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seal·s 英siːl美siːl;əz COCA¹⁰⁵⁹²BNC¹¹⁶⁴⁴Economist¹⁵¹⁰⁴ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句例句 n.封条⁵;印章¹⁰n.海豹¹⁵v.密封⁶⁸;盖印¹;明确¹形容词sealable过去分词sealed现在分词sealing三单seals;原型seal 的三单 n.名词 C 海豹animal with flippers that lives near and in the sea and eats fish C 印章,印鉴,图章symbols or words pressed into wax, clay, paper etc. to show that sth is approved or official C 封条,封蜡part of a lid or opening that must be broken to reach inside a container C 保证、确认等的印戳sth that gives assurance v.动词 vt. 盖章于fix a seal vt. 密封fasten or close tightly vt. 决定settle; decide Noun: fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm; used for sealing documents and parcels and lettersa device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documentsthe pelt or fur especially the underfur of a seal;a coat of seal a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare;SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land a stamp affixed to a document as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it;the warrant bore the sheriff's seal an indication of approved or superior statusa finishing coat applied to exclude moisturefastener that provides a tight and perfect closureany of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions Verb: make tight; secure against leakage;seal the windows close with or as if with a seal;She sealed the letter with hot wax decide irrevocably;sealing dooms affix a seal to;seal the letter cover with varnishhunt seals1230年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的seel;最初源自通俗拉丁语的sigellum,意为把设计图案印在蜡上。 用作名词 n. 动词+~affix〔stamp〕 a seal盖章break〔take off〕 a seal启封engrave a seal刻图章pass the seal盖有图章put the seal on在…封口处打上封印set seal to the paper在文件上盖章set the seal on结束某事形容词+~female〔male, young〕 seal母〔公,小〕海豹介词+~a colony of seals一群海豹under seal盖有印鉴的under seal of secrecy约定保守秘密with sb's seal经某人盖章的~+介词seal of approval批准的盖章seal of friendship友谊的象征用作动词 v.~+名词seal the area shut封锁这一地区seal bargain确认交易seal a parcel封好包裹~+副词seal authoritatively权威地最后确定seal automatically自动密封seal effectively有效地密封seal firmly牢牢地封住seal hermetically密封住seal immediately马上确定seal impartially公正地确定seal legally合法盖章于…上seal nominally名义上密封seal officially正式密封seal in把某物密封起来不使其外泄seal the flavour in保存味道seal off the area封锁了这一地区seal off from the outside world与外界隔绝seal up the cracks in the window把窗子的缺口堵死seal up the documents for safekeeping把这些文件封存起来~+介词seal by〔with〕用…封住seal to book两眼盯着书本,专心看书 用作名词n.seal of approval正式认可formal approval set the seal on使成定局,使确定下来,认可bring to an end in a suitable way; formally end 用作动词v. seal off v.+adv.
封闭 close tightly so as not to allow entrance or escape seal sth ⇔ offThe police have sealed off the area where the murdered girl was found.警察已把发现被害女孩的那一地区封锁起来了。 seal up v.+adv.
