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词汇 searches
释义 search·es 英sɜːtʃ美sɜːrtʃ COCA¹⁰⁷⁸¹BNC¹⁰²⁸¹Economist⁸⁶²⁰
vt. & vi. 找寻

be in search of

vt. & vi. 搜查,搜索,探查

look through; go over carefully; look for

C U 搜索,寻找,探查

act of searching

the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someonean investigation seeking answers;

a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing

the outcome justified the search

an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property;

they wrote a program to do a table lookup

the examination of alternative hypotheses;

his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful

boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas;

right of search

try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of;

The police are searching for clues

They are searching for the missing man in the entire county

search or seek;

We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest

Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!

inquire into;

the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project

He searched for information on his relatives on the web

Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness

subject to a search;

The police searched the suspect

We searched the whole house for the missing keys


❌ They started off at once in search for the missing girl.

✔️ They started off at once in search of the missing girl.

in search of为固定短语,意思是“找寻”,其中的of不能换为for。

search, search for

search和search for都是“搜寻”“搜查”的意思,当search用作及物动词时,其后直接接名词,如房屋,人身,衣袋等,其后直接接人时,是“搜身”的意思; search for则强调有目的,当后面接人时,是“寻找”的意思。试比较下面两个句子的异同:

The policemen are searching for the secret agent.警察正在搜捕这个特务。
The policemen searched the secret agent.警察对这个特务进行了搜身。search after, search for




3.后者中的search可带宾语,即search sb/sth for sb/sth,而前者不能这样用。

search, explore, hunt, seek

这四个词都有“寻找”“搜索”的意思。其区别在于:第一, hunt和search都是指搜寻具体的人或某一具体事物,而seek则指对崇高目的或抽象事物的追求或向往; explore指对未知事物或新生事物的探索、观察与研究。第二, hunt含有急切的意味,也常指无结果地寻找,而另外三词没有此种意味。例如:

A police patrol was organized to search for him.警察巡逻队被组织起来去寻找他。
We must explore all the possibilities.我们必须探讨所有的可能性。
We are earnestly seeking after the truth.我们在认真地寻找真理。
I've hunted high and low for my socks.我到处在找我的短袜。search, find

两者都可作“找,寻”解。其区别在于:find指找到某人或某物; 而search指为找到某人〔物〕而搜查某地点或某人之身,但是search之后,结果不一定是find sb/sth。






