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词汇 bad blood
释义 bad blood bædblʌd 短语²⁰⁸³⁰

a feeling of ill will arousing active hostilitystir up bad blood between persons在二人之间挑起恶…cause bad blood产生恶感breed bad blood挑起争端,使不和睦…stir up bad blood挑起恶感,挑拨离间…make bad blood between persons挑起恶感,挑拨离间…make bad blood挑起恶感,挑拨离间…
近义词 spite恶意animosity憎恶animus基本态度
用作名词His cruelty to his children makes my blood boil.他残酷地对待孩子,使我非常愤怒。
He drew blood when he guyed us about our failure.他嘲笑我们的失败使我们大为愤怒。
All thebad bloodbetween the groups was forgotten when they had to unite against their common enemy.当要团结起来反抗共同的敌人的时候,两派忘掉了相互间的一切仇恨。
The two brothers fell in love with the same girl, which causedbad bloodbetween them.兄弟俩都爱上了同一位姑娘,这使得两人互相仇恨。noun.bitterness of feeling
同义词 acrimony,animosity,animus,antagonism,bitterness,distrust,enmity,hatred,hostility,ill will,nastiness,rancor,resentmentanger,antipathy,bad chemistry,bad feeling,bad vibes,bad will,disaccord,dislike,hard feelings,ill-disposedness,malevolence,malice,mutual hostility,odium,oppugnancy,oppugnation,personality conflict,unfriendliness,venom
反义词 friendliness,friendship,good will,happiness,kindness,liking,love,loving,sweetness,sympathy
animositynoun extreme dislike, hatred
acrimony,animus,antagonism,antipathy,bad blood,bitterness,displeasure,enmity,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,malevolence,malice,malignity,rancor,resentment,virulence
antipathynoun strong dislike, disgust
abhorrence,allergy,animosity,animus,antagonism,aversion,avoidance,bad blood,contrariety,disgust,dislike,distaste,dyspathy,enmity,escape,eschewal,evasion,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,incompatibility,loathing,opposition,rancor,repellency,repugnance,repulsion
blood feudnoun bitter conflict
bad blood,conflict,falling out,family feud,feud,fight,grudge,vendetta
conflictnoun disagreement, discord
affray,animosity,antagonism,bad blood,brush,competition,concours,contention,contest,dance,difference,disaccord,dispute,dissension,dissent,dissidence,disunity,divided loyalties,faction,factionalism,flap,fray,friction,fuss,hassle,hostility,interference,meeting,opposition,row,ruckus,run-in,set-to,strife,variance
conflictsnoun disagreement, discord
enmitynoun hatred, animosity
acrimony,alienation,animosity,animus,antagonism,antipathy,aversion,bad blood,bitterness,daggers,detestation,dislike,hate,hatred,hostility,ill will,loathing,malevolence,malice,malignancy,malignity,rancor,spite,spleen,uncordiality,unfriendliness,venom Crippled from the start by a long history of bad blood, the Ugandan- dominated coalition has been falling apart.
由于长期历史上的不和与争斗,以乌干达为主的军事合作从开始就貌合神离,以后更是四分五裂。 ecocn

The bad blood between Saudi Arabia and Libya over an alleged plot to assassinate the then Crown Prince Abdullah makes criticism of Colonel Qaddafi easier.
沙特阿拉伯声称利比亚曾密谋刺杀当时身为王储的阿卜杜拉,两国因之交恶,报纸批评起卡扎菲上校就驾轻就熟了。 ecocn

The protracted and petty legal combat I had just suffered through was a case that should have been settled but for bad blood in a family relationship.
我刚从一个家庭关系不和的案子里挣脱出来,一个耗时的无足轻重的法律纠纷。 yeeyan

The unfair distribution of their father's wealth made for bad blood between the brothers.
父亲财产的分配不公,使得兄弟俩彼此不和。 iciba

There has been bad blood between two of them ever since they had a family argument several years ago.
自他们几年前发生家庭争吵以来,他俩就一直不和。 iciba

With the only two of the five so far indicted pleading not guilty on December27th, the stage seems set for months of revelations— and bad blood.
12月27日时被指控的五人中只有两人进行无罪辩护,看来双方要在这件事上经历几个月的揭露和嫌隙。 ecocn

“There is clearly bad blood between Jack Ma and Carol Bartz, ” said Colin Gillis, an analyst with BGC Financial. “The soap opera continues.”
“马云和卡罗尔·巴茨之间的不和显然是真的,” BGC金融分析师科林·吉利斯说,“肥皂剧仍继续。” yeeyan

Alonso insists there is no bad blood between him and Benitez.
阿隆索坚持他与贝尼特斯之间没有仇恨。 tianya

And there is still bad blood between Mr Obama and Bill Clinton, who this week issued a half- hearted endorsement of his wife’s nemesis.
尽管克林顿本周表达了他对奥巴马半冷不热的支持态度,但奥巴马和比尔·克林顿之间仍存在着相互的厌恶感。 yeeyan

He made bad blood between John and Mary.
他在约翰和玛丽之间挑拨离间。 iciba

He wondered about her. Bad blood with her husband, her son, and friends of her husband.
他想她,跟丈夫,她儿子,她丈夫的朋友的不合。 yeeyan

If they fail as usual, the bad blood could get worse.
如果这次会谈再次失败,僵持的局势可能更加恶化。 ecocn

I'm not surprised they fought each other last night; there has been bad blood between them.
昨晚他们打架我并不惊奇,他们之间的仇恨由来已久。 iciba

Is there bad blood between the two villages?

It remains to be seen how the sharing of power will work in practice, especially after all the bad blood that has been spilt between the pair over many years.
权力分享在实际中如何操作仍有待观察,特别是在多年来双方间的冲突已经造成了惨重的伤亡之后。 ecocn

Other work suggests that sedentary behaviour is linked to obesity, high levels of bad blood fats and other heart disease risk factors, and more opportunities for grazing on junk foods.
其他研究也显示,久坐这一行为方式与肥胖、高血脂等多种心脏病风险因素相关,还会让人摄入更多垃圾食品。 iciba

We usually get over it in seconds, but when we were younger the bad blood would last for weeks.
我们通常一会儿就没事了,但在年轻血气方刚时,就可能会持续几星期。 yeeyan




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