把…封起来 close tightly seal sth ⇔ upThey sealed up the cracks in the window to stop the icy wind from blowing in.他们把窗户的缝隙糊起来,不让寒风吹进室内。近义词 markstampsymboln. figure反义词 unseal开封 用作名词n.They saw many seals off the Coast of Alaska.他们在阿拉斯加海岸外看见很多海豹。 The letter bears the seal of the king.这封信有国王的封印。 I've bought a seal to put around the edge of the bath.我买了一种密封胶涂在浴缸边缘上。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.She sealed the letter.她把信封上了。 We sealed our agreement with a handshake.我们最后以握手表示达成了协议。 The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory.增援部队的到来决定了我们的胜利。 The medicine was sealed in small capsules.这种药密封在小胶囊里。 Her lips were sealed by a promise.她的嘴被她的诺言封住了。 The envelope was firmly sealed.这信封封得很牢。 His doom is sealed.他的劫数已定。 The agreement has been signed and sealed.协定已经签字盖章。 The bargain was sealed.买卖成交了。 v.动词
seal用作名词时的意思是“印章”,转化为动词的意思是“盖章于…上”,引申可表示“封”“封口”“封住”“最后确定”等。 seal只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。 seal作动词指“密封”时,可以用seal the letter或seal the envelope表示“把信件密封”。 动词51%,名词49% 用作名词The first time I saw a seal was in an aquarium.我第一次看见海豹是在水族馆里。用作动词The envelope was firmlysealed.这个信封封得很严实。 They signed andsealedthe treaty.他们在条约上签名盖章。 The newlywed royal couplesealedtheir marriage on Friday with an iconic appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace before an ecstatic crowd of thousands of well-wishers.周五,这对新婚的皇室夫妇在白金汉宫的阳台上,在数千前来祝福的欣喜若狂的民众前,以标志性的露面明确了他们的婚姻。 But safety rules prohibit the ships from remaining in space for more than200 days, since their batteries can lose power and corrosive thruster fuel can degrade rubberized seals. 安全守则规定这些飞船不能暴露在宇宙空间中超过200天,因为电池会流失能量和推进器燃油会腐蚀橡胶密封。 yeeyan The only animals we saw when we arrived in Antarctica were penguins and seals. 我们抵达南极洲时,惟一看到的动物就是企鹅和海豹。 edu.sina.com.cn The point of this study, just published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, is to understand better how seals hunt fish in the inky depths of the ocean. 此项研究刚刚被发表在《实验生物学月刊》上,它的意义在于使我们更好地理解海豹如何在漆黑的深海中捕捉鱼类。 ecocn Then cement seals will be set to hold everything in place. 水泥密封件将被放置在该地来解决所有漏油问题。 ecocn A new study reveals that the variety of skull shapes among domestic dogs has become just as diverse as the variety between other mammal species, such as bears, weasels, and seals. 一项最新的研究显示:驯养的狗所具有的多种多样的颅骨形状已经堪比其他的哺乳动物的种类了,例如熊、鼬鼠和海豹。 yeeyan An investigation is underway following the unusual deaths of33 seals washed up along the east coast of Scotland and England. 针对33头非正常死亡的海豹被冲上苏格兰至英格兰东海岸一带,展开了一项正式调查。 yeeyan As these blockages and seals open, the natural process of ascension can begin to occur. 当这些阻滞与印记被开启时,自然的扬升过程才会开始发生。 blog.sina.com.cn But helping Boris Yeltsin and his reformers could be like feeding fish to seals. 但帮助鲍里斯·叶利钦和他的改革者可能喜欢喂养的鱼密封。 yeeyan But in South Africa waters full of baby seals, sharks attack from below with ferocious speed, propelling them out of the water with their catch. 但是,在南非水域有着很多小海豹,大白鲨会以惊人的速度进行凶猛的攻击,把这些小海豹拖出水面。 yeeyan Dozens of dead seals have washed up in Scotland with strange spiral wounds. What could be the culprit? 成堆的死海豹被冲上苏格兰的海岸,这些海豹身上都带有螺旋形的伤口。是谁干的? yeeyan He found that seals had higher cortisol levels than any other mammal, and that the deepest divers had most—strongly suggesting that the cortisol helped them withstand the ocean’s pressure. 他发现海豹体内的皮质醇含量高于其他哺乳动物,所以即使是世界上跳得最深的潜水动物更加证明了皮质醇帮助他们抵御海洋压力。 ecocn Next the SEALs needed to destroy the damaged Black Hawk. 接下来,海豹需要摧毁损坏了的黑鹰。 yeeyan OTTAWA— The annual hunt for harp seals off the coast of eastern Canada will barely take place this year. 渥太华——今年,加拿大东部沿海地区一年一度的追捕格陵兰海豹活动快要停止了。 yeeyan Penguins and seals breed on the icy shores and fish for krill in the cool water. 企鹅和海豹则在结冰的海岸上繁衍后代,并在冰冷的海水中捕食磷虾。 kekenet Polar bears, which hunt for seals along the ice’s edge, and walruses, which fish there, will both be hard- hit. 北极熊,他们沿着冰层边缘捕猎海豹,还有在那里捕鱼的海象都将受到严重的影响。 ecocn |