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searchers ˈsə:tʃəz COCA³²³⁰⁵BNC³⁷²⁴⁵ 基本例句 n.搜索者;检查官searcher的名词复数原型searcher的复数 As night fell, searchers were still looking for another person who was missing after a second avalanche about a half- mile from the first, on national forest land. 黑夜降临了,距第一次雪崩发生地约半英里远的地方又发生了雪崩,随后营救人员继续寻找另外一名失踪者。 blog.sina.com.cn Questions linger about how such a large number of searchers could not find the boys and why an investigation team failed to identify murder weapons despite evidence of scars on the bodies. 人们一直很不解:这么多人都参与了寻找为什么最后还是无疾而终呢,为什么调查小组还是无法确定凶器是什么即使孩子们的尸体上有着很明显的伤痕。 yeeyan The goal of most B2B searchers is research. 大多数的 B2B搜索的目标是研究工作。 www.b2c-seo.com And so it went on and on, while the searchers' moods gradually changed to gloom. 搜索就这样不停地进行,搜索者渐渐情绪低落。 shaker.1sthotwomen.com And like the ants, web searchers act as a collective team whether they know it or not, yet another example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. 与蚂蚁类似,网络搜索者也作为一个整体在行动,无论他们是否意识到这一点;这再次完美地印证了一条定理:整体大于部分之和。 yeeyan Appeal to your team's own experience as searchers to convince them of why it's important. 要求团队作为搜索者亲自体验一下,从而让他们理解为什么搜索改进那么重要。 ibm Better conversion can be achieved by increasing click-through rates: the number of searchers who click on your advertisement, Volpe said. 更好的转换,才能实现增加点击率:搜索的人数谁点击您的广告, Volpe说。 popmen.com Both receive a comparable percentage of searches from their own region43 percent, but Red Sox searchers definitely stay close to the East Coast. 一般搜索数据都来源于各自的地域,占了大约43%,不过搜索红袜队的肯定更贴近东海岸。 yeeyan Charles Chaplin's1931 silent gem“City Lights” jumped from No.76 to No.11, while the1956 John Ford- John Wayne Western“The Searchers” took the biggest leap, from No.96 all the way to No.12. 查尔斯卓别林1931年的默片《城市之光》从76位晋升到11位,而1956年约翰福特和约翰韦恩共同执导的《检察官》上升幅度最大由96位到12 位。 blog.sina.com.cn Egyptian rescue teams are searching for800 people still missing. Searchers have rescued400 people and recovered almost200 bodies. 埃及搜救人员正在搜寻失踪的800人。搜救人员已经救起400人,找到了近200具尸体。 ept-cn.com Even if they know about you or your products, searchers want to educate themselves. 他们即便了解公司和产品,也不想强迫自己刻意去记住。 yeeyan From now on, the theme of the exotic would tightly grasp that of the scientific motif, and the searchers would be enlarged from just the bald photographer to a small party. 趣味的线索从此与科技的线索紧密携手,寻访者也从秃顶摄影师扩充为一个小分队。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Google says the new service is intended to address two issues for mobile searchers. 谷歌表示,这项新服务的推出是要解决两个移动搜索用户经常会遇到的问题。 cnbeta If you drive searchers to channel partners, your channel partners will drive sales for you. 如果你开车搜索频道的合作伙伴,您的渠道合作伙伴将推动你的销售。 www.b2c-seo.com In Oregon, searchers are scouring the area near the last-known location of a family missing since after Thanksgiving. 在俄勒冈州,搜救者们正在迅速走遍感恩节后失踪的一家人最后出现的地方和附近地区。 kuenglish It's great if you rank highly in the search results, but have you looked to see where searchers will actually land if they click through? 这是非常巨大的,如果您的排名在搜索结果中,但你看,看看搜索实际上将土地,如果他们通过点击? www.b2c-seo.com Like Jodie Foster in the movie Contact vaguely like that, anyway, SETI searchers would tune in for a while, and if they got nothing, they'd move on. 像朱迪.福斯特在电影《超时空接触》无论如何,依稀的相似, SETI计划的搜寻人员将会暂时收听一会,如果毫无音讯,他们会继续。 yeeyan More searchers are heading up the mountain today and the National Guard will send a helicopter. 今天更多的搜寻者前往那座山,国家警卫将派遣一部飞机。 iciba To avoid the waste of time and money that guessing may lead to, it is advisable to do some thorough research as to find out what the searchers are really looking for. 为了避免浪费时间和金钱的猜测可能导致,最好是做一些深入的研究,以找出什么是搜索真正需要的。 www.youhua5.cn When B2C searchers do use generic terms, there is often less variance in the terms they use. 当 B2C的搜索确实使用通用术语,往往会有差异较少使用的条款他们。 www.b2c-seo.com With each search, we unknowingly participate in a cooperative design that improves the search experience for all searchers to follow. 每一次搜索,我们都在参与一种协作活动,虽然没有意识到,但它能够为后来者提供更好的搜索结果。 yeeyan Searchers are now concentrating on an area within80 kilometers of the airstrip where Fossett took off last Monday. 搜寻人员目前把注意力集中在福塞特上星期一起飞的小机场方圆80公里的内的地区。 blog.sina.com.cn Searchers dug through the first cave, about300 feet below the summit, to ensure no one was there and took the equipment, which will be examined for clues. 搜救者在山顶下300英尺处挖开了第一个雪洞,以确认没有人在里面,并且带走了设备作为调查线索。 bbs.translators.com.cn Searchers found his remains in Iraqi desert after getting tips from Iraqis who remembered his jet's crash and witnessed his burial. 一些伊拉克人回忆起他的飞机残骸,目睹了他被埋葬的情景。搜救人员早收到相关信息之后在伊拉克沙漠找到了他的遗体。 topsage |