

单词 seascapes
释义 seascapes ˈsi:ˌskeɪps COCA⁶⁷⁴³⁴BNC⁷⁵³⁷¹
n.海景画seascape的名词复数原型seascape的复数 Entire quilts were reportedly transformed into blue- green seascapes.
据说曾有整条棉被都被装饰成这样蓝色和绿色的风景画。 yeeyan

His studies include urban architecture, seascapes and meticulously detailed botanical and nature photographs.
他的研究包括城市建筑、植物、花、认真详细的性质照片。 kuenglish

It was not much later, in the1850's that photographers first started experimenting with underwater photography of seascapes.
它不是晚得多,在1850年的这摄影记者刚开始试行水下摄影的海洋。 blog.cnii.com.cn

They had conservative tastes, seeking out paintings of the Acropolis and large seascapes.
他们的口味比较保守,热衷于卫城的绘画和大幅的海景画。 ecocn

Zhujiajian, with intriguing natural seascapes and rich marine culture, has become one of the most attractive coastal tourist resorts for leisure and holiday among Yangtze Delta Region.
朱家尖旖旎的自然海岛风光、浓郁的海洋文化气息惹人留恋,已经成为长三角地区最具吸引力的滨海休闲旅游度假胜地之一。 millondelooks




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