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词汇 SDR
释义 SDR
abbr.国际货币基金组织的特别提款权=special drawing rightsabbr.钠冷重水反应场=Sodium Democratic Reactor 亦作SDRs Both the SDR plan and measures to internationalise the yuan also seem to assume that China’s problem is simply that too many of its reserves are in dollars.
特别提款权和其他是人民币国际化的方案都是基于这样一个假设:中国的问题只是在外汇储备中美元占据的比例太大。 yeeyan

The value of the SDR is based on a basket of currenciesthe dollar, euro, yen and pound that might expand one day to include the yuan.
SDR的价值基础是一篮子货币美元、欧元、日元和英镑,有朝一日可能会将人民币也纳入其中。 ecocn

Although that is useful shorthand, the SDR is not, in fact, a currency, but rather the IMF’s unit of account.
尽管 SDR作为简记很有用,但它实际上并不是真正的货币,而是 IMF的一种记账单位。 ecocn

But the proponents of the idea face powerful opposition from the US and even the ECB, which argue that currencies have to be widely traded and freely convertible to join the SDR basket.
然而这种观点也面临着美国甚至欧洲央行的强烈反对,后者称只有交易广泛、能够自由兑换的货币才能加入 SDR的货币篮子。 cjzg

French finance minister Christine Lagarde also suggested that any move to include the yuan within the SDR basket would involve conditions being placed upon the Chinese authorities.
法国财政部长 Christine Lagarde还建议,任何把人民币包含进 SDR一篮子货币体系的行动都应该是有附带条件的,包括向中国当局施加某些压力。 yeeyan

His comments were backed by US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who said he supported a change to SDR composition.
萨科齐的言论得到了美国财政部长盖特纳的支持,他说他支持 SDR货币构成比例的变化。 yeeyan

I know of a case where a vendor had set up each of their customers with dedicated SSL protected SDR/ RCVR channel pairs.
我知道存在这样一种情况,供应商为每个客户设置了使用专门的 SSL 进行保护的 SDR/ RCVR通道对。 ibm

Instead he talked of “internationalising new currencies” by, for instance, considering including the yuan in the IMF’s Special Drawing Right SDR, a reserve asset made up of a basket of currencies.
但这一次,他提出要将“新货币全球化”,比如可以考虑将人民币纳入国际货币基金组织特别提款权 SDR,即由一篮子货币组成的储备资产。 ecocn

Nobody expects the yuan to be in the SDR basket by the end of2011; but getting the idea discussed is progress of a sort.
没人认为2011年底时人民币可以加入特别提款权的篮子;但这件事能够被拿出来讨论就已经是有一定进展。 ecocn

Of course, the IMF hopes that some rich countries or reserve- rich emerging ones will lend their share of the new SDR allocation to those in greater need.
当然, IMF希望一些富国或储备丰富的新兴经济体把他们的新 SDR份额借给更需要的国家。 ecocn

Similarly, the SDR can merely provide a convenient way of holding a basket of currencies, and will not be an alternative reserve currency.
同样,特别提款权仅仅可以提供一种持有一篮子货币的便利方法,而不是一种可选择的储备货币。 yeeyan

The RMB is now of certain capacity and potential to join the SDR, but we still have a lot of preparation to do.
人民币目前已具备加入 SDR的一定基础和潜力,但我们还有不少准备工作要做。

The advantage of a fresh SDR issuance is that it immediately augments countries’ foreign reserves without needing to be lent.
发行一种全新的 SDR的好处是,它可以不需通过借贷而立即扩大各国外汇储备。 ecocn

The French have suggested a greater role for the IMF’s own synthetic reserve asset, the Special Drawing Right SDR.
这位法国人已建提出要让 IMF自身的综合储备资产——特别提款权 SDR扮演更重要的角色。 ecocn

We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject$250 billion into the world economy and increase global liquidity, and urgent ratification of the Fourth Amendment.
我们一致支持进行一次总的特别提款权 SDR分配,此举将向世界经济注入2500亿美元并提高全球流动性,并要求对《第四次修正案》进行紧急修订。 ecocn




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