用作动词 v.
~+名词search a place搜索某地search every deedbox找遍了文件箱search every part of the building对全楼进行了搜查search passers-by搜查行人search sb's conscience自我反省search sb's face察看某人的脸色search sb's heart自我反省search sb's memory想了又想,苦思良久search sb's pocket在衣袋里摸索search the apartment building搜查公寓search the dictionary查词典search the hamlet搜遍了整个村子search the house搜查房子search the mountains搜山search the neighbourhood搜索附近一带search the records仔细查阅记载search the sky搜索天空search the train搜查火车search the travellers搜查过往的行人search the whole town搜遍全城search the wound探查伤口~+副词search annoyingly令人讨厌地搜索search artfully狡猾地搜索search blindly盲目地搜索search bravely勇敢地搜索search breathlessly匆忙搜索search briefly短暂地搜索search carefully仔细地搜查search cautiously小心翼翼地搜索search challengingly具有挑战性地搜索search conscientiously诚心诚意地搜索search decisively彻底搜索search deliberately故意搜索search diligently努力地搜索search energetically充满活力地搜索search frantically狂热搜索search fruitlessly无结果地搜索search generally一般性地搜索search impetuously鲁莽地搜索search importunately急切地搜索search informally非正式地搜索search instinctively本能地搜索search insultingly侮辱性地搜索search legally合法搜索search ludicrously荒唐可笑地搜索search masterfully专横地搜索search normally正常搜索search partly部分搜索search patiently耐心地搜索search professionally熟练地搜索search purposely特意地搜索search regularly定期地搜索search relentlessly残酷地搜索search remarkably翔实可靠地搜索search scrupulously谨慎地搜索search selectively有选择地搜索search sententiously故作庄严地搜索search spontaneously自发地搜索search strictly严格搜索search symbolically象征性地搜索search thoroughly彻底地搜查search tirelessly不知疲倦地搜索search unaccountably莫名其妙地搜索search unkindly非善意地搜索search about四出寻找search about for food四出寻找食物search out寻找,找出,查出search out book找出书search out the real murderer找到真正的凶手~+介词search after寻找,探求search after happiness追求幸福search after the lost key寻找丢失的钥匙search after truth追求真理search for寻找,查找,搜索search for bodies寻找死尸search for clues查找线索search for evidence找证据search for lost child寻找失踪的孩子search for references找资料search for the keys寻找钥匙search for the missing papers寻找丢失的文件search into调查search into the matter调查此事search over the city搜遍全城search through查遍search through all the drawers寻遍所有的抽屉search through documents查遍各文件search through purse翻遍手袋search to the root of it追根究底用作名词 n.动词+~avoid a search避开搜查begin a search开始搜捕carry out a search进行搜查end a search结束搜查escape search逃避搜查finish a search结束搜查make a search搜查,寻找undertake a search进行搜索形容词+~careful search仔细的搜查close search严密的搜查hole-and-corner search秘密搜查house-to-house search挨家挨户搜查massive search大规模的搜查public search公开搜查,当众搜查secret search秘密搜查systematic search有步骤的搜寻vain search毫无结果的搜查名词+~body search搜身house search搜查房子literature search文献检索sea search海上搜救介词+~in search of a cheap hotel寻找便宜的旅馆in search of a missing child寻找失踪的小孩in search of an opportunity to rise寻找晋升的机会in search of employment求职right of search搜查权~+介词search for对…的探求search for suitable gifts寻找适当的礼物search for the little girl寻找小姑娘search for the lost book寻找丢失的书search for the missing aircraft搜索失踪的飞机search for truth对真理的追求search for weapons搜查武器
search after v.+prep.

追求 seek; purpose; go afterHe said he was searching after truth.他说他在追求真理。

search for v.+prep.

搜索,搜寻 look carefully for

search for sb/sthThey searched for him everywhere.他们到处搜寻他。
We searched in vain for the missing child.我们到处寻找那孩子,但没有找到。
She next searched for a piece of blotting paper.接着她又去找一张吸墨纸。
She climbed the slippery slope with difficulty to search for herbs.她艰难地爬上滑坡寻找药草。
For over 100 years, men have been searching for gold in the hills.一百多年来,人们一直在山里寻找金子。
The newly married couple searched for rooms more suited to their needs.这对新婚夫妇到处寻找更适合他们需要的房子。
He who would search for pearls must dive below.要想找珍珠,就得下深海。
After he felt better, he searched for work at the various mills.他感到好些后,就在各工厂找工作。search sb/sth for sb/sthThe policemen searched them for concealed weapons.警察对他们进行了搜身,查找暗藏的武器。
In his off-hours he searched the public library for references.下班之后他就到公共图书馆去查找资料。
She was searching the shops for Jim's present.她为了给吉姆买件礼物,找遍了所有的店铺。
The villagers are helping to search the woods for the missing child.村民们正在帮助搜索树林寻找那个失踪的孩子。
I have searched my mind for a reason, but can't find one.我绞尽脑汁寻找原因,但是没找到。
She searched his face for some indication of how he felt.她在他脸上寻找某种能显示他感受的迹象。
search into v.+prep.

调查 investigate; inquire

search into sthThey are searching into this matter.他们正在调查这件事。search me

〈口〉我哪里知道?我可不知道 I don't know

search out v.+adv.

