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词汇 sdos
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abbr.服务数据对象Service Data Objects;合成干性油synthetic drying oil原型sdo的复数 A Session EJB might have methods to produce and consume a graph of SDOs with more efficient direct access to the entity EJBs.
会话 EJB Session EJB可能有方法产生和使用 SDO图来更加高效地直接访问实体 EJB。 ibm

A Session EJB provides access methods to produce and return a graph of Customer SDOs from the Customer Entity EJBs.
会话 EJB提供了访问方法来从 Customer实体 EJB产生和返回 Customer SDO图。 ibm

In addition to this, SDOs also exploit PHP's ability to implement objects that can be manipulated as if they were arrays, including support for iteration, state testing and unsetting.
除此之外, SDO还利用 PHP的像处理数组那样处理对象的能力来实现对象,包括实现对集成的支持,声明测试和复位。 ibm

You will recall that the XML DAS gets its information about the model the SDOs must follow by reading an XML schema file.
回忆一下, XML DAS通过读取 XML模式文件获取 SDO必须遵循的模型。 ibm

A collection of SDOs that has been altered also maintains a record of its original values, enabling certain sorts of optimistic locking algorithms.
一组经过变更的 SDO还会维护一条其原始值的记录,从而支持某种类型的乐观性锁定算法。 ibm

A set of Java APIs exist for accessing SDOs and an SDO model of a message is used to represent data about messages, such as length, format, header information, and so on.
一组 Java API因访问 SDO而存在并且消息的 SDO模型用于表示关于消息的数据,例如长度、格式、头信息等等。 ibm

For example, one could write a generic SDO- access function and populate it with element- specific metadata in order to access individual SDOs.
例如,可以编写一个泛型 SDO访问函数并用特定于元素的元数据填充它来访问单独的 SDO。 ibm

However, Rational Application Developer V7 includes a new tool that automates the generation and adaptation of SDOs to Java Web services and clients.
然而,包含能够对 Java Web服务和客户程序的产生和 SDO更新自动化操作的新工具。 ibm

Implement the client API that will use the above SDOs to send the request message and handle response.
实现将使用上述 SDO来发送请求消息并处理响应的客户端 API。 ibm

In an effort to simplify the J2EE data programming model, IBM and BEA teamed together to develop the concept of Service Data Objects SDOs.
在努力简化 J2EE数据编程模型的过程中, IBM和 BEA共同提出了服务数据对象 SDO概念。 ibm

Knowledge of the structure: As we have already seen, SDOs carry internal knowledge of the structure of the data they representthe model.
结构的知识:我们已经了解到, SDO携带数据结构表现即模式的内部知识。 ibm

Looking at SDOs and their associated interface, you should get a clear idea of the API the SDO extension provides.
观察 SDO及其相关接口,即可对 SDO扩展提供的 API有清晰的认识。 ibm

Reduced database overhead: At the heart of SDOs is support for disconnected working.
减少数据库开销: SDO的核心是支持断开连接的工作。 ibm

SCA services typically use document-style business data for parameters and return values, and SDOs are the preferred form for data and metadata.
SCA服务通常为参数和返回值使用文档式的业务数据,而 SDO是常用的数据和元数据形式。 ibm

Service Data Objects SDOs are designed to simplify and unify the way applications handle data.
服务数据对象旨在简化和统一应用程序处理数据的方式。 ibm

Service Data Objects SDOs are designed to simplify and unify the way in which applications handle data.
设计服务数据对象 SDO就是为了简化和统一应用程序处理数据的方式。 ibm

Simple types like strings end up as primitive properties on the SDOs.
字符串等简单类型将成为 SDO上的原生数据类型属性。 ibm

The containment relationships between elements will be reflected by containment references between SDOs.
元素之间的包容关系将由 SDO之间的包容引用表示。 ibm

There are a number of reasons why you might consider using SDOs, the main ones outlined below.
考虑到使用 SDO的原因有许多种,下面只列出了其中的一些主要原因。 ibm

These technologies are not the best architectural choice for every application, so take care when making the decision to use SDOs and the JDBC Data Mediator Service in your application.
这些技术不是每个应用程序的最佳体系结构,所以在决定何时将 SDO和 JDBC数据中介服务用于应用程序时一定要慎重。 ibm

This version is not compatible to the one required by the generated SDOs used by the XSD SDO transform feature, and therefore may cause run time failure of the application.
这个版本与需要 XSD SDO转换功能生成的 SDO的那个不相容,因此可能引起应用程序的运行时失败。 ibm

Using SDOs and SOA together, systems programming tasks are separated from the business logic and encapsulated in reusable services, instead of skills every programmer needs to know to get started.
通过同时使用 SDO和 SOA,可以将系统编程任务从业务逻辑中分离出来,并且将其封装在可重用的服务之中,而不是所有编程人员都必须掌握这些技能才能入门。 ibm

We further illustrate the simplicity of the programming model promoted by SDOs with examples of access to an XML file service and to a relational database.
我们使用访问 XML文件服务和关系数据库的例子来进一步说明由 SDO推动的编程模型的简单性。 ibm

We have also described how having a “ knowledge of the structure” enables SDOs to provide a single API for the complete life cycle of the data, including creation and validation.
我们还介绍了如何让 SDO使用“结构知识”为数据的完整生命周期包括创建和验证提供单一的 API。 ibm

When using a DAS, the client works with SDOs, and is, therefore, insulated from any data source- specific data representation.
在使用 DAS时,客户机与 SDO 交互,因此与任何特定于数据源的数据表示相隔离。 ibm

With SDOs, business applications are what they were meant to be: business applications.
有了 SDO,业务应用程序就是名副其实的业务应用程序。 ibm

You give the Relational DAS a SQL query to execute, and it will issue the query and break the result set into a graph of SDOs.
给 Relational DAS一个 SQL查询供其执行,它将处理查询并将结果集置入 SDO图。 ibm

You can modify the generated SDOs to include specialized variables or behavior.
用户可以修改已经生成的 SDO,使之包含特定的变量或者行为。 ibm

SDOs are based on the concept of disconnected data graphs.
服务数据对象基于断开连接的数据图表。 ibm




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