

单词 sea captain
释义 sea captain ˈsiːkæptɪn ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³⁹⁵¹⁹

an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship近义词 master主人captain首领skipper船长
用作名词The captain refused to leave his sinking ship.船长拒绝离开正在下沈的船。
I used to think I'd like to be asea captain.我曾经常想当船长。as in.skipper
同义词 captaincoach,commander,master,officer
skippernoun leader
captain,coach,commander,master,officer“ Sur, ” said he, “ did you ever hear tell of the sea captain’s prayer?”
“先生,”他说,“你听过船长做祈祷吗?” yeeyan

A judge in New York has ruled that a young Somali pirate captured by the United States during the rescue of an American sea captain can be tried as an adult.
纽约一位法官判定将一名年轻的索马里海盗以成年人身份审问,他在营救美国船长的行动中被美国擒获。 kekenet

He sat rooted in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life: perhaps he was a sea captain, a runaway from his wife, an old soldier going home.
他引起这班年轻人的猜想:也许他是个船长,也许是从家出走的,或者是一个归家的老兵。 ebigear

In a dramatic rescue operation, US Special Forces have freed an American sea captain who was abducted by Somali pirates five days ago.
经过一场戏剧性的营救,美国特种部队成功营救五天前被索马里海盗劫持的美国船长。 www.canachieve.com.cn

It almost certainly fed the widespreadand admittedly lurid fascination with the sea captain’s death among the American public at the time.
船长的暴死在当时的美国公众之间肯定引发了广泛兼有恐怖猎奇关注。 yeeyan

It became a hotel in 1935 when Werner Gustav Oloffson, a Swedish sea captain, took over the lease.
1935年,瑞典船长沃纳•古斯塔夫•奥洛夫森租下了此地,并将其改成宾馆。 ecocn

One of the early ones was burned in fifteen eighty-six by the famous British sea captain, Francis Drake.
有一个堡垒在1586年被著名的英国船长佛朗西斯.德雷克烧毁。 yeeyan

Sun, sand, the waves, the cactus, and an old sea captain…
阳光、沙滩、海浪、仙人掌,还有一位老船长… xianxiawang

Today paradise goes by the name of Fraser Island, renamed by newcomers after a Scottish sea captain and his wife were famously marooned here among the Aborigines in1836.
1836年,一位苏格兰船长和妻子遭遇海难流落这里,困在土著人中,引起人们的注意。后来,新来的人给这座岛改了名字,如今,弗雷泽岛取代了天堂。 yeeyan

Within months of her rescue, Eliza met and married another sea captain, moved to England, and went on to become a sideshow attraction in London's Hyde Park.
获救几个月内,爱丽莎认识并和另一位船长结婚,搬到英国,接着成为伦敦海德公园引人注目的事件。 yeeyan

You don't look at all like a sea captain, sir.
你看起来不像个高大的海军上校。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn




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