找到,查出 find out or uncover by searching

search sb/sth ⇔ outThe police were trying to search out the real murderer.警察正尽力找出真正的凶手。
He searched out an old friend of his in a small town.在小镇上他找到一位老朋友。
It took me several weeks to search out the book that I wanted.我费了几个星期的时间才找到我需要的那本书。
They are trying to search out the few remaining errors in the script.他们正在努力查找原稿中所留下的少数错误。
We have searched out all the facts we need.我们已经弄清了我们所需要的全部事实真相。
The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witness's statement.律师从证人的证词中找出了破绽。
They have made up their minds to search out new techniques.他们决心寻找新技术。
search through v.+prep.

搜遍,查遍 examine carefully and thoroughly

search through sthHe searched through his pockets for a cigarette.他摸遍衣袋想找支烟。
You can search through his autobiography without finding a single reference to his first wife.你可以翻遍他的自传,可是你不会找到一点点有关他第一个妻子的情况。search through sth for sb/sthPolice with dogs are searching through the building for the criminal.警察带着警犬在大楼里搜捕该罪犯。
I spent ten minutes searching through the drawer for the key, and it was in my pocket all the time!我花了10分钟翻遍抽屉找钥匙,而钥匙竟一直在我的口袋里!
I spent half an hour searching through dictionaries for the meaning of that word.我花了半个小时的时间在许多字典中寻找那个字的意义。用作名词 search of

寻找,寻求 searching for sb/sth

search after

寻找 act of searching

search for

寻找 act of searching

近义词 huntseekquestexploreinspectscrutinizeexpeditionv. examineinvestigateexplorationinvestigationtrackn. examination
S+~+AThey searched for eight days without finding a single clue.他们一连搜索了八天,没有发现一点线索。
We searched here and there, but could not find her.我们到处找她,但还是找不到。
The police have been searching around all day, stopping people and asking questions.警察整天在周围搜查,拦住行人加以盘问。
Her eyes were searching round.她的眼光搜寻了一遍。
S+~+ n./pron.Eight soldiers with rifles searched them from head to foot.八个拿枪的士兵把他们从头到脚搜个遍。
Two of the agents searched him, then led him out.两个特务搜查了他的全身,然后把他带了出去。
The enemy militia were searching all travellers.敌方民兵正在搜查过往的行人。
They searched a criminal to see what he had in his pockets.他们搜查犯人,看他的口袋里有何物。
They searched him thoroughly, but nothing was found on him.他们在他身上彻底搜查,但什么东西也没搜到。
They searched Schweik thoroughly and found nothing except a pipe and some matches.他们把帅克从头到脚搜查了一遍,除了一只烟斗和几根火柴之外,什么也没查出来。
They searched every deedbox they had, but could not find the will.他们找遍了文件箱但未找到遗嘱。
We searched the whole town but could not find a barber-shop open.我们跑遍全城也没有找到一家开门的理发店。
They even searched their homes without any reason.他们甚至毫无理由地搜查了他们的家。
They searched the hamlet but were unable to find a single grain of food.他们搜遍了整个村子,连一粒粮食也未找到。
They searched every part of the building.他们在全楼进行了搜查。
The enemy had searched the mountains for fifteen days without result.敌人在山里搜了15天,都毫无结果。
They searched every nook and corner.他们把每个角落都搜遍了。
They hastily dispatched troops to search the neighbourhood.他们匆忙派兵搜索了附近一带。
The man searched the whole house with a flashlight inside out.那人拿着电筒把整个屋子里里外外搜查了一遍。
Big searchlights are searching the sky.巨大的探照灯正搜索着天空。
The cold wind searched the streets.寒风吹遍了大街小巷。
The doctor searched the wound and found the bullet.医生探查伤口,找到了弹头。
He searched the records of the case.他仔细翻阅了这个案件的记录。
I've searched my memory, but I can't remember that man's name.我想了又想,但记不起这个人的名字。
Who was this Tom?Johnson searched his memory.这个汤姆是谁?约翰逊思索着。
The house was searched very carefully.这栋房子被十分仔细地搜查了。
They were searched every time they went through the gate.他们每次进门时都要被搜身。
In those days, our workers had no personal rights.We were searched thoroughly on entering and leaving the factory.那时候,我们工人没有人权,进出厂都要被搜身检查。
The suitcases were searched at the custom-house.这些手提箱在海关受到了检查。用作名词n.The search was abandoned when night came.入夜,搜查活动中止了。
A search was made at once of his room.他的房间立刻受到搜查。
I found the lock after a long search.我找了老长时间才找到这把锁。
A massive sea search has failed to find any survivors.经过大规模的海上搜救仍未找到幸存者。
The police search discovered no illegal drugs on the ship.警察搜查了这艘船,并没有发现什么违禁药品。
The soldiers were carrying out house to housesearches.士兵们正在挨门逐户地搜查。






