

单词 badgering
释义 badg·er·ing 英'bædʒəʳ美'bædʒər 高COCA⁶⁶⁰³⁴BNC⁵⁶³⁷⁴iWeb⁵⁹⁷⁵⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a native or resident of Wisconsinsturdy carnivorous burrowing mammal with strong claws; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
annoy persistently;

The children teased the boy because of his stammer

persuade through constant effortsbadger game美人计Badger State威斯康星州别名…draw the badger用狗把獾从桶中引出来…
近义词 bait饵bug臭虫needle针worry撕咬small小的pester纠缠bother烦扰molest骚扰plague瘟疫animal动物tease揶揄者annoy使恼怒torment苦痛hairy多毛的question问题harass使疲乏persecute迫害beleaguer围攻bully欺凌弱小者WisconsiniteWisconsin的名词…tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…

Abadgerjumped out of a small tunnel.一只獾从一个小地洞里跳了出来。用作动词You can'tbadgerme into going to the party.你不能纠缠我去参加聚会。
Reporters constantlybadgerher about her private life.记者经常纠缠着打听她的私生活。as in.teasing
同义词 irritating,joking,mockingbothering,disturbing,exasperating,harassing,kidding,plaguing,provoking,ribbing,taunting,tickling,tormenting,vexing
反义词 comforting,praising,regalingas in.ribbing
同义词 banter,taunt,tauntingbadinage,bothering,chaff,disturbing,exasperating,harassing,irritating,joking,kidding,mocking,plaguing,provoking,raillery,tickling,tormenting,vexing
ribbingnoun teasing
teasingadjective pestering
badgering,bothering,disturbing,exasperating,harassing,irritating,joking,kidding,mocking,plaguing,provoking,ribbing,taunting,tickling,tormenting,vexing Broadcast TV networks are badgering cable systems for money because falling ad revenues are forcing them to find new sources of income.
电视公司会因广告收入的下降而被迫寻找新出路,从而纠缠于向有线电视公司收费。 yeeyan

The self-assured may appear to be doing better than they are and will have fewer qualms about badgering for a pay rise.

“ The salt people, especially, were constantly badgering us on that, ” Dr. Miller said.
“尤其是喜欢吃咸的人,不断地为此纠缠我们,”米勒博士说。 sinaurl.cn

Almost since taking office in 2003, he has been badgering leaders to cut their budget deficits and deregulate to encourage entrepreneurship and growth.
可以说几乎从2003年上台开始,他就一直致力于要各国领导人削减财政赤字,放宽监管措施已鼓励企业家精神的成长和经济增长。 yeeyan

For children badgering with and clamorous to their parents, we will severely criticize them and force these children to apologize to their parents.
对和爸爸妈妈纠缠吵闹的孩子给于严厉的批评,强迫他道歉; xiaoshaizi.com

I wish she'd stop badgering me for a new coat.
我希望她不要再纠缠着要我买一件新外套。 hotdic

Instead of badgering him about why he's so busy, try pampering him a bit.
与其和他争吵为什么他怎么忙,不如多纵容他一下。 douban

She's been badgering me for at least a year and so far I've been able to put her off quite easily.
为此她已经缠了我至少一年了,而我现在也能很轻松的搞定她。 transcn

There are also other concerns, including the instability of starting a family in rented premises and the endless badgering of parents.
还有其他担忧,包括在租用的场所开始新家生活不稳定,以及与父母无休止的讨价还价等等。 yeeyan

They kept badgering him to get a home computer.
他们始终打扰着要他买一台电脑。 baozhang

Tom has been badgering his big brother to buy him a camera.
汤姆一直闹着他哥哥给他买架照相机。 hotdic

Badgering coworkers about whom they support or how they feel about hot-button political issues is a sure-fire way to damage relationships.
强迫同事说出他们支持哪位政界要人,或者不停的询问他们对某个热门政治问题有何看法,绝对会是破坏同事关系的导火线。 yuloo




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