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同步数据链路控制,系统开发生命周期Systems Development Life Cycle
A good architect can come from an organization that uses the Extreme Programming XP approach of multiple small iterations of the SDLC.
好的架构师可能来自使用 SDLC的多个小型迭代的极限编程 Extreme Programming, XP方法的组织。 ibm

A smooth and successful migration from the Rational SDLC tools is easily achievable with adequate consultation with users, detailed planning, and trials.
从 Rational SDLC工具的迁移只需要通过与用户进行足够的交流、具体的规划,以及不断的尝试,是可以得到平稳和成功的实现。 ibm

At first, these steps may seem obvious, but security teams rarely go through an SDLC process.
乍看之下,这些步骤可能非常明显,但安全团队很少采用 SDLC流程。 ibm

It is execution of the software development lifecycle SDLC by management teams and practitioners that defines the performance of individual software development investments.
由管理团队和实践者们所执行的软件开发周期 SDLC定义了各个软件开发投资的工作情况。 ibm

Reactive advocates promote tuning at the end of the SDLC because they complain that early tuning can often complicate the design and coding.
另一派人提倡在 SDLC末期进行调优,因为他们抱怨前期调优经常会让设计和编码变得复杂。 infoq

Since we were a standard SDLC shop before adopting agile, there was a constant temptation to over- predict and deliver too many forward looking design and analysis artifacts.
在采纳敏捷之前,我们有一个标准的软件开发生命周期管理方法,总是倾向于过分预测和产生过多的预先设计和分析工件。 infoq

The new environment should be demonstrated to users of the existing SDLC tools.
应该对已存在 SDLC工具的用户演示新环境。 ibm

The prototype models are built at the early stage of SDLC and quantitative measurements are made on these models and there by from these results the architecture is quantitatively assessed.
原型模型在 SDLC早期阶段构建,在这些模型上执行定量测量,然后根据这些结果对架构进行定量评估。 ibm

The strategic separation of concerns between the value chain and the SDLC provides for the classification of the SDLC as a supply chain.
在价值链和 SDLC之间对关注进行策略分割,为 SDLC的分类提供了一个供应链。 ibm

Addressing application security problems effectively is difficult, because the traditional software development lifecycle SDLC does not deal with these concerns well.
有效地定位软件安全问题是困难的,因为传统的软件开发生命周期 SDLC并没有很好地处理这些问题。 ibm

At the best of times, however, these are different phases of the SDLC, and the way a use case is used during each of these phases is bound to be different.
但是在最好的情况下,这些环节是 SDLC的不同阶段,用例在每个阶段的使用方式也各不相同。 ibm

Each SDLC stage has characteristics that provide clues.
每个 SDLC阶段都具有能提供相关线索的特征。 ibm

Ensure that the new environment is thoroughly evaluated by users of the existing SDLC tools.
确定新的环境已经被已存在 SDLC工具的用户进行了完整的评价。 ibm

Every SDLC user's environment is different, and you will inevitably have to deal with unique situations and challenges.
每一个 SDLC用户的环境是不同的,而且您必须要处理一些独特的情况与挑战。 ibm

Follow an SDLC process for an SOA security implementation.
遵循 SOA安全实现的 SDLC流程。 ibm

For example, a desire to retire all SDLC tools might not be compatible with process support requirements.
例如,丢弃所有 SDLC工具的愿望,可能与进程支持需求相冲突。 ibm

However, few IT professionals quantify and track the business benefit derived by their company’s application and service-oriented improvement initiatives such as SOA, SDLC, and BPM.
然而,鲜见 IT专业人士对其公司应用和面向服务改进项目如 SOA、 SDLC和 BPM能产生的业务收益进行量化和跟踪。 infoq

I recommend that organizations get comfortable with a couple of techniques, notations, and SDLC methodologies before bringing TOGAF into the organization, as illustrated in Figure13.
我推荐组织在引入 TOGAF之前先适应几个技术、标记,和 SDLC方法,如图13所例举。 ibm

Inventory accumulation in the SDLC a major cost contributor in manufacturing refers to decisions made but not deployed for customer feedback and value recognition.
SDLC中的详细目录积聚制造过程中的一项主要成本是指那些被做出但是不被部署给客户反馈和价值识别的决定。 ibm

Mature organizations target40% EA resource time for strategic planning and 60% on SDLC tasks, and typically err on spending more time on SDLC tasks.
成熟的组织将40%的目标时间花在 EA资源策略计划上,60%花在 SDLC栈上。而花更多时间在 SDLC栈上通常是错误的。 infoq

Performance testing is an important aspect of the SDLC.
性能测试是 SDLC中的重要方面。 ibm

So, for EA to work, it MUST not only work with the SDLC, but all other program and project level processes and methods.
因此,要促进 EA,不仅必须与 SDLC搭配起来,还要兼顾所有其它的计划和项目级别的流程和方法。 infoq

Software delivery process automation and optimization is quite possibly the“ final frontier” left for modernization in the software development lifecycle SDLC.
软件交付过程的自动化很可能就是软件开发生命周期 SDLC中现代化的“最终边境”。 ibm

The following list details the SDLC stages and outlines the traits of a good architect candidate for each stage.
下面的列表详细说明了 SDLC的各个阶段,并列出了好的架构师候选者在每个阶段表现出来的特征。 ibm

The process for designing, implementing and evolving services must follow a well defined software development lifecycle SDLC, supported by applicable tooling.
设计、实现和演变服务的过程必须遵循定义良好的、由合适工具支持的软件开发生命周期 SDLC。 infoq

They try to anticipate how well the architecture will address requested requirements by examining the architectural design decisions made during early phase of SDLC.
它们试图通过检查 SDLC早期阶段做出的架构设计决策来评估架构处理提出的要求的能力。 ibm

This additional level of testing allows issues to be uncovered and addressed earlier in the SDLC.
这种额外的测试级别允许在 SDLC中尽早发现并解决问题。 ibm

This SDLC will specify how applications are developed, maintained, tested, put into production, and what standards will be used to produce the application.
该 SDLC将指定如何开发、维护、测试、投产应用程序,以及将使用哪些标准来产生应用程序。

When the master slave multipoint synchronous communication mode is chasen, the operation and frame format comply with HDLC/ SDLC protocol.
当选择主从多点同步通信方式时,工作过程与帧格式符合 HDLC/ SDLC协议。 cnki

Your SDLC process needs to have a clear model for how to deploy new services and new versions of services, in addition to how to decommission existing services.
除了让现有服务退役之外,你的 SDLC过程还需要有一个关于如何部署新服务和新服务版本的清晰模型。 infoq




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