search接介词of侧重“寻找的对象”; 接介词for侧重“寻找的目的”。

search作动词指“寻找”,后面跟寻找的范围,而search for后面跟寻找的目标,search out则指“找到”。We are searching the house.我们正在搜查这房子。We are searching for the house.我们将找寻这房子。

We will search out the house.我们将会找到这房子。

search for和search after都有“努力寻找”的意思。偶尔忘记把东西摆放在哪时,通常用look for,而不用search for或search after;


She went about the garden in search for/of her lost ring.她在花园里走动,寻找她的戒指。
用作动词Theysearchedthe woods for the little boy.他们在森林中搜寻到了那个小男孩。
Shesearchedthrough the pile of papers and found his letter underneath.她在一堆文件里搜寻,终于在底下找到了他的信。
He spent his lifesearchingafter truth.他一生探求真理。
Let mesearchinto this matter for you.让我为你调查这件事。
Investigators continue tosearchfor the cause of the outbreak.调查人员继续对暴发根源进行了调查。用作名词Thesearchproved fruitless.搜寻没有结果。
Thesearchparty spread out over the moor.搜索队在荒草地分散行动。
The insurance company went to the hospital insearchof the reason for his death.保险公司到医院调查他的死因。noun.seeking to find something
同义词 examination,exploration,hunt,inquiry,inspection,investigation,pursuit,quest,researchchase,frisking,going-over,inquest,pursual,pursuance,pursuing,rummage,scrutiny,shakedownfishing expedition,legwork,perquisition,wild-goose chase,witch hunt
反义词 to find something
同义词 go through,hunt,look,scan,explore,inspect,investigate,ransack,probe,sift,scout,scour,scrutinize,comb,seek,check,examineprospect,rummage,forage,grub,inquire,root,study,rake,beat,quest,frisk,grope,pryrun downhunt forferretbeat about,cast about,chase after,go in quest of,go over with a fine-tooth comb,gun for,leave no stone unturned,look for,look high and low,look over,poke into,rifle through,shake down,smell around,track down,turn inside out,turn upside down
反义词 findcover,overlook,neglect,ignore The initial searches were free, although each service charged a premium for some of the data it uncovered.
最初的搜索是免费的,虽然每项服务会为提供的资料收取一点管理费。 yeeyan

Additionally, he searches on how to exploit a system without the patch.
另外,他搜索如何进入没有打上补丁的计算机。 ibm

As you can see, some of the information might be off. But I ran plenty of searches on this, and everything seems to work out pretty well.
正如你看到的一样,一些信息可能已经关闭了。但是我在这个应用程序上进行了大量的搜索,所有的一切都很好的运行。 yeeyan

But I ran plenty of searches on this, and everything seems to work out pretty well.
但是我在这个应用程序上进行了大量的搜索,所有的一切都很好的运行。 yeeyan

But the main reason they share there is to share, not to recommend the validity of a link in case someone searches for something similar.
但他们分享的主要原因只是因为他们想要分享,而不是想推荐这个正确的链接以确保不会有人搜索到相似的东西。 yeeyan

Each information center includes its own search feature, which searches only through the information included within that particular information center or collection of information centers.
每个信息中心包括各自的搜索功能,它仅搜索该特定信息中心或信息中心集合中包括的信息。 ibm

