

单词 sculptured
释义 sculp·tured 英'skʌlptʃəd美'skʌlptʃərd ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵²⁰⁸¹BNC²⁵⁶¹³iWeb³³⁴¹⁴
cut into a desired shape;

graven images

sculptured representations

resembling sculpture;

her finely modeled features

rendered with…vivid sculptural effect

the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes' bodies

近义词 sculptural雕刻的graven雕刻铭记modeled形成模式的sculpturesque雕刻般的sculpted动词sculpt的过去式…
Finally, a new Configuration of NC graphic verification system of sculptured surface is presented.
最后提出一种新的复杂曲面 NC图形验证的体系结构。 cnki

Food garnishes, such as cut or sculptured tomatoes, Chinese white radishes, cucumbers, and so forth, may be used to add to the visual appeal of a dish.
还可以通过切花或雕刻西红柿、白萝卜和黄瓜等来增加菜肴在视觉上的吸引力。 xcnchinese

Aimed at internal defect ultrasonic inspection for sculptured surface parts, the paper presented a new nearly arc- length approach to path generation.
针对复杂曲面工件内部缺陷的超声检测,提出了一种新的近似等弧长超声检测轨迹生成算法。 dictall

As soon as the parametric representation of the sculptured surface is known, the NC machining path on it is determined for the nonspherical cutters.
只要已知被加工曲面的参数表达式,就可运用点涉法在该曲面上生成非球面刀的数控加工轨迹。 cnki

As you enter the Vatican Museums, you pass through large sculptured doors.
穿过巨大的雕刻门后,你便步入了梵蒂冈博物馆。 hjenglish

In the process of existing and developing, China who has thousands of years of history, has created splendid culture and sculptured excellent national spirits.
中华民族上下五千年,在求生存谋发展的进程中,创造了辉煌的文化,塑造了伟大的民族精神。 cnki

Left bare are spectacular gorges, rippled fields of sand dunes, clusters of boulder sculptured into fantastic shapes by100- mile-an- hour winds, and an aura of extraterrestrial desolation.
剩下的荒芜是壮观的峡谷,起伏的沙丘,被时速为100里的狂风雕刻成的形状各异的成簇巨石,和地球外孤寂的气息。 jeson923.blog.ipart.cn

Manicured grass lawns, statuary, fountains, sculptured hedges, and huge beds of gorgeous flowers, all in perfect bloom.
修剪得整齐的草坪,雕像,喷泉,休整的树篱,好大一床非常好看的花簇,都在鲜艳绽放。 yeeyan

NC machining path of sculptured surfaces in CAD/ CAM systems plays a key role in manufacture.
CAM系统中复杂曲面数控加工刀轨的计算能力在工业中有极其重要的作用。 cnki

One day as I walked into our living room, I happened to glance down on the floor next to our sofa where we had a sculptured replica of Sam that we had bought a few years before.
有一天我走进起居室,无意中朝沙发旁的地板看了一眼,那里摆着几年前买的山姆雕塑复制品。 hotdic

Rocks sculptured by erosion, richly tinted mudstone hills and canyons, luminous sand dunes, and lush oases populate Death Valley National Park.
在死亡谷国家公园里,有着腐蚀而成的岩石雕刻、富有着色泥岩的山丘和峡谷、发光的沙丘和郁郁葱葱的绿洲。 yeeyan

Tanned, gym- sculptured bodies, ivory colored sand and sunsets crying out for film are all part of the attraction.
日光浴、健身房里刻意锻炼出的完美身材、泛着象牙色泽的沙子以及适合电影镜头的美丽落日,这些都极具吸引力。 wjedu

The smooth sculptured-type is based on the logic of described a trajectory of two or more section points, curves and surfaces skinedalong profile curves.
这种光顺塑型法是基于由导引曲线逐一掠过空间中的两个或多个横向点、线和面所描述的轨迹。 cnki

They were distinguished by lavish use of serpentine lines, groups of sculptured allegorical figures, and multiple fountains and waterfalls.
其特点是大量运用蜿蜒的线条,寓言中的人物雕像,以及许多喷泉和瀑布。 blog.sina.com.cn

Twin Gripping Jaws The jaws have sculptured liners which give an excellent grip.
双人夹爪的下巴有衬里的雕塑给一个很好的抓地力。 canjiren

When water within the balloon begins to rise up, gradually it covers the “ jade wearing” sculptured out of soap which produces smog out if it.
气球里面的水位开始上涨,逐渐淹没用肥皂雕刻的“玉佩”,产生烟雾状的效果。 artintern

Sculptured thin film grown by glancing angle deposition technique is a new type of engineered columnar thin films with anisotropy.
倾斜沉积技术制备的雕塑薄膜是一种新型的、具有各向异性结构的薄膜材料。 cnki




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