

单词 Seabees
释义 Seabees ˈsiːbiːz COCA⁹³⁵³⁷
As bulldozers rumbled and Navy Seabees filled wire-mesh barriers, dozens of yellow tents rose on a gravel-paved field.
推土机隆隆作响,海军工兵部队在四周设置了铁丝网栅栏,很多黄色野战帐篷架设在小石子路面上。 blog.sina.com.cn

I served two tours of duty in Vietnam and one in North Africa with the Seabees, where their motto“ Can Do” was ingrained on my outlook on life.
我曾在越南服役两期,在非洲北部服役一期,在那学到的格言“一定行”我将铭记一生。 yeeyan

Marine Corps vehicles and battle tanks are being ground to dust, new types of weapons and small craft are needed, and equipment for the Navy Seabees must be replaced quickly.
海军陆战队的装甲车和主战坦克日益老旧,新式武器和小型装备的需求呈现,另外海军工程部队的装备也需要尽快更新。 iciba




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