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词汇 seahorses
释义 seahorses ˈsi:hɔ:siz COCA⁵⁶⁹⁴¹BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.海马seahorse的名词复数原型seahorse的三单 It is also unclear how dispersants, which can be hormone disrupters, will affect reproduction cycles, especially on seahorses where males carry the eggs.
另外,分散剂会干扰荷尔蒙的正常分泌,将如何影响繁殖周期还不明了,尤其是对于雄性孵卵的海马。 yeeyan

The brainchild of Philip Henry Gosse, an English naturalist, the London Fish House unveiled in 1859 four seahorses, long believed to be mythical creatures.

A group of young seahorses drifts in shallow waters off Manly, New South Wales, Australia.
一群小海马在澳大利亚新南威尔士的曼利浅海区游移。 kekenet

Aboriginal paintings of“ rainbow serpents” from6,000 years ago bear striking similarities to seahorses.
6000年前在土著居民的画像“彩虹大蛇”中,我们就能清楚地看见海马的影子。 ecocn

Although the Victorians started the craze for aquariums and seahorse-keeping that continues today, seahorses have fascinated mankind for millennia.
虽然人们从维多利亚时期就开始迷恋水族馆并养殖海马至今,但在千百年前,人们就对海马仍旧充满兴趣。 ecocn

Anchoring themselves to blades of grass or fingers of coral with their tails, seahorses spend their time feeding on zooplankton; their gulp is among the fastest-known movements of all vertebrates.
海马常用尾巴将自己固定在水草或珊瑚枝上,以过往的浮游动物为食。他们是吞咽速度最快的脊椎动物之一。 ecocn

Avoid all products and souvenirs made from animals, including all fur, ivory, shells, seahorses, teeth, rhino horn and turtle shell products.
拒绝一切用动物做成的产品和纪念品,包括皮草,象牙,贝壳,海马,动物牙齿制品,犀牛角和龟壳制品。 yeeyan

Because of their body shape, seahorses are rather inept swimmers and can easily die of exhaustion when caught in storm-roiled seas.
因为它们的身体形状,海马是糟糕的游泳者,它们遇上风暴的时候很容易力竭而死。 yeeyan

Courtship and reproduction in seahorses is elaborate, involving changing colour and much posturing.
海马中的繁殖和求偶是精心准备的,包括改变颜色和摆出相当多的姿势。 tianya

Do not touch or manipulate pygmy seahorses in any way, as this can easily damage or even kill them.
不准以任何形式玩弄或触摸豆丁海马,这些动作会造成伤害甚至或许致死这些动物。 doyouhike

His truly innovative coaching style, which saw the Seahorses show a chameleon-like ability to change formations during matches, was the team's greatest strength.

In a Victorian Britain obsessed with the natural world, these seahorses— with their equine heads, pouched torsos and curling tails—were an instant hit.

It is too early to gauge the effectiveness of these moves. But one thing is certain: it would be tragic if seahorses vanished from the oceans to become once more creatures of myth.
现在就估量这些行动的效力尚为时过早,但有一样是肯定的:如果海马真的从海洋中消失而又一次沦为神话的话,这将是个悲剧。 ecocn

Male seahorses are equipped with a brood pouch on their ventral, or front-facing, side. When mating, the female deposits her eggs into his pouch, and the male fertilizes them internally.
雄性海马在腹部或前部生有孵化囊,交配的时候雌性海马会将卵子排进雄性海马的囊中,然后由雄性海马在体内使其受精。 yeeyan

Male seahorses are equipped with a brood pouch on their ventral, or front-facing, side.
雄海马腹部前面有一个育儿袋。 yeeyan

Most fascinating is that seahorses are the only species in which the males become pregnant, providing the young with food and oxygen before giving birth to up to 1,000 babies, each the size of a flea.
最为有趣的是,海马是唯一一种由雄性来哺育后代的物种。 在1000多个跳蚤大小的小海马出生之前,他们在爸爸腹中长大并由雄性海马提供养分和氧气。 ecocn

Placid and slow, seahorses do not flee from predators, but instead camouflage themselves, changing their skin colour to match their habitat.
海马性情温和,行动迟缓,因而在天敌到来之时并不会仓皇逃命,他们会根据周围的环境改变皮肤颜色以便伪装。 ecocn

The Seahorses have overachieved in the last two years and the crowning glory would be the consolidation of a place in Serie A.

We meet thousands of reef inhabitants, from ancient turtles to feeding sharks, adorable pygmy seahorses and savage sea slugs, witness a manta ray ballet and courting octopus.
我们满足数以千计的珊瑚礁居民,从古代龟喂鲨鱼,可爱的俾格米人海马和野蛮的海蛞蝓,见证了鳐芭蕾和拉拢章鱼。 iminisd

Seahorses have no teeth and no stomach.
海马没有牙齿和胃。 yeeyan

Seahorses are truly unique, and not just because of their unusual equine shape.
海马确实很独特,不仅仅是因为它们不寻常的马一样的外形。 yeeyan

Seahorses are among the only animal species on Earth in which the male bears the unborn young, a unique trait in these fish that inhabit tropical and temperate coastal waters worldwide.
海马栖息在世界各地的热带和温带沿海水域,这些鱼类有个独特的功能,是地球上唯一由雄性孕育未出生幼仔的动物。 yeeyan

Seahorses are master mimics that use their cryptic colors and upright posture to blend in with plants.

Seahorses eat plankton, brine fish and baby fish.
海马吃食浮游生物、咸水鱼与幼鱼。 taipeitimes

Seahorses seem like mythical creatures, designed to pull Neptune's chariot or be companions for mermaids.




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