Every Information Center contains its own integrated search tool that searches only the contents of that Information Center.
每个信息中心都包含它自己的集成搜索工具,仅对该信息中心的内容进行搜索。 ibm

For example, you could add a keyword field, then allow searches by keyword.
比如,可以添加一个关键字字段,然后允许按关键字搜索。 ibm

He found that the peaks and troughs in the volume of Google searches for certain products, such as cars and holidays, preceded fluctuations in sales of those products.
他发现,谷歌对于特定产品搜索量的高峰和低谷,比如针对汽车和节假日,会先于这种产品销售量的起伏波动出现。 ecocn

However, you can define both static and dynamic searches for the same object class if you have a hybrid group with both static and dynamic members.
不过,如果有包含静态成员和动态成员的混合组,您可以为同一对象类同时定义静态搜索和动态搜索。 ibm

If you also want to log the searches for audit, this module will work with the database- abstraction module.
如果您还希望记录搜索以便进行审计,该模块将与数据库抽象模块一起使用。 ibm

In the movie search example that follows, the same movie title searches are processed in the same order each time you run the test.
在这个电影搜索的例子中,每次你运行这个测试时,相同电影名称的搜寻都是以相同的顺序来进行处理的。 ibm

In this case, a large volume of searches will show what people are expecting to find from your site.
在这种情况下,大量的搜索将告诉你人们希望在你的网站上找到什么。 yeeyan

In this example, a client provides multiple sets of departure and destination information, and the service searches participating airlines for flight availability and prices.
在此示例中,客户端提供多组起飞和目的地信息,该服务搜索相关的航线以了解可用航班和票价。 ibm

In this example and in others like it throughout this tutorial, you can edit what's in the search box and run different searches.
在这个例子和该教程的其他类似例子中,你可以编辑搜索框的内容并且运行不同的搜索。 yeeyan

One way to extend this application is to add a keyword or location field, for example, either of which would allow you to further refine searches.
扩展此应用程序的一种方式是添加一个关键字或地址字段,而二者均能让您进一步精炼搜索。 ibm

Part of their emphasis could be technical, teaching students how to use news aggregation services, perform data searches, and fact- check for themselves.
其中的重点部分可以是技术性的,教授学生如何使用新闻聚合服务、进行数据搜索以及自我检验。 yeeyan

Some people fret that this will breach their privacy, but it will probably deliver quicker, more accurate searches.
有些人担心,这会侵犯他们的隐私,但是它将提供更快、更准确的搜索。 ecocn

SQL provides no mechanisms for defining and executing searches on these types of data.
对于这些类型的数据, SQL不提供定义和执行搜索的机制。 ibm

The only viable way to run thousands of searches against it is to simulate single users banging away, one search at a time.
唯一可通过它运行数以千计的搜索方法是模拟用户每次的搜索请求,一次提交一个请求。 yeeyan

The advantage to this new data type is that it allows for searches within the hierarchy with a single SELECT statement, using traditional operators without recursion.
这种新的数据类型的优点是,它允许使用一条 SELECT语句和传统的操作符而不需要使用递归在层次中进行搜索。 ibm

The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer.
这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。 yeeyan

Then take the top10 searches, create HTML for each search, and append them to an ordered list.
然后对于前10 个搜索,为每个搜索创建 HTML,并将它们附加到一个排好序的列表。 ibm

Thus, in due order I come to the interactive query for searches.
这样,按期望的次序开始进行检索的交互式查询。 ibm

You can use a default class pool that loads from the JVM search path, or define one that searches your own list of paths.
可以使用默认的类池,它是从 JVM搜索路径中装载的,也可以定义一个搜索您自己的路径列表的类池。 ibm

You can do custom searches, too.
您也可以自定义搜索。 ibm

You can classify an object more than once, in which case the object is returned in searches performed on any of those classifications.
您可以对一个对象进行多次分类,在这种情况下,若对这些分类执行搜索,该对象都会作为结果返回。 ibm

You must rely on text searches.
您必须依靠文本搜索。 ibm




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