

单词 searchlights
释义 searchlights ˈsɜ:tʃˌlaɪts COCA⁵⁴⁰⁵¹BNC³²⁸²²
n.探照灯searchlight的名词复数原型searchlight的复数 Cons do go over the wall from time to time, and the searchlights almost always catch them.
隔三差五,就会有囚犯企图翻墙越狱,而探照灯总是把他们逮个正着; www.jp345.com

Off in the distance we see searchlights.
看得见远方的探照灯光。 www.8875.org

The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.
一道道探照灯光刺破天空。 bab

By midweek, heavily armed officers were ubiquitous on the streets, and helicopters with searchlights a nightly reminder that a serial killer was still on the loose.
到周中的时候,全副武装的警察在大街上随处可见,装有探照灯的直升机每天晚上都提醒人们这位连环杀手依然在逃。 chinalawedu

Can be upgraded with hunter-killer missiles, searchlights, camo netting and smoke launchers.
可装备猎杀导弹,探照灯,伪装网和烟幕弹。 cnuuu

His flashlight turned on Eric like searchlights.
他的手电筒像探照灯一样指向埃里克。 nciku

Like secret searchlights.
像秘密探照灯。 blog.sina.com.cn

Only problem's the searchlights.
唯一的问题是探照灯。 jukuu

The Soviets were prepared, however, and intense AA fire and over300 searchlights managed to disperse the raiders.
苏军作好准备,并且,猛烈的防空炮开火和300颗以上的照明弹设法驱散入侵者。 blog.sina.com.cn

The guns were manned by troops from the artillery divisions of the Navy and the Marines, none of whom had ever fired them. They lacked searchlights, communication equipment and gun directors.
这些火炮由海军和陆战队的士兵操作,但他们之中没有一个曾用火炮开过火,他们还缺乏探照灯,通讯设备和射击指挥仪。 qxwar

The searchlights raked the night sky.

They tracked the plane with searchlights.
他们用探照灯追踪那架飞机。 hjenglish

Think of our minds as searchlights. IQ measures the brightness of the searchlight, but where we point it also matters.
如果把我们的思维比作探照灯,那么 IQ度量了探照灯的亮度,而把按照灯指向哪里同样影响重大。 yeeyan

We have replaced two searchlights.
我们更换了两盏探照灯。 bbs.cnss.com.cn

With the“ Ode to Joy” music started playing, fireworks competing bloom, all the searchlights, lasers, fountains of light and fire all joined the fun, bright sky for a time, illuminate the night sky.
随着《欢乐颂》的音乐响起,焰火竞相绽放,所有探照灯、激光、喷泉全部加入光与火的缤纷,一时间漫天璀璨,照亮夜空。 yxtvg

Searchlights for spelling is a flexible, motivating resource based on the different ways individual children learn.
本套教材有着灵活的,对学生感兴趣的资源,让学生运用不同的方法来学习。 blog.sina.com.cn

Searchlights were scanning the sky.
探照灯光扫视着天空。 hjenglish

Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.

Searchlights provides a variety of activities for use in whole- class and independent work including dictation tests that build into a complete narrative and reinforce spelling in practice.
本套教程提供了大量的活动可以运用在整个课堂当中,也可以独立运用在听力测试及在练习中提高拼写能力。 blog.sina.com.cn

Searchlights swept across the sky.
探照灯扫过天空。 dictall




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