

单词 sculptor
释义 sculp·tor 英ˈskʌlptə美ˈskʌlptɚAHDskŭlpʹtər

an artist who creates sculpturesa faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetussculpt-,雕刻,雕塑,-or,人。钱博士sculpt雕刻+or者⇒雕刻家
非常记忆sculpt雕刻〖熟词〗+or偶人〖拼音〗⇒雕刻家雕刻了一个偶人词根记忆sculpt雕刻+ or ⇒雕刻家GRE红宝书源于: sculpv 雕刻近义词 in在 … 里worker工人bronze青铜carver雕刻匠shaper整形器artist艺术家marble大理石whittler削木者sculptress女雕刻家woodcarver木雕艺人chiseller凿工骗子sculpturer雕刻家,雕塑家(=scu…

用作名词Thesculptorchipped away steadily at the stone.雕刻家不断地凿那块石头。
Thesculptorchiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.雕刻家把大理石块凿成优美的雕像。
He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming asculptor.他发挥艺术天才,成了雕刻家。noun.sculpture maker
同义词 artist,carverchiseler
engravernoun graver
artist,carver,cutter,etcher,lapidary,lithographer The man who most consider the greatest sculptor of the17th century, Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1598-1680, redesigned the square from1656 to1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII.
乔·劳伦佐·贝尼尼1598-1680 被公认为是17世纪最伟大的雕塑家。 在教皇亚历山大七世的授意下,贝尼尼于1656年至1667年间,重新设计了梵蒂冈教堂前的广场。 yeeyan

Willard Wigan, a British sculptor, has spent3 months painstakingly carving US President Obama and his family into the eye of a24- carat gold needle, according to the UK's Daily Mail.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国一位名叫威勒·维根的雕刻家最近花了3个月的时间,在一枚24克拉黄金针的针眼里刻出了美国总统奥巴马一家四口人的雕像。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As a sculptor and welder of large metal pieces, I was always invited to the unveilings, especially when a big company was involved as the sponsor or patron.
作为一名大件金属物品雕塑家兼电焊工,我总是会被要求去参加揭幕式,特别是当一家大公司成为赞助人或主顾的时候。 yeeyan

As a sculptor, he is particularly interested in the human form, distortion and exaggeration, and how these reveal emotional or physical situations.
作为一个雕塑家,他特别热衷于对人的形式变化,扭曲夸张以及这些如何揭示人的心理或生理的状况的。 yeeyan

He could sense the right place to hit so that the rock crust would cleave and reveal the coal, in the same way that a sculptor can sense exactly where to hammer a chisel into a stone.
他可以感觉到正确的敲击位置,这样岩石的外壳就会裂开显出煤矿,正如雕塑家可以精确知道在石头的什么位置而用凿子敲击一样。 ibm

He longed so much to be a sculptor he would steal limestone from abandoned buildings because he was too poor to buy his own materials.
他也完全归属于雕刻家,他经常从废弃的建筑物里偷取石灰石,因为他太穷,买不起这些材料。 ecocn

Many artworks, such as those by Piccinini and hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck, could easily be mistaken for a bizarre, seemingly mysterious phenomenon when seen out of context.
许多艺术作品,如皮奇尼尼和高度写实主义雕塑家罗恩·穆克的作品,在没有背景的情况下,很容易被误以为是怪诞的而神秘的现象。 yeeyan

One is Leonardo da Vinci, famous at MIT because he was a great inventor as well as a great artist and sculptor. And the other is Michelangelo.

Suddenly, as though he felt the young sculptor's keen glance, he opened his eyes.
忽然,仿佛感觉到了年轻雕塑家犀利的目光,他睁开了眼睛。 yeeyan

The first black woman to be recognised as a sculptor.
被承认的第一个黑人女性雕刻家。 yeeyan

The two reindeer swim closely, one behind one the other, and the sculptor has brilliantly exploited the tapering shape of the tusk.
这对游水中驯鹿紧紧相随,一前一后;而且雕塑家极巧妙地完全利用了象牙尾端逐渐变细的特点。 yeeyan

The granite sculpture is the work of Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin.
这座花岗石雕塑是中国雕塑家雷宜锌的作品。 www.voanews.com.cn

The gyms you go to are crowded with guys trying to look like men, as if being a man means looking the way a sculptor or an art director says.
你去的那个健身中心里挤满了希望看起来更男人的家伙,好像作为男人就应该像雕塑家或艺术家表述的那个样子。 yeeyan

The tears trickled slowly down his beard and dropped upon the sculptor's coat.
一串泪珠慢慢地顺着胡须流淌下来,滴落在雕塑家的衣服上。 yeeyan

There was a great demand for engravings of his portrait, and his head was being modelled by an admiring sculptor.
人们强烈要求要帮他做一个雕塑,一位有名的雕刻家正在把他的头像做成模型。 yeeyan

This is what the sculptor must do.
而雕塑家就必须做到这一点。 hjenglish

Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.
丹东并未就此罢休,借着夜色的掩护,他拖着一位困惑的雕刻家潜入墓地。 ecocn

We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.
我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。 ebigear

While Star Wars characters are depicted in colour on the reverse of the new coins, a traditional effigy of the Queen by the sculptor Raphael Maklouf dominates the obverse.
星战角色的彩照将被印在钱币的背面,正面依然是雕塑家拉斐尔•马克鲁夫笔下的传统女王肖像。 edu.sina.com.cn

Zhang Yaxi is a contemporary chinese sculptor.
张亚西是中国的当代雕刻家。 yeeyan




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