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词汇 seaman
释义 sea·man 英ˈsiːmən美ˈsimənAHDsēʹmən

a man who serves as a sailormuckraking United States journalist who exposed bad conditions in mental institutions 1867-1922sailor,seaman,mariner





sea,海,man,人。Able Seaman全能水手able-bodied seaman 熟练之水手…Leading Seaman一等兵Ordinary Seaman新兵merchant seaman商船水手Apprentice Seaman三等兵
蒋争熟词记忆sea海man人⇒海员;水手;水兵钱博士sea大海+man人⇒海员,水手,水兵非常记忆sea海+man人⇒水手在海边救人sea海man人⇒海员;水手;水兵近义词 salt盐tar 焦油gob一小团sailor海员marine海的jack千斤顶mariner海员seafarer船员jack-tar水手bluejacket水兵sea dog老练的水手old salt经验丰富之老水手…traveler旅行者移式起重机…

用作名词In1929 he took a job as aseaman.1929年他当了海员。
We have many skilledseamenon our ship.我们船上有很多有经验的水手。
The captain of a ship is above aseaman.船长地位高于水手。noun.(mariner
同义词 marinerbeachcomber,gob,mate,merman,middy,midshipman,navigator,old salt,pilot,sailor,seafarer,skipper,tarcockswain,jacky,sea dog
jacknoun sailor
able-bodied sailor,bluejacket,boater,cadet,circumnavigator,deck hand,diver,hearty,jack-tar,lascar,marine,mariner,mate,middy,midshipman/woman,navigator,old salt,pilot,pirate,salt,sea dog,sea person,seafarer,shellback,shipmate,swab,swabber,swabbie,tar,tarpaulin,water dog,windjammer,yachter As seaman and divers have discovered, many essential skills at sea run parallel to lessons for living a meaningful, peaceful life.
水手与驭海人都发现,许多从海洋中学到的经验在过把生活过得平静且充满意义这一过程中同样适用。 kekenet

Camille Seaman is an award-winning photographer who captures striking photos of icebergs.
卡米尔·希曼是一位拍摄冰山照片而屡屡获奖的摄影师。 yeeyan

Wearable art such as pins and earrings pays the bills, but larger works are Seaman's passion, she said.
身上的饰品,比如说胸针和耳环可以创造收入,但是大件的作品才是希曼的热情所在,她说。 yeeyan

What Seaman Foundation is doing not only provides a platform for exchanges between Chinese and Dutch artists, but also opens a window for the communication between the peoples of the two countries.

A seaman meets a pirate in a bar. The seaman notes that the pirate has a peg leg, a hook, and an eye patch.
有名水手在酒吧里遇见一名海盗,水手注意到海盗装了假肢、手上有铁钩,还戴了个眼罩。 hjenglish

And in conclusion, a few words about leisure of a seaman.
用几句话总结一下海员的闲暇时光。 yeeyan

British and U.S. Navymen consider him an able officer, profound rather than brilliant, a deep- water seaman and organizer rather than a technical expert.
英美的海军同行公认他与其说是个睿智的军官,倒不如说他更干练,经验丰富,不仅是一个技术专家,更还是个老练的水手和组织者。 yeeyan

Daphne Seaman talks about color as if it is tangible.
达芙妮.希曼谈论色彩的时候,就好像它们是有形的。 yeeyan

He is an able seaman.
他是个熟练的水手。 iciba

He is talking to a seamanS.

Imagine a seaman of those days, having been confined to his vessel for weeks or months and finally getting shore leave.
想象一下那个年代的水手,被困在船上几周甚至几月,好不容易可以到陆地清闲一会儿。 yeeyan

It depicts five soldiers hoisting the Sri Lankan flag, looking remarkably like the iconic photograph of five marines and a seaman raising Old Glory over Iwo Jima in 1945.
上面画着五名士兵在升起斯里兰卡国旗,看上去像极了一幅二战时标志性的照片,1945年由5名美国海军陆战队员和1名海员在日本硫磺岛上升起了美国星条旗。 ecocn

One day while in a craft store, Seaman saw an article about polymer clay in a magazine and bought some on the spot.
一天在一个工艺商店里,希曼在一个杂志上看到了一篇关于软陶的文章,她在那里买下了一些软陶工艺品。 yeeyan

Other jobs at the bottom of the study: dairy farmer, taxi driver, seaman, emergency medical technician and roofer.
其他位于排行榜尾部的工作有:奶场工人、出租车司机、海员、救生员和屋顶工。 yeeyan

The exhibition was hosted by Seaman Foundation of the Netherlands, and about80 pieces of art works from6 Chinese and8 Dutch artists have been exhibited.
此次展览由荷兰海员基金 Seaman Foundation主办,共有来自中荷两国14名艺术家的80幅作品参展。

The sole British survivor of the first world war is now seaman Claude Choules,108, who lives in Australia.
如今硕果仅存的英国一战幸存者是海员克劳德·邱雷斯 Claude Choules,已108岁高龄的他现定居在澳大利亚。 yeeyan

The history and romanticism of“ formidable and difficult to reach” places drew Seaman to the poles as a photographic subject.
“可怕而难以触及的”两极的历史和浪漫主义吸引了希曼将其作为摄影主题。 yeeyan

Was he a merchant seaman too?

Seaman thinks of the images of icebergs as she does portraits of individuals, much like family photos of ancestors.
希曼将冰山的照片当作人物肖像照一样看待,就像家族祖先的照片一样。 yeeyan

Seaman has enjoyed not only them, but also their creations.
希曼不仅享受与人的交流,还喜欢他们的创造力。 yeeyan

Seaman is proud to have passed an appreciation for art to her three sons, one of whom, Michael, stamps copper and sells his creations.
希曼对于能把对艺术的爱好传递给自己的三个儿子而十分骄傲,其中一个儿子米歇尔,印制铜质的作品并且卖出去。 yeeyan

Seaman, however, was not initially attached to an environmental cause.
不过,希曼一开始并非因为环境因素而拍摄。 yeeyan

Seaman sometimes incorporates other materials into her work, such as paint, paper and glass beads.
希曼有时候也会把其他材料引入自己的作品,比如彩绘,纸张还有玻璃珠子。 yeeyan

Seaman specializes in polymer clay, which really isn't clay at all, but polymer polyvinyl chloride.
希曼的专业是软陶专业,但实际上并不是真的陶土而是聚氯乙烯。 yeeyan

Seaman taught art in Central America and was prepared to see the world by teaching when she became engaged.
希曼在中美洲教授艺术,当她订婚以后她准备通过教书来了解全世界。 yeeyan




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