

单词 scum
释义 scum 英skʌm美skʌmAHDskŭm ★☆☆☆☆高I八GCOCA²⁴⁰⁸⁸BNC⁹⁶⁸⁷iWeb¹⁵⁰³¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

worthless peoplea film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid
remove the scum from它的词根是-scu-“覆盖”,-m是后缀;本义是“覆盖在上面,浮在表面的一层”,后引申为“浮渣;渣滓”。同根词如obscure昏暗的;朦胧的,前缀ob-指over”,词根-scu-为“覆盖”,上面被遮盖,不透光而“昏暗”;sky天空同源,体会音似,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。the scum of the earth最糟糕的人scum dish去泡盘scum rubber泡沫橡胶scum skimmer除沫器scum cock排污开关,放沫旋塞…mud scum浮泥scum breaker浮渣破碎器scum juice带泥糖汁,渣汁…lime scum压滤残渣scum hole出渣口scum pump吸泥泵,污水泵…scum riser集渣冒口,集渣包…scum yeast浮膜酵母scum line浮垢条纹lava scum熔岩沫scum board刮渣板,浮渣挡板…scum off除浮渣pond scum浮在死水上面的绿…
近义词 layer层froth泡foam泡沫skin皮肤cattle牛filth污秽crust外壳sheet被单trash废物

用作名词Don't waste your sympathy onscumlike that.对这样的渣滓你没必要同情。
In the morning you'll be shipped out with the rest of thescum.早晨你就会和别的社会渣滓一起运走了。noun.superficial impurities, dirt
同义词 frothalgae,crust,dross,film,residue,scruff,spume,waste
反义词 cleanlinessnoun.people who are bad, despicable
同义词 curs,dregs,rabble,riffraff,rubbish,trash,verminlowest,scum of the earth,great unwashed
algaenoun rootless, leafless plants living in water
algaesnoun rootless, leafless plants living in water
bottom feedernoun lowlife
base person,bottom fish,hungry puppy,lowest common denominator,riffraff,scum,slopsucker
crudnoun filth
curnoun rotten, lowly animate being
black sheep,blackguard,bum,cad,coward,dog,good-for-nothing,heel,hound,ne'er-do-well,rat,riffraff,scoundrel,scum,skunk,snake,stinker,toad,villain,worm,wretch,yellow dog
dregsnoun bad person
loser,outcast,rabble,riffraff,scum,trash Brought up in Winchester in Scum country he grew up a Southampton fan and played for his boyhood club as a youngster.
他在一个叫温彻斯特的渣滓乡下长大,在那成为南安普顿的球迷,还成为了该队的青年队队员。 yeeyan

It’s only the bad food as keeps all that scum away.
只有恶劣的饮食才能把那些家伙挡在外边。 yeeyan

They had failed to win over the police, prosecutors and journalists, who observed that the scum bags were never sent to prison.
此外,警方、检察官和记者们都不支持这些司法程序,因为他们发现这些卑鄙无耻的家伙从未被判入狱。 ecocn

They were called“ enemies of the people, ” as well as swine, dogs, cockroaches, scum, vermin, filth, garbage, half animals, apes.
“人民公敌”、猪狗、蟑螂、人渣、寄生虫、垃圾、兽人、类人猿等一系列诬蔑被加到富农头上。 yeeyan

Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it!
主耶和华如此说,祸哉。 这流人血的城,就是长锈的锅。 ebigear

But don’t most freshwater turtles live their whole lives with algae and scum hanging from their shells?
但不是大多数的淡水龟一生都带着龟壳上的水藻和渣滓活吗? yeeyan

But pond scum won't eliminate the airlines' dependence on oil altogether.
但是绿藻不会完全消除航空公司对石油的依赖。 yeeyan

For men, hate is most often used with cynicism, scum, and racism.
对于男人,恨是最常用的冷嘲热讽,败类,和种族主义。 yeeyan

He drew Honor to a halt at the edge of the moat, a deep trench lined with stone, its green waters choked by scum.
他让“荣誉”停在护城河边,一条石墙围住了深深的沟壕,绿色的河水被浮渣阻塞。 cndkc

I gave one glance at the black scum on top of the water, and decided to go dirty for the day.
我瞥了一眼水面上漾着的那层发黑的泡沫,就打定主意这一天就脏着脸过了。 yeeyan

If his enemies fled abroad, his hired assassins found these“ scum” and killed them.
如果敌人逃至国外,他就雇佣刺客,追踪这些“败类”,了结其性命。 ecocn

Life on our planet is thought to have arisen out of apond- scum-like mix of chemicals.
在我们这个星球上,生命被认为是从绿藻样的化学混合物中发展起来的。 yeeyan

Mix it with salt as a great soap scum cleaner.
和盐混合可以制成很好的泡沫清洁剂。 hjenglish

Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart.
诱惑就是带来你心中污垢的导火索。 yeeyan

The survey indicated that the most popular methodology was a hybrid of Scum and XP.
调查结果表明将 Scrum和 XP混合使用是最流行的方法。 infoq

This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy.
这是海龙。那只在底部,蓝色的,是幼虫,尚未吞进酸,也尚未食用 棕绿色的海藻浮渣到体内提供能源。 hjenglish

This little spheroid sports thousands of tiny hairs around the outer edge of its body called cilia that propel it at lightning speeds through freshwater scum.
这个小小的球状体的身体外壳上有着上千条细小的发丝,叫做纤毛,推进它以闪电般的速度穿行于淡水泡沫中。 yeeyan

VIEWED from humanity's lofty heights, single-celled creatures are the scum of the earth.
从人类高超卓越的地位来看,单细胞生物就是地球上的卑贱者。 ecocn

You don’t want to go encouraging of them. They’re scum.
你不能鼓励他们好吃懒做,这可是些瘪三。 yeeyan




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