

单词 sculpting
释义 sculpt·ing 英skʌlpt美skʌlpt 高COCA⁴³⁸⁵²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb²⁰¹²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
create by shaping stone or wood or any other hard material;

sculpt a swan out of a block of ice

shape a material like stone or wood by whittling away at it;

She is sculpting the block of marble into an image of her husband

近义词 mold模式form形式carve雕刻shape形状mould形状grave坟墓chisel凿子fashion时尚sculpture雕塑

用作动词I've ever had time tosculpta bust of my father and to burnish it.我甚至花时候雕了一尊我父亲的半身像,并把它擦得锃亮。
If I'm trapped here. I could alwayssculpta statue out of this beam!如果我被困在这了,我可以常常用这个木梁刻雕像!用作名词Thesculptis so diaphanous.这雕刻品造型挺别致,有点意思。as in.art
同义词 design,paintingabstraction,carving,description,illustration,imitation,modeling,molding,portrayal,representation,shaping,simulation,symbolizationpictorialization,sketching
反义词 lack,scienceunskill
artnoun creation meant to communicate or appeal to senses or mind
abstraction,carving,description,design,illustration,imitation,modeling,molding,painting,pictorialization,portrayal,representation,shaping,simulationsketchingsymbolization He still works every day, moving in his doorless workshop from sculpting to drawing to writing on his Olivetti typewriter.
格拉斯依旧坚持每天工作,在他没有门的工作室里,从雕塑到绘画、到在好利获得牌 Olivetti打字机上写作。 yeeyan

The quality of the result is determined by a Craft sculpting check.
由手艺雕刻检定决定结果质量如何。 odyguild

To sum up, we can improve build efficiency and effectiveness through what might be called, in fitness terminology, a precision sculpting strategy.
总而言之,我们可以通过,在健康的术语里,可能被称为精确度塑造策略,来提高构建效率和有效性。 ibm

But after a week in a coma, he awoke with an uncontrollable urge to create and began writing poetry, painting the interior of his home, sculpting and carving.
然而令人叫绝的是,他在昏迷一周醒来之后,便产生了一种无法抑制的冲动,不停地作诗、绘画、雕刻甚至雕刻。 yeeyan

Dalton uses a razor blade, sewing needle, a sculpting knife, a steady hand and lots of patience to meticulously carve the graphite which can take anywhere between a few months to a few years.
过去的岁月中,无论何时何地, Dalton都在使用剃须刀片,绣花针,刻刀,一双巧手和难以想象的耐心一丝不苟地雕刻着铅笔的石墨尖端。 yeeyan

Fat removal from the stomach and waist ranked third, followed by liposuction of the legs. Nose sculpting came last among the top five most sought- after procedures for women.
在女性最想做的五种整形术中,腰腹抽脂名列第三,然后是腿部抽脂,塑鼻整形位居最后。 kekenet

For nearly five decades, Johnson and the art collector David Whitney lived in the47-acre grounds in New Canaan, CT, sculpting the landscape and adding new buildings.
近五十年来,约翰逊和艺术收藏家大卫·惠特尼一直居住在康星狄格州新迦南的一片47英亩的地方里,他们在此雕刻大地,创造出新的建筑。 yeeyan

In comparison with other kinds of art, sculpting has always been in an indistinct and dim state in the Chinese modern art world.
与其他艺术门类相比,雕塑在中国当代艺术中一直处于面目模糊语焉不详的境地。 hicoo

It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found.
它同样也解释了为什么很少发现 Kali的雕刻工具。 iciba

Its advantages are durability, adaptability to sculpting, and the fact that it can be used in its natural state.
其优点是耐久性,适合雕刻,以及可以在其自然状态下被使用。 chinafanyi.com

Long at the mercy of the monsoons, some Indian farmers are sculpting hillsides to capture runoff, enriching their land and lives.
一些印度农民在山腰开挖沟渠来截取表面径流,因为季风的长期恩惠,他们的土地与生活也变得富足起来。 yeeyan

Or writing a fantastic story, painting or sculpting.
或写一个不错的故事,绘画或雕像。 yeeyan

Painting, woodworking, sculpting, programming or blogging are all great starts.
绘画,做木工,雕刻,编程和写博客都是很好的开始。 yeeyan

Precision body sculpting refers to the ability to shape and define each and every area of the body so that it looks precisely the way you want it to look.
精确地身体塑造指的是造型及定义身体每个区域的能力,以便它看起来与您想要看起来的样子正好一致。 ibm

She was finally free to begin sculpting her authentic life.
她终于可以自由地开始雕塑自己真实的生活了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Start a precision sculpting routine for targeted, high- profile areas first.
首先开始对确定目标的鲜明区域的精确塑型例程。 ibm

The components of the Intel system, including the lasers, are made with the same silicon- sculpting methods used to construct computer chips in vast quantities.
英特尔系统的这些组件,包括激光器,都是使用和量产计算机集成电路同样的硅晶刻方式生产。 yeeyan

The resources below cover many example projects that cover the range of interfaces. From immersive3-D sculpting environments to crowd interaction and simple games.
下面的参考资料提到了许多示例项目,涉及许多界面类型,从浸入式的3D造型环境到丰富的交互和简单的游戏。 ibm

You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you.
你是你自己生活的米开朗琪罗。你所雕塑的大卫就是你自己。 blog.sina.com.cn

You can develop it through drawing, painting, sculpting, sharpening observation skills, solving mazes and other spatial tasks, and exercises in imagery and active imagination.
你可以通过画图、涂色、雕塑、使观察技巧敏锐、破解迷宫以及其他有关空间形象的任务来发展它,通过意向和积极的想象来练习它。 yeeyan

Sculpting her voice like clay, Mr Paul built layers of sound into one combination.
保罗先生正如一位雕刻巨匠重塑着玛丽的歌喉——把不同的音层融为一体。 ecocn




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