part of the season, in good condition.
但我们可以在赛季很重要的阶段以良好的状态开始我们的欧冠之旅。 yeeyan

For each season, for instance, I have a budget. And I can do whatever I want with it.
在霍芬海姆,每个赛季,举个例子,我有一个预算,我可用这个预算做任何事情。 yeeyan

I love the traditions that come along with this season.
我喜欢这个季节一同尾随而至的传统。 yeeyan

I never fielded or hit as well after that season.
那个赛季过后,我再也没有捕球或击球了。 yeeyan

I think that season Yorkie was probably one of the best strikers in Europe.
我认为那个赛季的约克可能是全欧洲最好的前锋之一。 yeeyan

I think we improved a lot this season, like a team.
我认为我们本赛季进步了很多,更像一个团队。 yeeyan

Jock had been dogged by injury all season.

My target is to get into double figures so hopefully I can do that this season.
我的目标就是让自己的进球达到两位数,希望我这个赛季就能做到。 goalhi

Next season?
下个季度? yeeyan

Now, go out there and have a great season!
现在,走出去,去拥有一个伟大的赛季吧! yeeyan

One that we knew at the beginning of the season.
第四季开始的时候我们就知道这会是最后一季。 hjenglish

One season of apples down the drain.
一季的苹果就这样付诸东流。 yeeyan

Purple is the color of the season.
紫色是这个季节的流行色。 ebigear

Systems have to be stable for the holiday season.
对于假期季节,系统必须保持稳定。 infoq

That happened at the start of the season.
这样的状况在这个赛季开始十分明显。 kle100

This is not the season for peaches.

This season, we have found mostly clay floors.
这个季节,我们发现的主要是粘土层。 yeeyan

You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated.
你知道,在我们那儿十一月是这个商品上市季节,另外我们的海关手续相当复杂。 examw




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